"Official" Start Matt Simms thread

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Joeyd223, Aug 29, 2013.

  1. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    I'd love to hear:

    Simms to Hill for a TD on a Go route.
    Simms to Holmes for a TD at the corner of the end zone.
    Simms to Spadola for a TD on a deep post.
    Simms to Kerley for a TD on a quick slant.


    I would dearly hope Simms thing works out, if Jets go with him in week 1.

    Provided he can keep it up, Simms/McElroy looks mighty fine to me as a starter/backup combination too. [Accurate passers with sound fundamentals, you got that?]
  2. Cman68

    Cman68 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    How many of us would take that in a New York Second?
  3. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I don't NEED him to replicate that exact performance! I'll gladly take low to mid 60's in completion percentage with HALF the turnovers thank you very much.

    No one is expecting a dominant performance...but marginal/average to ABOVE average would be fuckin' nice for a chance...wouldn't thoust agree?
  4. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Shit yeah!!!! That would mean we were IN a Super Bowl....Holllaaahhhhh!
  5. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Sure. It would be great if Simms became another Matt Cassel, able to help the Jets for a season when the other guys weren't capable for one reason or another. I wouldn't mind that at all.
  6. James Hasty

    James Hasty Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2003
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    If Sanchez is close to 100% I could see why he would start.

    Otherwise if I was in charge I would start Sims but keep him on a short leash with Geno Smith ready in the bullpen just in case.
  7. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    It's very Jet-like for an unknown QB to come out of nowhere at exactly the point the heir apparent is struggling and make things hard to figure out for awhile. I remember this guy named Matt Robinson...

    Matt - Matt - Matt. *shudder*
  8. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    You wouldn't know until you give him the shot, and the quality practice snaps with #1s, and focused coaching for #1s. Now that Geno looks thoroughly not ready to be of anything this season - his mechanic is an utter disaster. You don't want him under the center come game day. Not as of yet. - if Sanchez is a no-go, I don't see what Jets loses by going with Simms. If Sanchez did give them the best chance to win against Bucs, that chance is fucked now that Sanchez is no-go. Right?
  9. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    And I can live with that...

    I'm not for throwing Geno away...he just simply isn't nearly ready...and surely he doesn't look as ready as Simms does. You know, who is to say Cassel wouldn't have been a future hall of famer in the making in New England's system? Unfortunately he had an existing Hall of Famer in his prime in front of him. Now I'm not comparing Simms in that regard...but if he's good one year...then you have to give him the next...and the next...and so on.

    We've invested a woopity dooo 2nd round pick on Geno...damn near no money...BACKUP money really...so there's no reason not to give Simms the nod over Geno if he looks "more ready."
  10. HeartSpazm

    HeartSpazm New Member

    Nov 12, 2012
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    Put him out there and give him a chance to shine with the starters. Give everyone a chance or you'll never know what you have.
  11. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    again Brad...nobody is going with that.

    Come on...McElroy played well in preseason last year...other Jet qbs..you mentioned Mirer...have had good preseasons.

    With all due respect, you are missing the point. Many of the people that want Simms is because we see something different. Something that very good qbs who were drafted late or not drafted at all posess.

    The chances we are right are less than 50 percent...I get that. Are the Jets in a position to just blow it off and not find out? Are the other options so good that we can take that gamble?

    Or are the other 2 choices consisting of 1 guy who will be cut after this year and another who we picked in the second round and many teams passed on.
  12. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    It's just bringing back really bad memories seeing Simms sling the ball all over the place when all the other choices at the moment are bad.

    I really wish the Jets had cut Sanchez on June 1st. I know why they didn't but we're staring at a bad QB smorgasbrod going into the season and if several of those guys get to play somehow we're all going to regret it before they're done.
  13. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Eli shouldn't have started the game, I wouldn't have if I was Coughlin, it's his call. But you are going to see the results based media/fans here, nobody is going to criticize Coughlin because Eli wasn't hurt. If Eli was hurt though, oh boy. But at the end of the day, Eli not getting hurt shouldn't really affect whether you disagree starting him and playing him or not doing it. It's like JR Smith pulling up for a long 3 with 20 seconds on the shot clock. If it goes in, you can live with it, but it's a bad decision whether it goes in or not.

    You are right, they are a source of input, but in our situation Rex does not make the final call, I am 99% sure about that. Blaming Rex if Simms is cut is 100% missing the point that we have a new GM and he AGREED with Rex's input or IGNORED Rex's input. At the end of the day, we don't know Rex's input and whether the GM went with it or against, so it's best to blame the GM in that scenario, not just pile on the coach. So I don't see how Simms getting cut would relate to being Rex's fault. Can we really make the assumption that Rex wanted Simms cut, then that he has that much sway with Idzik, that Idzik just said sure without thinking about it? THat's what blaming Rex is assuming, when blaming Idzik would be blaming the guy who made the actual decision.

    You guys can criticize Rex for things we have no idea what his opinion is or if the GM then agree with that opinion or went against it. I'll stick to criticizing him on actual stuff like handling the media, time management, and stubbornness/loyalty in letting players have second, third, fourth chances it seems.
  14. BrooklynJet97

    BrooklynJet97 Active Member

    Apr 20, 2013
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    You just know those ESPN New York radio talk shows are gonna be flooded with thousands of New Yorkers saying "Lets give Simms a shot, why not?!".

    I certainly wouldnt mind if Sanchez isnt ready to go.
  15. Tom

    Tom Member

    Apr 24, 2013
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    You cant sit Smith for the 4th game and then start your 4th string qb bc he did good againt 3rd stringers playing vanilla defenses in a meaningless game. If they were serious about Simms starting (they arent, just clueless fans on this board who see stats as everything), then they wouldve played Geno in the second half.
  16. jesterjetman

    jesterjetman Active Member

    Nov 5, 2004
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    mike westhoff is literally the only person whose opinion i believe is worth ANYTHING. on the radio right now he is very adamant in saying that, from what he has seen, Geno is the better qb, and that you simply cannot underestimate that simms was against 2s and 3s where the drop off is huge. Just food for thought.
  17. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I feel you and totally understand.

    Now that the giddiness of seeing a real NFL QB lead the Jets for a change let me address some different things I've been reading.

    The Pre-Season "show case" that we are all talking about from years gone by that is tainting some people's excitement of what we just watched is understandable.

    Rick Mirer...this guy was a top 5 QB pick...he was SUPPOSED to light it up during preseason. Sadly enough...he never got OUT of the preseason and, to be honest, was pretty washed up by the time he made it to the Jets anyway.

    Browning Nagle...Ummm...he was a SECOND round pick...that, yet again, was supposed to light it up in preseason...that is what was expected of a QB taken in that round. Like Mirer...never materialized.

    Greg McElroy - Drafted in the 7th round...well, he did get a shot in the regular season but with an ambulance wards worth of players. In fact you could argue that he met the Chargers 1st string team with the Jets 2nd string due to injuries. Oh, and the season was shot to shit by that point as well. Greg's downfall will be the rise of Simms who, by no fault of GMac, has better "tools" to work with.

    Brett Ratliff...I really like this comparison...An undrafted QB who lit it up in the preseason...did not play one single freakin' down in the regular season...no one gave him a shot...so how in the hell do we know if he wouldn't have amounted to anything. This is a worthless comparison and I wish people would not bring his name up anymore.

    We get to Simms...undrafted...signed on a wing and a prayer to the practice squad last year who has seen time in two games this preseason. Both of which he lit up the competition and made our incumbent starter and heir apparent look bad. There is hope gentlemen...if our team's leaders have the BALLS to step up and execute something exciting!!! But one thing is certain...I saw no evidence that Geno Smith should be starting ahead of Matt Simms by proxy. If you compare their play it is not only starkly CLEAR who should start in lieu of Nacho boy being injured but it shouldn't really be that difficult of a discussion.
  18. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Let's just say this much and leave it alone...that is a crock of shit. And Westhoff knows it. He's towing the OLD company line...

    If number 2's were that much of a drop off then there wouldn't be any depth in the NFL and number 1's would never leave the field for a "blow". Number 3's maybe...number 2's...I cry foul AND bullshit all in the same sentence.
  19. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Funny thing. These turds WANT the Jets to fail because they have been playing on the notion that they can feed on the failure, try to get people fired and get internet his and promotions because of it.

    They've been banking on it, actually.

    The Jets winning means they were wrong. No doubt, the Jets finding a diamond in the rough QB is their greatest nightmare.
  20. LAJet

    LAJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    Westhoff is a breath of fresh air. He is truly a knowledgable analyst. Listening to him is an absolute pleasure.

    One of his farts has more insight and knowledge than the best write ups from Cimini and Metha.

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