Not trying to be overly sensitive here, but perhaps we could rename this thread: The DARKEST day in American history". Just sayin...
I love when people make "factual" assertions that are completely incorrect or taken waaaay out of context. It is incorrect that 47% of the country pays "absolutely no taxes." They pay no income tax. Many of the people who pay no income tax still pay payroll taxes (SS and Medicare), as well as sales taxes, property taxes, and gas taxes, etc., which amounts to a marginal tax rate (based on gross income) that is higher than most of the people in the upper quintile. As for where the US imports its oil, take a look at the following chart showing where America gets its oil: So knowing that you were incorrect on these points, does your opinion change? Or - when presented with this new information - will you simply find new reasons to maintain the same point of view? Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to get back to destroying America.
i don't get the point of changing the title now. dude named it that to show his whole ass, not just to flash his andrew jackson tramp stamp
Haha, but at the same time, careful you know what Andrew Jackson and Barack Obama have in common?
yeah, well he was still a pussy who made native americans move and supported slavery. and at that time, doing those two things were not very rebellious or heroic.
Agreed. Although with the US death tool, you can't really blame Obama because Bush started both of those wars, one of which was based on faulty intel and pretty much bankrupted our country and put us in the economic position we are in. Instead of scrutinizing the intelligence, they sold it to congress hook, line and sinker and rushed us into an unprovoked war that cost countless lives (but greatly benefited the big oil & war contractors). And yes I count the casualties on the other side as well, despite many folks with their racist mentality that they aren't as important as American lives. Bush was a disaster, which is why I find it a complete joke that anybody would say Obama's reelection was somehow worse, when he hadn't really done any besides try to clean up Bush's mess and work on health care. I don't like him either but anybody claiming he's worse than Bush are doing nothing but catering to their political party affiliations and nothing more.
Agree with your basic point however you can be a pro USA jingoist, nationalist nut and still not be a racist. It's not racist to think American lives are worth more than Canadian lives if you happen to be American. It's crazy but it's not racist.
Obama has been president for 5-6 years now. At what point do outcomes become his responsibility instead of Bush's fault? Our president has made a lot of promises and a lot of decisions since taking office. Among those decisions was to continue many policies initiated during the Bush administration including our continued presence in Iraq and Afghanistan. Somehow I do not remember Obama the candidate letting us know what we could expect from Obama the president. The president is the most powerful man in the World. If Obamacare is his only achievement he is just not doing his job right.
Obamcare is a huge achievement. If we get anywhere close to universal coverage because of it, he have achieved a huge domestic legislative victory. He did get Osama and he did kill Kaddafi. He arguably got us out of the financial crisis and we have had pretty steady job growth.
Obamacare is bloated payoff to the health care industry (hospitals, insurance companies, etc.) and the previously uninsurable at the expense of everyone else. Despite lots of lofty rhetoric it is a deeply flawed piece of legislation. Osama and Kadaffi are dead no arguments there. Bush got Saddam but he doesn't seem to get the same level of praise Obama does. Economy and job market are as weak as kittens. Obama was dealt a weak hand but that does not let him off the hook. He took action to stimulate the economy now at the expense of increased debt to be paid in the future with little to show for it. We are no longer at the edge of the abyss but there is a lot more work to do on this one.
The deficit is shrinking and shrinking fast. It's the primary reason growth is to slow. Biggest culprit the Republicans. Second biggest culprit the Republicans. Bush spent a trillion dollars to get Saddam and turned Iraq into a place where Iran gets to run weapons to their terrorists friends in Syria and Lebanon through. He gets little credit because it was a complete cluster fuck. The entire point of Universal coverage is no one should be uninsurable. What's the point of health insurance if you get sick you're no longer insurable? The sytem was a fail before and it's going to be substantially better for a majority of citizens. It won't be perfect but many of the problems could be addressed if the Republicans were willing to make amendments to improve it rather then just wanting to repeal it. Lets face it, if it was really a disaster, the Republicans would be happy to let it go into effect. They are afraid this is going to kill them when a majority of the public sees the benefit. Universal coverage is a huge deal. It has to be fixed but it has to get started and the Republicans have to accept the concept before it can be fixed politically.