This is about way more than spreading beliefs. It's definitely part of it, but this whole humanitarian bullshit is a smokescreen (as always). Basically, turn on mainstream media to find out all the excuses to go to war and none of the true reasons. Do people still actually watch tv? I sware if it wasn't for the jets, mets and knicks I wouldnt turn that fucker on, ever.
The biggest issue is that Obama is already throwing around in the interest of national security which is a bullshit way to get around Congress and lie to the American people. if Assad actually did use these weapons on children then I support some type of strike to prevent another case of this in the future however despite the US's accusations I'm still not convinced that he did. On al Jazeera there was an unnamed White House spokesman who stated that the US could not verify that Assad actually gave the order to commit these acts therefore I have a hard time getting behind something where we go rogue without any backing from the United Nations or our biggest allies. I don't care what France says because they generally are only looking out for their own interests.
Why in the world would Assad do something that would ensure his toppling? Same thing I said about 9/11. Our presence is a huge factor in their dislike,why would they do things to ensure it for generations? If people would sit down and really think about the last 13 years,not much of it would make sense,and they would be left with only 1 thing. We would never do those things because we are the US. That's about it. If the whole planet is against a strike,and our country from the citizens to congress are against it and it still happens. Our process no longer exists. Much of our founding protections from Gov have been overridden because people bought the lie in the Mid East to begin with. More and more people are waking up,but when enough do,they will simply shut down the net etc.
Why do US has to be the guardian of moral values? Isn't Syria Europe's backyard? Isn't it Russia's biggest ally? Let them worry about that fucking country not US. US should divert its attention to rising China and Russia alliance. And I am saying all these as a Muslim. I don't care what the fuck happens in Syria as it isn't feeding me and my children. And there is no US interest in that country.
It does not and never did have a thing to do with moral values. That's just the sellng point,and unfortunately there are still many buying customers. A country that cares about the well being of citizens of the nations we attack,would not kill more in our raid than what we originally accused them of doing to themselves
You throw around words like "our" and "they" as though these are tightly unified groups of people here. People aren't like that.
THANK YOU. Simple concept. And if we are going to talk morals, what does that say about Obama's drone strikes?
War is immoral. Period. In some cases where you are defending yourself it is both necessary and immoral. Most of the time it's just immoral. Drone strikes are immoral even if they meet the defense test.
Don't question Cappy. He is a man of proof and truth. Don't allow yourself to be fooled by the idea that he claims to be a scientist, working in a field of theory. Only proof matters.
I know, but where doesn't really matter. I get news from all different places, including but not limited to: The Associated Press, Reuters, Slate, Daily Beast, any of the big newspapers (NY Times, Boston Globe/Herald, NY Post, WashPost, etc.), the BBC, NPR, the dude around the corner, and I have no problem with reading any number of alternative news articles/blogs, either... including infowars. It's just a question of whether or not I believe what's on there. I judge them each independently in the context of the whole thing. The problem with is that they are not interested in providing actual news. It's a straight up cash-grab through fear-mongering. There are other sites that do the same thing. It's why they all link to each other as sources in one big circle-jerk. Maybe Alex Jones believes his own bullshit. Maybe he doesn't. Whatever the case, his website doesn't seem to be about spreading truth. It's about money. Your ideas about what science "is" amuse me greatly.
It's telling that our administration, one based on secular law is hiding behind "Morality" to build the case for an unlawful attack. If this is about morality let the Pope send missiles, powered by chemicals, explosions chemically created with a goal of punishing by indiscriminately burning and ripping people to shreds with no consequences to those who fired them. The US, like Syria hasn't signed onto the ICC. This should be about law not morality and the US should ratify the ICC treaty before carrying out a sentence on lawbreakers regarding laws we don't recognize for our own military and contractors. The President of the US is regularly carrying out death sentences on people hiding behind secret courts and secret information. It's time to sign onto the ICC and live by standards of law and procedure.
Alex Jones has to make a living too. I remember him doing radio with little profit. It is also fact that CNN,Fox etc revieve money from the government to twist the truth that is worse and more questionable than Jones making a living.
Of course he has to make a living. I'm not begrudging him that. It just means that I'm not buying the "information" he's selling. He's not selling people any kind of truth; he's selling them what they want to hear. Look, I'm not a fan of most big media. It's all become rather ugly. Jones' site is just worse than most... by a fair margin, too.
Exactly, I don't really know what to believe here but I know I don't believe some nut who announced on CNN that the revolution is coming. It's clear he has an agenda.....his own.
It must be very fulfilling to be a scientist who searches for answers to questions that have already been answered.
I'm so sure he is a nut,and that he is so far off. If this attack on Syria does not happen,it's because people and information made it not happen. If so,the there will be some very elite people who will not be so pleased with our ability. They will try and stop it from happening again. It has already been going on. The internet kill switch,the Sopa or whatever it was. They are trying. You can scroll back a few pages to my post on Bryzynski. What else would his agenda be? He has been doing what he does for decades,i remember only being able to hear him on short wave. The more money his business makes,the more informed people he can reach. He might not be right on everything,but he is on a hell of a lot. The problem is,people call him a nut,then like in Boston they have a gun in their face in their own home.
I was blinded by science once. It was when they told me the trade center towers collapsed indentically after being hit in completely different structural areas. I was blinded when they said it was the Jet fuel.