you don't think there are more powerful people behind any president pulling the strings. I am a firm Bilderberg believer Ok,just what the fuck is this shit? Anyone else see this?
It's all about that natural gas pipeline. If Qatar gets to build that through Syria and gets it to Europe, Russia has nothing to offer Europe... No wonder Russia is really up in arms about this Syria situation...
And here is the bullshit the US needs to justify attacking Iran. Somehow I don't believe a word of this. Somebody wake me up and tell me what fucking world we live in where I am siding with the fucking Ayatollah and Putin that we should not attack Syria.
The Soviet Union fell because there economy fell apart while fighting a major war against a US Client State. We armed the Taliban and Al Qaeda in Afghanistan and they ground the Soviet empire while their economy fell apart. We were the masters of using client states. We set up dictatorships all over the world and financed their armies as client states. We were better at it than the Russians and our free market economy was better at producing the goods and services and over all wealth to finance it. War mongering like appeasement is a very dangerous game.
We aided the Afghans, they werent a client state, there is a subtle difference,... There are some in the historical community that believe we helped entice the Soviets into the country, for the purpose of distraction.
No, thats the predictable warning....we wont go to war with Iran. See above. Removing Syria, and Hezbollah, will give Iran enogh to worry about with the Israelis free to turn their attention to Irans quest for nukes. And if you side with those assholes acquiring nuclear weapons, you need to have your head examined. If Iran develops warheads, thatgives BOTH NorthKorea, and Oran plausable deniability should a nuke go off in NY or DC. They blame each other and we try to ferret out the who. Syria nees to go. Iran cant attack Israel without fear of massive us retaliation, however the Russians, can aid Iran to a limited point, because no one in the world thinks Iran going nuclear is a good thing.
Anyone who read my posts yesterday. I said it first. Thats what Russia doesnt want, israel being able to thwart Iran. Remove Syria, and by extension Hezbollah, Iran os fucked.
The problem is by removing Syria and Hezbollah you put chemical weapons and lots of them in the hands of al Qaeda. Pick your poison. Syria then becomes an Islamist State because we know who wins the powere struggle within the rebel factions. Not the good guys who want democracy.
Mexico, have drug lords moving back and forth across our borders. Leave this shit hole region of the world. They will still trade oil with us, no doubt. Let the Europeans handle their neighbors. We just keep digging a hole over there; and it grows deeper and deeper with every penney, second and thought wasted on it. Fuck all their US propped up governing bodies. Let them beg their European neighbors for aid.
Can't make this $hit up: U.S. Senate files motion for procedural vote, and is expected to give 9/11 victims' families and first responders the proverbial middle-finger by voting on a resolution whether to support al-Qaeda in Syria on... September 11th, 2013. This is beyond f*cked up, a disgrace to our country. Throw these bastards out of office. Wow John McCain is a P.O.S.
No, you squash the bug you see first. Then, you aid the sode you want to prevail. If another bug surfaces.,,you squash it. Squashing the first bug generally will get others to get right. After Hussein fell, Qaddaffi couldnt get Bush on the phone fast enough.... North Korea is crazier than a shithouse rat, you dont see nukes showing up in cargo containers. The element of justified total annhilation, is a calculation even the islamists make. Right now theres no country called Al Quedia....if there was...their political calculus would be like any other. Thats why keeping Iran from going Nuclear is important. You cant have plausable deniability in two rogue nations.
If I was at home with a keyboard, this would be more thorough. There are several games being played out at once here. We have already talked through the Syria-> hezbollah part. What you have playing out domestically (and FWIW, the Republicans should be condemned for it) is political. clinton,kerry,and obama, all cried(falsely) Bush Lied, and now those three are at the center of another necessary intervention. The Republicans should be pointing out their Hawkish approachesduring theClinton Regime, their Lies duringBush, and their second 180. Instead they are sticking it back, because Obama was dumb enough to consult Congress before shooting. (and politics should cease at the waters edge. The Dems were wrong for doing it, and the Republicans are wrong for doing it.) The media OTOH, is also sticking it to the Administration, by playing up stories about the Rebels.mostly because they are leftist pussies, uniformly.,.who prefer ro ignore these particular problems, until they swim up and bite them in The ass, like 9/11. The Bush administration handled those conflicting issues exceptionally adroitly. Because they werent full of hubris. This bunch thinks they are the smartest and the bestest, and so they are getting fucked on all fronts. Instead of manipulating them, they have come ro expect the asskissing theyve been getting, But, they forgot the one simple news maxim. If it bleeds, it leads,