Why are we the type of team that would try to hurt him? Do we have a dirty player on this team? I can't think of one that has that type of reputation. This is dumb.
More personal animus and the desperate need to say something controversial masquerading as "expert football analysis". The state of sports reporting these days is by a wide margin the lowest it has ever been.
I also heard that he talked about how he prepared against Sanchez with the Patriots even though he never actually played against him. Ty Law is the lowest form of turd.
My Jets could be the most hated franchise in sports. Why? It all seems like blind hate. Did I miss something? We are not worthy? One team, only. Only one, of the 32 nfl football teams was able to come up with the cash demands for Revis.
Same goes for Tebow. Who of the other 32 football teams want that scrub on their team? Answer: no one.
I'm not saying it's justified, but it seems like this hate started when Rex came on board & he started predicting Super Bowls. A lot of people I know didn't care for the Jets beforehand, but now they all hate them. They get dogged on the radio all the time to the point where it sounds very personal, I dunno. I think the exaggerations, and constant cheap shots from the media & "expert nfl analysts" are just idiotic.
As long as Revis doesn't run down the sidelines out of bounds on special teams he SHOULD be OK. But I ain't promising.
He actually said (egged on by Carton) they were told to be patient and Sanchez would give you the game I thought that sounded a little funny chronologically, but I didn't think anything of it then But you are right, he last played for the Broncos in 2009 and never played against Sanchez