I realize the team needs work but I get so sick of this dude's self-absorbed tweeting style. Every one of his articles screams at the reader to acknowledge how clever the writer is. We get it, Rich. You know how to use sarcasm. How cute. I can't believe how someone who writes about football for a living can be this narcissitic.
Are any of the Jets beat writers good? I follow Cimini 'cause he generally gets news pretty quickly. But I'm really tired of his smarmy attitude and his smegma-looking mug shot. There's gotta be someone better I can follow.
They are no worse than the fanbase that has to watch the shit this team has and is doing. If the team was doing well this topic would not be around. Facts.
Turn on the Jets http://turnonthejets.com/ Jeff Capellini @greenlanternjet http://newyork.cbslocal.com/tag/jeff-capellini/
They feed off the negativity of the fan base that honestly no longer knows which way is up. Second guessing, booing, football knowledge has become nil, and because of that they will run anything that shows any promise right out of town. Wahhh sacnhez got hurt Wahhh Rex talks too much Wahhh Sanchez is the entire reason the offense stinks Wahhh geno is better simply cause he isn't a pretty boy Wahh woody johnson is an idiot Wahh jets drafted defensively Wahh butt fumble Just disgusting that not many of us can think so ourselves any more. I have been coming to this site for over 10 years and you would think the guy in my avatar was still coaching and the jets have won 3 games a year under Rex and Sanchez. Stfu go find another team to follow. Cimini is a scrub though.
That is a TOTAL load of BULLSHIT. When we went to the AFC Championship game back to back the beat writers and media were still being negative. Our stupid ass fanbase lives for this negative shit, some people love being depressed and buying into this shit. Acting like a fucking FOOTBALL team controls every aspect of their emotions or life. Those people need to realize it's only a game and they need to stop buying into the garbage. I just don't understand how I cannot read ONE news article that actually reports the news without some snarky bullshit. There are FAR WORSE ran franchises than this, Oakland and Jacksonville quickly come to mind, and they don't get the kind of shit coverage we do. You know why, it's because of the "woe is me" Jets fan complex. Get over it, it's disgusting.
Mehta is the absolute worst. Someone within the Jets organization must have repeatedly taken his lunch money as a young child. Dude has too much vitriol to be an objective journalist.
I usually hate Cimini, but his article today was dead on about how badly Rex and Idzik mismanaged the QB situation.
Neither would even have a job if people didn't hang on their every word. Seriously, why would anybody here read anything either of them writes when they know the basic tone of it before they start?