"Official" Start Matt Simms thread

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Joeyd223, Aug 29, 2013.

  1. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    I'm sure it will be something like "Simms played a better game than he should have been able too. Kudos to him and if he can keep it up I'll happily eat some crow on the matter. I'm not going to eat that crow just yet because puking up crow is nasty."

    That was my take on Stephen Hill's big first game last year.

    Look, anybody with basic QBing skills can suddenly find it and become a good or even great QB. The odds on Geno Smith respectively are probably: coin flip on the first and maybe 20-1 on the second. The odds on Matt Smith are probably 10-1 on the first and 1000-1 on the second.

    That's just what it is.

    That's why the Jets would be laughing stocks if they started Simms over Brady Quinn, let alone Geno Smith.
  2. RuJFan

    RuJFan Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2012
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    And how this would be different with any other QB? More importantly, since when do you use media's opinion to justify what's best for your team? You didn't give this needy "love me" vibe before, maybe you should stay away from it now.
  3. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    That's pretty close to what it would be if Simms had a Sanchez-2009-worthy game.

    Odds are for suckers and the odds-makers that take advantage of them these days.

    Take off your calculator watch and pay attention to the football game.
  4. FlashGordon

    FlashGordon Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    It's not like I'm rooting against the kid, or saying he'll definitely fail if he gets a shot, I'm just not going to get excited over a performance in preseason game 4. That goes for anyone.

    Great arm strength, very good accuracy. Reads and decision-making? I have no idea because I haven't seen those qualities tested yet. 44 pass attempts in preseason game 4 told me nothing about those two qualities.

    With all that said, if Geno goes down or plays so poorly that he just has to get pulled, I certainly want Simms in there over Sanchez or Brady Quinn.
  5. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    I watched the Eagles game. Simms was ok but not all that impressive. He made a few good throws and a lot of safe ones. He got a bit lucky on a few throws that could have been disasters. He didn't make the kind of throws that left me thinking he was an NFL talent wasting away on the Jets bench.

    I'd trade ten of him for one Nick Foles caliber prospect and Foles isn't starting for the Eagles.

    Don't get me wrong, I think Cinderella stories are great but only a fool would have had his money on Cinderella at the start of the story. The smart money was on the wicked stepsisters. Then that damned fairy godmother showed up and the fix was in.
    #525 Br4d, Sep 5, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2013
  6. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    It isn't a matter of him giving credit when credit is due, it is that he is completely opposed to the idea that he may be good enough to play to begin with.

    Neither side is right, of course, without him playing and showing, and both sides are only guessing because of that. No need to be mortal enemies over it.
  7. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    I'm not completely opposed to the idea that he may be good enough to play to begin with. I make the odds at about 10-1 against the proposition. The Jets have better bets to make at this point.

    I'm opposed to the idea that the Jets should give a 10-1 shot the football before they have exhausted all their other bets and with Geno that would mean he's hurt basically.
  8. RIPJimLeonhard

    RIPJimLeonhard Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2012
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    I wouldn't want 53 Nick Foles, why would I want one?
  9. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    If Simms gets in and lights up the NFL I'll be glad to admit I was wrong about him. There would be nothing better than watching the Jets win a bunch of games over the next few years because they found a QB out of thin air.

    I can think of one team in NFL history that had that happen: the 1999 Rams.
  10. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    I really hope Geno has a break out game at some point..really do. Im guess Brad/sucks thinking is that Geno will be a very good qb. Or Sanchez will rebound off 52...52 turnovers the past 2 years.

    I guess we are just loaded at qb to even give Simms a shot. We are set. Seems like those that give Simims no shot are completely comfortable with Geno.

    Brad mentions that Simms had "a few nice throws against the Eagles". I still have not seen a good throw by Geno but Im really am rooting for him.

    And this bullshit about who did Simms play against. He played against the same guys that Geno and Sanchez played against when they didnt start the preseason game no? I mean am I missing something here?

    What is this bullshit about who the guy played against..cant the same argument be made about who he played with? Simms goes 33 for 44 and Sanchez gets his ass kicked against the same crap talent no?

    And most importantly, is it not the sign of a qb when he makes guys like Rogers...Campbell....Madu...and Rueland have career games? Now is it because these guys...perhaps only 1 will play in the NFL this year..these guys had great games because a qb made them much better than they are?

    Isnt that what qbs are judged on?

    This absolute bullshit about who he played against...he played against the same guys that Geno and Sanchez spent time playing against during the preseason.

    Again...the chances that Simms will be a good..not great..but good nfl qb are slim...I get it...its just that we are so loaded at qb we will never know.
  11. FlashGordon

    FlashGordon Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    It's not bullshit. Simms only played against backups and non-NFL talent. Simms had 59 pass attempts against backups or worse. Geno had 11. Sanchez had 7. McElroy had 19 and I'm not sure anyone even remembers that he played this year. Their performances:

    Sanchez 6-7 42 yds
    Geno 10-11 107 yds
    McElroni 11-19 145 and a TD

    Feel free to get worked up over Simms tearing it up, but don't imagine that it was against similar competition.
  12. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    You are going to compare Simms performance agianst 2nd and 3rd string guys compared to Geno and Sanchez? Those numbers mean as much crap as the way you guys dismiss Simms number against them. And Im just curious..where did you get Genos numbers of 10 for 11. I just dont remember Geno going on that kind of run.

    So lets say its true...lets say those numbers you posted are correct...what did you see by Sanchez and Geno against 1st teamers to make is seem you are so sure they will do very good in the regular season.

    And it is bullshit..because as I stated the chances of Simms being a good qb in the NFL are slim. You are reading that right? What are the chances that Sanchez and his 52 turnovers the past 2 years will still be a very good qb..or that Geno will be a very good qb in the NFL.

    The point Im not getting against those that think its that far fetched is that some of you seem to be very impressed by the other 2 qbs this preseason.

    I would think you agree that there is less than a 20 percent chance that Sanchez will be on the roster next year..correct? So if thats the case and its kind of a rebuilding year, why would Sanchez even enter the equation as a long term solution?

    So now we are left with Geno and the scumbag Simms. So its Geno right now...like I said Im rooting for him. I saw nothing yet that he is near ready for the NFL and I hope Im wrong.

    I did see a kid play agianst flag football players throw the ball much better than the other guys.

    and you missed one guy against 2nd teamers
    Sanchez 6-7 42 yds
    Geno 10-11 107 yds
    McElroni 11-19 145 and a TD
    Simms 44-60 for 485 yards.
    #532 jaywayne12, Sep 5, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2013
  13. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    and for the record, I have no problem at all going with Geno to start this game...or start the season..none. What Im totally against is giivng Sanchez any wasted snaps at all...I do not want one wasted snap his way this year...none. Under no circumstances with his price tag next year will he be a Jet. None.

    So if Geno falters early...and this team is in danger of going 0-4 or something like that...you guys are that stubborn about this that MAYBE you might have a gunslinger who MIGHT be a decent of above qb?

    You guys are that positive that Simms sucks? Are you guys saying that Simms 100 percent sucks? 100 percent?

    Brad/sucks...help me out here...100 percent? Do any of you want to waste any snaps on a qb that will not be a Jet next year?
  14. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    I agree completely.
  15. Jets Esq.

    Jets Esq. Guest

    I think that if Geno is really struggling, in order to try to salvage the season Rex would want to go to Sanchez if he's healthy, or Simms. Rex doesn't want to have a 4-12 season and get fired, so he'll play whatever QB he thinks will give him the best chance to win now.

    Nobody can really know whether Simms will be good or not, but personally I would go with him in Week 2 if Smith has a horrible game against Tampa. Then in Week 3 you go with whichever of Smith or Simms did less badly, and then by Week 4 Mark should be healthy enough to play, and if we're 0-3 by that point with both Simms and Smith being terrible, only then would I go with Sanchez.

    If Smith is just medium-bad, we'll probably roll with him and Rex will hope that he'll be a fast learner and improve significantly throughout the season. If Smith throws 2 - 3 interceptions in the first half against Tampa, I would pull him and start Simms in the second half, and hope that Simms can rise to the occasion. Yeah, it's desperate, but I think it's better to be desperate early in the season when you aren't sure about the QB situation, rather than wait 5 or 6 weeks when it's probably too late.

    But, ideally, Smith will play well enough to where he doesn't hold the team down. He doesn't have to put the team on his back (and should not try), he just needs to be able to limit his mistakes and make whatever plays defenses give him, and then rely on the defense and Rex's schemes to carry the team.

    I do feel like there's something pretty special about Simms though, and I could imagine him being this gunslinger who came out of nowhere, this underdog that was mostly written off by colleges and NFL teams, coming in and leading the underdog Jets to a resurgent new era.

    I know that that's just what I want to happen, and that that probably isn't too realistic or likely to happen in real life...
  16. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    The bolded part.

    So if many here who want nothing to do with Simms and think we are being foolish or saw something in those games that really didnt happena...but still kind of admit there were some special passes he threw....I mean lets face it...even the most negative posters..what did brad/sucks call him....a college scrub?...even the most negative posters have seen a few things they kind of thought were special.

    So here we are...the NY Jets. Some want to find out if Geno has any potential because next year is a draft that is qb strong...so we are in panic mode to find out if we have anything in Geno. We know that Mark 52 turnovers Sanchez is pretty much all about although some want to see what Mark would do with a real O.C. So what do we do?

    How do we find out if what Simms did is really because he played against 3rd teamers on defense..and he had hall of famers as receivers. How do we find out if it was just bullshit...like so many think...the same people that think that have admitted there were things they liked.

    How do you find about Simms? Next preseason? I would think that Patriots...the Colts...the Packers...the 49ers...the Seahawks..Broncos..Giants.....etc..they can afford to make a mistake on a backup scrub.

    Are the Jets really in that position because so many of you are positive Geno is the future? I mean by dismissing Simms, arent many of you saying you are pretty positive Geno is the future.

    Not one of you who thinks Simms is a piece of shit....scrub..who played kind of well...are willing to see what he can do with the 1's?
    #536 jaywayne12, Sep 6, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2013
  17. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Come on my friend Brad...please tell me what odds Geno has of being a good nfl qb.

    So its Simms 10 to1
    Sanchez: I think we might have seen enough

    Geno:? What are his odds?
  18. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    hey flash...I just wanted to say sorry..didnt mean to sound like an arrogant asshole. I just read your post thought here is another just totally dismissing what the kid did.

    I read back a few pages and saw where you thought he looked pretty good with his arm. My bad for not studying where you are coming from.

    My annoyance is with the complete dismissal of the passes this kid threw.

    Again...sorry for the tone.
  19. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    You have to realize the Jets have an injured QB who took the Jets to 2 AFC Finals in a row ready to come back in a game or two. A terrific proven NFL starter in Mark Sanchez. We also have a proven best QB in the draft who was only passed over by every team in the league including the Bills and the Jets twice. You have to totally discount the fact that he wasn't the first QB taken in the draft because the team that drafted someone else ahead of us is clearly delusional.

    Starting an unproven Matt Simms just because he has the best release, arm and has looked good against 3rd stringers is a huge unnecessary risk for a team that's essentially in terrific shape at the QB position. The Jets are the envy of every AFC East team that carries a NY logo when it comes to their QB situation.
  20. Acad23

    Acad23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    ...and don't forget we have Brady Quinn.

    He's posed shirtless on more magazine covers than even Mark Sanchez!*

    * I don't have the stats for that. They're just fantasy numbers anyway.

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