God did not 'ask permission' to take a day off, and I doubt Rex Ryan did either. Rex is God. Rex told Idzik to clean the place up and turn the lights out on his way out.
The Jets are to blame for taking away Rex's power & expression yet Rex shouldn't be allowed to go see his son play his first ever college FB game on National TV(At his only opportunity this season)? Try figuring THAT media logic out w/o them seeming idiotic at best.
I bet if Rex didn't go, the media would make another story about how Rex lost his balls and he can't go anywhere and have fun because Idzik has him in handcuffs!
Could you imagine the story if Rex didn't go? I'll give it a shot: "As he looked up to his stands during his game, his father wasn't there. His father won't be there all season. Why you ask? His father is still is father, but his father is the head of the circus called the New York Jets. Here's a man who has been thrown under the bus by the media, sticking with the team on an off saturday instead of watching his son play football. It's a crime when people forget family comes first, and it's a crime Rex just committed". Yeah it's a non story and silly to write about. Especially if the reporter reached out to his sources and found out both Idzik and Woody said go ahead and watch your son. And reached out to the NFL sources and realized many coaches were doing this. I'm glad everyone realizes this a non story, even most media members.
Manish Mehta is like an internet troll. He posts some random, inflammatory tripe in Twitter or into an article, sits back, and watches the posts pile up. But instead of posts, it's people clicking his article or following him on Twitter and putting money in his pocket each time.
Rex has made some poor decisions; but this isn't one of them. Going to watch his son play was a perfectly reasonable thing to do. Unfortunately, his son is buried deeper on Clemson's depth chart than Sanchez is about to be on ours.
Cimini posted it multiple times too, including "I can see both sides". GFY, Rich. They should both be shot into space. It's not like we had a game that day, or later that week. This is such a bullshit trolling non-story. Any player that needed a hug from the coach after getting cut, I now don't want on the team for TWO reasons. GTFOH.
Rex got permission from the team to do this, end of frigging story. Especially after seeing this tweet: Chris Mortensen @mortreport 13h Rex Ryan going to son's college game at Clemson? Good for him. He was not only HC who did that on Saturday.
This has Idzik written all over it. Rex has less and less say over personnel decisions (thank God) and he's being phased out so why not go to a meaningless college game where he knows his son has zero chance of seeing the field. It'll be interesting to see who's axed from the Jets first...Rex or his lover Sanchez.
This is such a non-story that it actually pains me to know someone wasted 20 minutes of their life writing it as a factor. This is total TMZ quality stuff right here. Whats the issue? So Rex didnt say goodbye to a bunch of players that wont be on the team anymore? I mean a bunch of them were brought back for the PS anyway. Why does Rex even have to defend himself? He doesnt.
Rex suddenly being named father of the year for partying at Clemson all day is pretty funny. It's more him being phased out than actually wanting to go watch his son stand on the sideline. NFL coaches dont leave during cutdown day to tailgate, unless they have zero say in the process.
They cut most of the players on Friday but didn't announce them until Saturday. And apparently you don't understand what it is like to be a parent. Parents would watch their kids sit on the sidelines all 13 games if they had the chance.
The truth hurts, it's ok. Your boy Rex will be gone at the end of the season so he might as well enjoy a good college game. It's not like he's an NFL head coach or anything :grin:
Errr. Is this about Rex Ryan or your relationship with your father? It's been reported multiple times that cuts were made on Friday, the day before they were reported. Do you have evidence of Rex "partying all day at Clemson" or are you just talking out of your ass? And, no, a picture of Rex holding a beer ids not an indictment, just as a picture of Nick Mangold holding a beer in London last year wasn't an indictment of him ditching TC to party all weekend in London while his sister was competing. I'm sorry your father neglected you.
Nonsense, absolute uninformed nonsense. He absolutely knew and had a very strong input on each cut, which was completed on Friday, the day before he attended his sons game. Good for him. People that think cuts were made in a vacuum by Idzick are clueless.