Anyone have any idea why the jets decided to go for multiple punt blocks and have no returner? We barely got close to punter. Also, can anyone but kyle wilson return punts please?
Probably because we don't trust Kyle Wilson and we have no one else except for Kerley. I liked going for the block at the end of the game, though.
After watching this team for so many years I can only think of a couple of worse special teams games (the 2 TD game by Miami comes to mind). Not having anybody to catch the punts on multiple occasions seemed idiotic. Also, the punting was terrible (I realized that the conditions weren't good) and then there was nobody near Edelmen when he caught the ball on most occasions. It was really sickening.
Completely agree. STs were embarrassing to watch tonight. I couldn't believe that fair catch Wilson made when there was nobody within 15 yards of him... Field position absolutely killed them in this game and ST was a huge part of that. They need to beg Westy to get his ass back here, this new guy is a mess.
It was some of the worst special teams play I've seen on the Jets in a long time. Bring back McKnight. Wilson was a disgrace and coverage was terrible.
I've never seen this before ever. And they did it more than one time. Even Kyle Wilson was surprised when he was told not to go back as a return guy. Rex said after the game that on a wet field and a rookie punter they were trying to block the punt. They didn't come close and didn't have good field position the entire game. On the other hand Edelman put NEP into good field position. Why not use Clyde Gates over Wilson. As another poster said we could have used McKnight last night. I hope this stops. It makes no sense Rex is just trying to be innovative and to me it was clueless. You can't let the punter control the game which is what happens if you have no return guy. Unbelievable.
Too bad I missed Westhoff on espn radio after the game, he must have lit up Kyle Wilson, who punt returns the way he plays corner, blindly
I especially liked the Pats last punt at the end of the game where it hit on the Jets 20 and rolled back up to the Jets 25 It was our best punt return of the night !!!
Rex said they were going all in to block punt in post game interview, I didn't have a problem with it because Wilson kept letting ball bounce anyway