Can't wait for Rex to be fired

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by tomdeb, Aug 20, 2013.

  1. Jets Esq.

    Jets Esq. Guest

    Exactly. I don't think you can really equate this to the regular world.

    The pool of potential replacement HCs is pretty darn small. You can hire an OC from a team with a good offense, a DC from a team with a good defense, a college coach from one of the best colleges (but they may be reluctant to leave because those jobs are highly stable, still pay millions of dollars a year, and give you complete control, and they might just be really great at college recruiting and win by having far more talent rather than actually being a great coach), or a HC who left to go into broadcasting after getting fired (again, that's a cushy long-term gig, you get paid millions, you don't have to work 14 hour days 7 days a week, you get to spend time with your family, you get to relax in the off-season instead of poring over scouting reports, and the only way you can really get fired is if you say something racist/sexist/homophobic.)

    On the other hand, in the real world things are very different. Most employers have multiple employees, often doing different types of jobs. If one person is incompetent, you can fire him and force your other employees work more to compensate until you interview and hire somebody else, and you won't really take a big hit in terms of your profits.

    In the NFL, if you hire a head coach and they turn out to be lousy, it takes 2 - 5 years for you to find out that they're truly bad and not just adjusting / rebuilding from the last regime, and that costs you literally tens of MILLIONS of dollars. A few teams like the Giants, Cowboys, Steelers and Patriots have huge waiting lists for their season tickets so it doesn't affect them as much, but the Jets haven't filled up the stadium with season ticket holders. People will pull out and they'll have to cut prices to fill up the seats which will cost Woody a lot of money. You'll also get lower ad revenue and lower profits from jerseys, hats, etc (whereas even some random non-NFL fans will buy a Cowboys hat just because it's the most popular NFL team.) You'll get hundreds of sports writers writing articles calling you insulting names, you can't go out in public without bodyguards because some deranged loser might get violent... But mostly it's upsetting to lose out on those profits, and to feel like you're not getting closer to a Super Bowl ring.

    You don't just fire your head coach at the first sign of a struggle, hoping that the next one will be John Madden 2.0. If you get a promising one, you keep him until he proves that he won't be good, or if you can get someone who is clearly an upgrade.

    Yeah, there are a ton of people who have the paper qualifications to be an NFL head coach, but the NFL is a business where being mediocre leads to failure. To consistently have a winning team, while every other team is trying to do the same thing - the only way you can win 10+ games year in year out is if you have an elite QB.

    No coach could've gotten the 2012 Jets to a 10-6 season, period. Rex did a good job with what he had, but there's only so much you can do with a QB who generates that many turnovers. If we can get Rex a decent QB, this team will be amazing. I just hope Woody doesn't fire him before he gets the chance to show what he can do with some competent QB play.
  2. Royce Parker

    Royce Parker Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2008
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    I only read part of the OP and I wish I had my time back too. I could practically smell that post it was such a steaming tower of crap.
  3. al_toon_88

    al_toon_88 Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2005
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    The original poster is being unfairly bashed.

    Whether you agree with his points or not, to write somebody off as uninformed or stupid for lack of faith in Rex Ryan seems over zealous.

    There are plenty of reasons not to like Rex as a HC. Off the top of my head:

    1) Rex admitting he lost the locker room, lost the pulse of the team, in 2011
    2) Rex hiring Tony Soprano to run his offense
    3) Rex admitting in his book that one of the reasons they drafted Sanchez was they were enamored by how well-liked "the kid" was by everybody at USC.
    4) Rex drafting Sanchez
    5) Sanchez contract extension
    6) Rex drafting Sanchez when Favre was still under contract and hadn't officially retired. Jets grant him release and Favre goes to MINN and has one of the best years of his career.
    7) Rex as a HC admitting many times that he basically has zero involvement in the offense.
    8) Team comes out flat in AFC championship game vs. PITT. Doesn't start playing until 2nd half.
    9) Mark Sanchez
    10) Mark Sanchez
    #163 al_toon_88, Aug 21, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2013
  4. Jeti

    Jeti Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2012
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    I dislike Rex because he can't manage games

    Great HCs even those who largely contribute to one side of the ball know how to manage games

    Also a HC-QB combination is so crucial and Rex jumped at the California cool Sanchez but in reality he needs to big arm, mobile QB with a FUCK YOU attitude

    A QB should always resemble his HCs personality in my eyes

    Give us Jay Cutler for example and tell me we don't win a SB in 09 or 10
  5. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    This is from last year but for the 2012/13 season the Jets were clearly spending more on defense than offense. Pretty cool site to browse through btw.,san-francisco-49ers
  6. jetsclaps

    jetsclaps Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2010
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    Nah, op was made by an idiot.

    And you don't even know the difference between a GM and head coach so way to lose all your credibility.
  7. The Great American

    The Great American Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2009
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    I still don't get why so many are defending Ryan as HC. This team has clearly been heading in the wrong direction for the past two years. It's been embarrassing and fans should want and expect better. If he rebounds and the team wins 10-12 games this season I will admit I'm wrong but I honestly don't see that happening.
  8. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    The NFL Business model is based on rewarding mediocrity. The league is putting a consistently mediocre product on the field which is by design. Teams are rewarded high draft picks for sucking. Teams are paid TV revenue who don't draw. Something that might very well change when sports bundles that charge none users for the NFL can no longer get away with it. There is no incentive for the league to reward great football by a couple of teams since it's bad for ratings on the current construct. This is why the league and the Jets have consistently mediocre coaches and players.

    Even the new rookie pay scale rewards bad decision making at the expense of real market value. You can't have great in a league that rewards competitive balance over achievement.
    #168 Biggs, Aug 21, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2013
  9. APK 8

    APK 8 Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    We don't win a SB either year with Cutler.

    1. To keep on topic, Rex did a great job coaching those seasons.
    2. Sanchez was not the reason we lost both championship games.
    3. Cutler's mental makeup is softer than Mark's and he would not excel in New York
  10. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    Great point and a point most do not understand. There are no great teams in the NFL and that is by design. Free Agency, Revenue sharing, Draft etc makes for a watered down product.

    What this means is that every year you are in the hunt period. So when people look at this team and see all the holes they cry 3 wins but in reality this team like most teams are an 8-8 talent level team. With Breaks and Injury can be 11-5 or 5-11 that is the NFL.

    Who was picking Seattle to be good last year? All of a sudden they are the best team in the NFL be careful and watch for the fall.

    The reason the Jets have declined in the last seasons has nothing to do with coaching (No matter what all the threads on here think little to do with QB play). The Jets went all in 2010 period. Then the decline started the problem is Tanny did not want to believe it and made some bad moves it does not take a lot to go from 11 wins to 6 a couple of injuries you are there.

    The jets last season with the injuries they had and the poor offense of coaching should have won three games but won 6 and had a chance to beat the Texans and the Patriots two of the best teams in the NFL at the time. That is the NFL.

    From all accounts the offense has gotten better really no way it can get worse the special teams sucked last year they already look better. The defense we do not know but with Rex there will not be a big dip. The strength of schedule is about the same the Jets will once again be fighting for a playoff spot late in the season.

    Why because we have good coaching and this year on both sides of the ball. We have a QB that is mistake prone and always will be but he is also showing he can make plays with MM. Should be an exciting year which is why the NFL is fun to watch every team really does have a chance to win.
  11. jdon

    jdon Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2006
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    That is why I think Rex is still a child, emotionally. Doesn't he realize that when he talks that way about a defense he is tooting his own horn at the same time as he is undermining his stature as a head coach?
  12. Footballgod214

    Footballgod214 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2005
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    If you don't like Rex calling out players in public, you'd definitely not like Parcells. He'd have called McKnight "she" a hundred times by now.

    Mods: This thread?: I've been banned several times for a lot less. Ban this idiot.
  13. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    w/ his fumbling problems and his conditioning issues he would have gotten rid of McKnight.
  14. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    Ok lets look at the trend in the NFL which everybody wants to discount and actually Bash Sanchez over.

    There where no 14 game winners in the NFL last year there were two 13 game winners and neither made the Superbowl. 10-6 team won it

    There was only one team over 14 wins in 2011 again the did not make the superbowl in fact a 9-7 team did and won.


    Again one team with 14 wins and again No superbowl a 10-6 team won it.

    mmm anybody notice any trends? The hot team heading into the playoffs has a better shot to win than the team with gaudy record.
  15. TNJet

    TNJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    Not as terrible as Vernon Gholston from Ohio St. the most overrated football program in the U.S.
  16. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    Jay Cutler had the same team as the Jets and did not win anything. Jay cutler really?
  17. TNJet

    TNJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    Parallel universe? what?
  18. CJLang

    CJLang Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2007
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    The fact that I don't like it transates into something about Belichick? You guys do have a complex. I wouldn't care who the coach is, I don't like when coaches throw players under the bus.

    You can make a statement about how a player needs to improve without calling his performance "brutal"
    #178 CJLang, Aug 21, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2013
  19. CJLang

    CJLang Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2007
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    Rex had the players on his side for two years and all he did was talk about how great they all were!

    Now that his team is going in the wrong direction he is changes the formula to criticizing player to the media.

    Rex is an expert at trying to cover his ass. He made sure to let everyone know that Hill wasn't his choice once he could see in practice the guy couldn't catch a ball. I'm guessing if Geno doesn't look like he's gonna pan out we'll get more Rex comments about him.
  20. Rockinz

    Rockinz Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2011
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    can't believe how dumb and uneducated some people are about football here...

    Rex is not the problem.

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