Was this article written by a Ryan family member? Rex made his own bed with his inability to realize his weakness and put the right coaches in place to help him transition into a true HC. Sparano's hiring was the biggest disaster this coach made,along with his blindness to the importance of continuity on offense for a young QB. He never realized that you need playmakers on all 3 sides of the ball and not just on defense. Rex should have hired a Mornhingwig type coach once Schotty was shown the door. His assessment to become "more involved in the offense" was assine. How is involving yourself more in an area you know nothing bout, nor care too going to benefit the team? I've said this from the day Tannenbaum was fired, Rex should have driven off with him. He's not head coch material. Now i'm going to get a damn snack!
It's really crazy. My only thought is this league is turning into the WWF and the NFL wants the Jets to be the bad guy everyone hates. Yahoo is by far the worst. Everyday there is at least 1 article about Sanchez, Rex or something negative concerning the Jets. Some days there are 3-5 articles. It's crazy.
Tell me it isn't so. Have we actually found a sports writer worse than Metha. I don't disagree that the owner didn't do Ryan any favors, but to insinuate for him to quick in cowardly fashion is a sign of how sick and pathetic the media is. Not to mention that if that happened the media would absolutely crucify Rex.
Bahaha, I couldn't read past the first few sentences. Really? Why aren't they writing articles about the Jets having the #2 passing game in the preseason? Isn't that a bit better than expected? Terrible.
Sports is entertainment, and it's advertised that way. The media's job is to create scapegoats, and that usually falls under the responsibility of players or coaches. Their job is to protect owners, and keep the fans under the illusion that changes at the mid-level will change the franchise. Even though it never does. The teams that consistently win have a consistent philosophy on doing things. I have no idea what Woody's philosophy is, but his track record doesn't look good.
Well, to be fair, one of the QBs who contributed most to those statistics is likely never to play in a regular season game. I think the doom and gloom is preposterously exaggerated myself, but you can't blame people for being highly skeptical of our offense, for the time being.
Ahh, that was really stupid. Sure, Rex throw your clothes on your owners lawn and light it on fire, give away 2 years at 3 million per and say goodbye to your NFL career. Good job writer.
Why in the world would Rex want to quit before the season starts? Just to spite Woody Johnson and then get shut out of other jobs by owners? Dumb article.
No. A Mehta is when you eat too much Mexican food and spend the day on the toilet. "Whoa, after those tacos last night, I did a Mehta so big I had to flush three times".