That's another WWE storyline. The US put guys of Putin's ilk in power during the birth of the USSR and allowed Putin to take power after the "fall" of the Soviet Union. The US has been moving toward a centrist socialist state while Russia has been moving to meet them in the middle. The countries you are supposed to think are the biggest threat to the good old USA have been in league with them for a century. China is no different. Spies gave them their technology, right? Nevermind the fact that the father of the Chinese space program was a US scientist that debriefed Werner von Braun for Operation Paperclip.
It's not about Syria, never has been, never will be. It's about jumping when the Saudi's say jump. Russia has no influence anywhere in the world other than Syria and Iran. Neither of whom are playing nice with the House of Saud.
Well, Barry..,,thats really the thing. The last thing Putin wants, is to make Barry looke like an effete faggot. Because the next President, will be Bush on Steroids. Putin, it would seem should realixze that, somehow he seems not to. The Next President, will be aboe to paint Obama as an appeaser, and point out that its a loser strategy. Putins best bet was to lick spittle Obama, to prejudice future public opinion agains Hawks.
No. Syria, is a proxy, for Russia, via Iran, thru Syria to twist the US's balls via Israel, using Hezbollah. Ending Assad, and then Hezbollah, fulfills Thoreaus maxim, to "simplify" When Israel, has no need to worry about Rockets from Hezbollah, iran is Isolated. Russia, cannot openly back Iran they can attempt to shield them from the US.(as they are doing with Syria now) Not so much from Israel. The UN openly hates Israel. But they also hate nuclear proliferation. All that needs to happen, is remove those two layers from the equation.
Iran will not get involved. Fcol, open a fucking map. Thats WHY WE CHOSE IRAQ. Its in the middle. Iran is not travelling armies down hiway 10/11, intp Syria, because the US will annhilate theor troops, under oretext of preserving our investment, and Israel will reveal their dirty little secret, They have the bomb. Thos wouldnt be industrial war on a grand scale. It would last two weeks, maximum. The US would obliterate hiway 10, and hence the ability to move troops, then Damascus, as the strike on 10 would tell Syrians to GTFO of Damascus, Israel, would then launch massive strikes on Iranian infrastructure and their Nuke program, be honest..,they are already looking for a pretext. Russia, and China will run to the UN seeking condemnation that they wont get....but they dont have the firepower to do anything about it, The simple flaw in communist philosophy that we dont share, with the exception of Israel, is we dont use client states. Thats always been the simple perfection of containment. We always fight them on their ground. No foreign entanglements.
Its actually amazing we manage to run a country with people less educated in Policy, than thise that carried muskets. Paine,Franklin et al...carried a case to Citizens, and.., the World. And now most people cant tell you how the Cold War was engineered, what Soviet and Chinese aims are, exen when a Red hand is slapping them in the face,
Thats why we have the issues we have. Hey, Syria sits on one end of the Suez Canal, and Somalia, the other. But hey, you can afford 3.50 for gas so who gives a fuck. But...people have to live iin Those shitholes..fuck them too, I suppose.
World wars happen when the great powers get drawn into conflict over regional issues. It would be absolutely horrific if one started over a civil war. Caveat drawn from history: would it have been ok to stand by if the Nazi's did a limited version of The Holocaust in which no borders were crossed but all the German extermination camps were set in motion?
Was thinking about this very point the other day. I give the Russians better than even chances at winning the proxy engagement because they have so few other active interests to game out and manage. They've got more resources on this issue and this issue alone. Being focused is a significant benefit in any encounter.
No, a tually, this president jas made clear that he he thinks he has unilateral authority. Until making a Just decision may impede on his future speech earnings. Which is why he is ar Congress. In matters of the Use of Force, the President does have unilateral authority to act, and almost ever Presodent in the last half century has done so, at various intervals.
Are you really responding to laughter with a political opinion? Hobbes. Respond to this one: BAHAHAahaja Ahahahhaha bwaaaaaaahaha What do you think?
Few? We We can overthrow Assad, rid Israel of Hezbolloh. Our only client is Israel. Once they arent worried about Rockets from Hezbollah, they will turn their attentions to Iran. Russia, has no hope pf winningthe proxy, because he has also mismanaged the PR game. Its amusing for him to humiliate Obama the lightweight. Except... The next President will have free reign to be bellicose, because he will hold up Obamas humiliation by Putin as indicia of Putins intransigience.
No. I am responding to unseriousness, at a serious situation. It was an insult...but as Dierking said, people drink during football season..lelse you might have gotten that. Sorry for the lack of mirth, but history has few turning points...this is one. Libya was not. Egypt was not. Syria is syrious. Here is what follows. Obama lobs a few cruise missles..and Kerry declares we will have "peace in Our time" How did that work out!
hobbies, where have you been hiding? i didnt realize you were in here the last few days talking politics.
Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Turkey, Bahrain, Oman, Jordan, Yemen (amazingly so), etc. The US has many clients in the Middle East at this point. I left out Egypt and Iraq for obvious reasons but the US spends at least as many resources on managing Egypt and Iraq as any of the others listed. Just Israel is the viewpoint of a child.