Yahoo Sport: Former Jets RB LaDainian Tomlinson sees no future for Mark Sanchez as a

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by mezzavo, Sep 3, 2013.

  1. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Even Boomer Esiason admitted that on the air.
  2. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    All these brilliant people want to move away from Sanchez with no viable alternative. Geno got made to look the fool against a vanilla Giants defense. He looks like he has potential but does not seem ready.

    So the question is are the Jets throwing away the season or doing what gives them the best chance to win? If it is the first Geno will play and the Jets will live through the rookie ups and downs. If not Sanchez will play when healthy.

    Maybe Geno just had a bad game but for the Jets to win with Geno (Like most rookies)they will have to ground and pound is MM the coordinator to ground and pound and do they Jets have the personnel?

    Sanchez will not only be a starter again in this league he will start this season.
  3. mute

    mute Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2010
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    People forget Sanchez is still young and technically still learning. Hes played little football in college while these rookies that are coming in played 4 yrs of college football and are already more equip more than him when he first started out in the NFL.

    We all know how poorly managed hes been. I ignore year 1 and 2 because to me he was still a rookie learning the game. Year 3 he was suppose to be let loose, failed I think mainly because hes weapons were taken away from him (still dont know why many are still shocked at the failures of that entire season. Total Offseason F'ups). Last year the team was overall shitty, especially the offense. Poor OC, WRS, RBS, decision making on Sanchez part forcing balls in.

    This year based on preseason with the new play calling WRs getting open, improving, Sanchez hitting effective SCREEN PASSES, hitting plays in stride, it looked as if Sanchez would of had his best year yet. Yes, that int to the linemen was stupid, but outside of that he played good and I can only assume he would of been better as the season went on if allowed to continue to play.

    Right now, no, there's no starting QB job for him because I cant think of a team who right now who will give him a starting role elsewhere.

    What I do think is that a team will gamble on him, improve him, and he'll get a starting job again in a year or two from now.

    Sanchez is not an overall scrub as so many paint him here to be.
  4. The 1985er

    The 1985er Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Sanchez has 4 years of NFL experience. Enough with the college excuse. Like someone else said I'd rather see the rookie out there making rookie mistakes instead of the 5th year vet. And I couldn't agree more. I trust the coaching staff to game plan around Geno and make things as easy on him as possible.
  5. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    b/c it would have been impossible, guys like Brady or peyton would have won another game or 2 but those guys aren't available every day. He was in a no win situation a year ago, our healthy talent was the worst I have seen since the 1995 season.

    except for the little fact that it is true. he had no weapons a year ago and he developed bad habits from it.
  6. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I took a deep breath and was getting ready for this long post.........I just do not have it in me when talking about the Jets QB situation. I really can't believe it has gotten this bad. Yes I can....

    I can't believe that we are arguing over Mark Sanchez, a questionable rookie and a supposed 1st year diamond in the rough...that we even HAVE to debate it. I sure am glad we are NOT Jacksonville...I would pull my face right off.

    I take what LT says heavily. This is not a fly by night RB. This is a guaranteed FHoF speaking. Maybe he's seeing something in the locker room...I'm sure he had the ear of other teammates etc...I'm fairly certain, beyond the product on the field, that he has insight to other things as well. Not that the product on the field was all that great either.

    I really HATE when I read people say Mark lead us to the AFCCG 2 times. No he didn't...he won one or two games but overall he managed to not lose games while our defense and running game lead us. Pure and simple. To ignore that is to REALLY admit you are in fantasy land.
  7. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    '09 the was true not 2010. With the ten wins we had that year marked played above average in most of them and then played even better in the playoffs. He looked very good for a second year QB. The losses however he was pretty bad.

    I would say he lead us in 2010 in 2009 he was along for the ride. The problem was he and the coaching staff thought that he had arrived and we all know what happened in 2011 (WFH). Not sure what you can say about last year except what a fucking mess.
  8. JetsVilma28

    JetsVilma28 Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2005
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    The death of Mark Sanchez (as a quarterback):

    1) Severe lack of focus (banging models, eating hot dogs, wiping buggers) There was a time when they called this kid a "gym rat" that would never leave the weight room or classroom. Somewhere, Mark lost sight of that. Maybe it was the lack of competition or the constant love from Rex Ryan. Who knows, but his professionalism and focus got worse over his 4 years as a starter.

    2) Over coached- Great quarterbacks take the reigns eventually. They make decisions on the field. They identify key match ups before the snap of the football and call a play that exploits it. Schotty kept Sanchez decision making on a short leash, Sparano was a clown.

    3) Under aided- The offensive talent around this kid since the 2010 season has been straight doo doo garbage. Tanny B-L-O-W-S. Sanchez has taken a fair share of brutal hits. Definitely some major shell shocks and confidence shakers. The offensive line was putrid 2011 and 2012. The running game has been poor since the loss of LT. The offensive coaching, awful.

    I truly believe the running game and his lack of focus are the two largest factors for his cause of death. Flacco, earned $100mil dollar contract and Super Bowl ring because of a defense, running game and ability to carry out play action bootleg and chuck one down the sidelines or over the middle. We had this model in 2009 and slowly but surely and effectively killed if following the 2010 season. Why? Because of idiot Jets fans and idiots in our organization that have to have a sexy passing attack even when you already have a dominating running game. FUCK! :breakdance:
  9. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    who cares that he is a future HOFer? he's hated in SD for saying crap about players when he left, he's a pass the buck type of guy. this is his excuse for not winning the SB w/ the Jets not him not being able to score at the GL in Pitt.

    mark was a BIG part of those 2 title game teams, no he didn't play as big of a role as Brady does w/ NE or some other QBs but he was HUGE for us. W/o him we don't make 2 title games, we beat better teams w/ better QBs along the way and he was a major reason why. Not THE reason why but a major reason why and it is so disappointing to see our fans crap on him like he's Kyle Mackey.
  10. chris5533

    chris5533 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2003
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    What he saying is correct. But I personally disagree because I the the orginization is as much responsible for his downfall as sanchez is. It seems to me,like were right back to the pre parcells era. If your old enough to remember that time, we werea constant laughing stock, with no consitancy to anything we did, and would flucuate up and down between 4/12 and8/8. Yes 8/8 was a miracle season. Lol

    I see sanchez getting released end of the year,spending time as a back up somewhere. Eventually getting another shot in a couple years. Whathe does with that chance will be on him.

    While he's been bad, do not overlook how awful the jets have handled him. Geno smith will go the exact same way.
  11. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    All of this is highly debatable....we'll just have to agree to disagree...

    I WILL say this, however...outside the two boneheaded plays in preseason I think Sanchez would have been the guy for this year. Marty would have been able to utilize him properly. Having said that, the injury was timely.......for Geno. Sadly, now that he is starting, Mark is done unless Geno really really shits the bed or gets hurt...unless he gets hurt early and Simms has to start. If that happens I think they both are in trouble because I firmly believe Simms unseats them both given the chance. But that's just MHO.
  12. AarontheJet

    AarontheJet Active Member

    Jul 30, 2011
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    The biggest reason why Sanchez will NEVER change is that he cannot adjust to being pressured. If he doesn't become so panicked when pressure is coming, we're looking at a QB who would not only be a franchise QB but one with a significantly decreased total of turnovers. The game hasn't slowed down for him in 4 years, that's a pretty bad sign. Even with the total lack of talent around him some of the turnovers he gave up are totally unexcusable.

    Don't get me wrong, I think he's a good guy and that he did pretty good his first 2 and a half years, but when you regress the way he did and then repeat the same mistakes over and over again there's not much room for improvement.
  13. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    as much as I like mark and still think he can play I just want to win so I want Geno to do well and if he does mark will never play for us again.
  14. reisb4

    reisb4 New Member

    Jul 15, 2013
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    I prefer Sanchez. My brother, a WVU grad who loves Geno, says he is screwed by going to the Jets. Said he cannot handle the negative criticism he will get from the NYC market. Sound familiar?
  15. Testaverde

    Testaverde Active Member

    Dec 9, 2011
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    What crap did he say about former teammates in SD? Which teammates? I honestly don't remember.

    You really believe his assessment of Sanchez is an excuse for not converting a 4th and 1 in Pitt? :lol: What is Mark's excuse for throwing 2 incompletions on 2nd and 3rd down to put them in that spot?
  16. chris5533

    chris5533 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2003
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    I would be suprised if geno does well. I didn't understand the pick at the time. The more you listen to people discuss his game, the more I feel he was picked just to satisfy the fan base. I don't think the orginization sees geno smith as the long term anwser. I hope that I'm wrong and he's amazing. I just don't see it.
  17. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I made a comment in another thread about this. How is this kid going to handle the adversity, that isn't the game? The asshole NY Media hasn't REALLY gotten on this kid yet. He hasn't had to address the media after a 3 turnover game...when it counts. He hasn't been in MetLife Stadium with the boos raining down and the chants of "we want Simms." Those are things that have yet to happen...but most likely will at some point this season.

    It concerns me that your brother, who appears to know of him a little, feels that he is thin skinned. There have been far greater talents in this league that have failed because they couldn't handle the heat.......outside the kitchen.
  18. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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  19. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    They may only see him as a dirt cheap option to get rid of Sanchez and that is all he needs to be now. If the team is anywhere near as bad as the pundits say and nobody really believes then they can always get another top pick QB next year if Smith doesn't work out.
  20. JetsVilma28

    JetsVilma28 Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2005
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    He use to scramble out of the pocket and make plays. Either he was coached out of doing this or he is now afraid of being hit.

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