Can't wait for Rex to be fired

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by tomdeb, Aug 20, 2013.

  1. FlashGordon

    FlashGordon Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    His biggest, possibly fatal flaw is his inability to manage, or find someone to manage an NFL offense.

    As to the bolded, which talented youngsters have been kept off the field by vets? Sanchez, Greene, and Slauson were the 2009 rookies, all got significant playing time early. Hell, Stephen Hill started last year. Kerley? Mo Wilk? This criticism gets a lot of air time. I don't think it's accurate.

    ETA: The big flaw on offense might easily be solved by not having a terrible QB.
  2. Joewillie78

    Joewillie78 Banned

    Aug 18, 2013
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    VETS that he has been way too loyal to are as follows:

    BART SCOTT (was done at least 2 years ago)
    CALVIN PACE (See above)
    SIONE POUHA (slow and old for years)
    MARK SANCHEZ (should have been cut long ago)

    Yes, he plays rookies, and he should but he holds on to way too many vets, and ends up in many cases giving FRANCHISE BREAKING contracts to guys that should be bagging groceries!
  3. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    i cant stand this line of thinking. this is something htat francesser does regularly, and it makes no sense.

    so i need to have a guy to replace the guy who i think is doing poorly? no if a guy is not doing what he needs to do he gets fired and then you go out and find a replacement. just like in the real world, you dont figure out who you are going to get before hte position opens. and you dont not fire a guy because you cant find another guy before you fire him.
  4. FlashGordon

    FlashGordon Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    Who are the replacements who were kept off the field by these players? Pace is currently starting because we need OLBs. Demario Davis and Kenrick Ellis still don't look completely ready, and if Sanchez were cuttable, he'd have been cut.

    By the way, Pouha was one of the best run-stuffing DTs in the league for years. He was "old and slow" only last year.

    And when did Rex start handing out contracts?
  5. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    If you didn't realize yet, Jets still haven't solved the pass rusher problem after JAbe was traded. With Bob Sutton in charge, Jets LB corp has been pedestrian at best - it stayed that way until Ryan arrived. By then, it became very clear that the stable was filled with donkeys, with the likes of Bryan Thomas and whatnot.

    And the drafts prior to Ryan's arrival is nothing to write home about either; between Mangini and Bradway, Mangold and Ferguson are about as good OL investment as you can find. After that, it was really nothing.

    And with constant trade ups coupled with a lot of failed prospects, It is actually a wonder that Ryan could put out that much of a performance out of that defensive unit.

    Now, with 'real' GM that values draft pick, Jets will restock the talent level in 3 seasons at most. It wouldn't be too late to gauge where Jets are after that stage.
  6. Jets Esq.

    Jets Esq. Guest

    I think the bigger problem, as other have said, was with Tannenbaum. He traded away too many draft picks to chase certain players in the first and second rounds. We'll have Tampa Bay's 3rd round pick, and 4 compensatory picks (probably in the 5th), so that's 12 picks.

    As has been said before, Revis was traded solely because of money issues. CBs just aren't worth $13m a year. Champ Bailey is getting $9.5m a year. It was smart to trade him and get a 1st and a 3rd rather than watch him play out his contract and then demand like $15m guaranteed, and then lose him to free agency (or agree to his outrageous demands and then lose other key players to free agency or not be able to sign the free agents your team really needs.)
  7. FlashGordon

    FlashGordon Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    You want an example of a team that made ZERO in-game adjustments, it was a Mangini-Sutton defense.

    Bryan Thomas was underrated. He gets a bad rap because we took him instead of Ed Reed, but the guy had a decent 10-year career. Now Victor Hobson, there was a friggin chump.
  8. Barcs

    Barcs Banned

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Quoted for truth. Take notes. Excellent post.

    Also, for those calling him too loyal to Sanchez, again, please tell me which QB on our team would have done better? Yeah, cut him mid season for Tebow when we owe him 8 million NEXT year. Rex did bench him but he came back because McElroy & Tebow were injured (plus they SUCKED). What else did you expect? Should Rex have done it early so McElroy or Tebow could have carved up the likes of the 49ers or Seahawks D?
    #148 Barcs, Aug 20, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2013
  9. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    The question somebody needs to ask Rex is: does he want to win 14 games and have a great shot at a Super Bowl win or does he want to have the best defense?

    He can't have both because the way you win 14+ games is with a great offense, period. The only team this century to win 14+ games without a top 5 offense was the 2003 Patriots and I think we all got an eyeful of why that happened when Goodell burned the tapes.

    You just can't be a dominant team that trashes the NFL without having an excellent offense as part of the engine.
  10. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    Amen brother!

    Hope Rex is here when they bring in some players on offense. Maybe they're already here and we don't know it yet.
  11. VirAurum

    VirAurum New Member

    Aug 15, 2013
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    I don't know if anyone else say this, but Rex says he's going to have a top 5 D this year:

  12. Royal Tee

    Royal Tee Girls juss wanna have fun

    Dec 31, 2002
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    I kinda did the same thing...

    I'll come back once I throw back a few so that way I can have an excuse to make my drunk face at the monitor...
  13. TonyMaC

    TonyMaC Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2013
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    not the most far fetched of predictions... it was ranked what 8th last year? mostly revise-less at that?

    even if he doesn't reach that particular mark that it shouldn't be that far off. It'll be at least a good defense if not one of the best.
  14. VirAurum

    VirAurum New Member

    Aug 15, 2013
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    Depends on your metric.

    8th best in Yards
    20th best in Points
  15. VirAurum

    VirAurum New Member

    Aug 15, 2013
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    If a guy is outright incompetent then I agree with you; but I don't think Rex is outright incompetent.
  16. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    I think it needs to be pointed out that not all successful HCs controlled or had a say in every phase. What has McCarthy done for GBs defense? What has Sean Peyton or John Harbaugh done for their defenses? Did Dungy do anything for Indy's offense? So when people trash RR for not doing anything for the offense, is he supposed to have such a huge hand in it? Every HC has their specialization, and then they have their supporting cast install and coach the other phases. RR is a defensive specialist, don't expect him to take over the offense if other HCs aren't taking over their non-specialty. Gary Kubiak isn't doing anything for Houston's D. Is Mike Smith (defensive guy) doing anything for Atlanta's Offense? No, he just has way fuckin' better personnel.
  17. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    I think you are confused here.

    In terms of salary cap breakdown, Jets are not spending heavily on defense. Not one bit. If at all, Jets are overspending on the OFFENSIVE side of the ball. It's been that way for some time. [Sanchez/Holmes/Ferguson/Mangold vs Harris/Cro] Even when there was big eight with near 10M salary, the whole breakdown wasn't too much different. [Jets have shed a lot of excess baggage on defense for that matter.]

    And Jets did not have a legitimate pass rusher after John Abraham. Gholston experiment ended up in a miserable failure. As Parcells once put, you can never have enough pass rushers [1], and on top of that, I believe every team with championship aspirations MUST have a blue chip pass rusher on roster. Especially with such a huge emphasis on passing game, the need for a blue chip pass rusher is like never before. As it stands, Jets do not have one. My impression is, Jets are trying to compensate the lack of that high quality pass rusher with Ryan's defensive scheming.

    Also, in terms of the draft picks, Jets didn't spend much of 1st round picks on offense. For the past decade, the majority of Jets draft picks revolved around offense. Just, they kept picking up garbage like Vladimir Ducasse but that doesn't mean Jets didn't spend the resource on offense. They did.

    In terms of coaching, I don't think you can pin your argument on Ryan either - we all know what kind of hot garbage Schottenheimer-Sparano/Cavanaugh combination has been all along. Because of such a glaring deficiencies, other skill position players looked bad as well. For instance, I, for one, do not think Henry Ellard should have been given the pink slip in favor of Sanjay Lal. That's more of an organizational fuck-up headed by Tannenbaum [Phew! I'm so glad that moron is gone!] and pinning that on Ryan doesn't make sense to me.

    All in all, 1) Jets have done what they could to field better offensive unit, regardless of whether that succeeded or not. 2) That includes Rex Ryan too 3) Other than setting the required resources aside, and getting the competent coaching staff, I don't know what more Ryan was supposed to do. He ain't no Sean Payton after all.


    The deficiencies of Schottenheimer and Sparano is so glaring that I think I have to put a few words about it here.

    By now, nearly all the NFL offenses are homogeneous. Some teams emphasize some portion of the philosophy more than others, but that's about as various as it can get.

    What sets the good offenses from the bad ones are the executions - both on good plays and bad plays. And there is only one way to improve the execution. That is, through repetition. The entire offense must be choreographed to the point of robotic execution. In the world of pro football world, the defensive talent is just way too great to dilly-dally all day with football in your hand.

    I have followed Jets football for years, but this camp is the FIRST camp where I heard the offensive coordinator emphasize the repetitions. No fucking wonder this offense sucked for years. And it showed in the pitch year after year.

    Of course, yes, it's a given. Any true WCO disciple will emphasize the repetition because that's how Walsh started this whole avalanche of offensive revolution. Still, I have to wonder how an OC can move on with plays even when he KNOWS his team didn't have sufficient repetition on the plays, and the execution is still flawed somewhat. More than likely, neither Schottenheimer nor Sparano had an idea of how to enforce these. That's the only way anyone can make sense out of this. [Or they sabotaged their job - but I don't see how that is likely.] Just goes on to show how incompetent they are respectively at their job. [And to think there is a staunch supporter for these morons right here in this board... boggles my mind.]

    And, as a concluding remark, Walsh even had the "Oh shit, just what the fuck" situation on practice as well - he had an uncanny vision and gift of anticipation, and he made sure Montana was ready for broken plays - by practicing the broken ones. For instance, he preached that, by the time Montana looked for 3rd target, either the pocket would be collapsing, or a pass rusher would be breathing down his neck. Thus, the natural way to progress is to imagine broken pocket, and stutter step out of the mess (1) or scramble out and run for daylight (2) or squeak through the opening and hit the nearest open receiver. Yes, Montana practiced these. From the way Sanchez/Pennington/Clemens have been performing, I have absolutely no reason to believe these things were practiced under Schottenheimer's guidance. [And Sparano too.]
    #157 Zach, Aug 21, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2013
  18. TonyMaC

    TonyMaC Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2013
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    saw a whole argument about that on thejetsblog(SNY), thats a misnomer, a good number of those points came from areas outside the defense, like special teams and offensive flubs.

    its a team stat not a defense specific one. I'd need to look up the number that the defense did by themselves, the ranking reflected doesn't tell the whole story.
  19. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    ^Agreed. Not to mention any drives that start out on our side of the field due to a turnover or poor special teams coverage lessens the margin for error greatly. I know that really skewed our pts ranking in 2011, and most likely 2012.

    Playing complimentary football is essential, we got that in 2009/2010 and did not in 2011/2012. The results aren't surprising.
  20. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    So defense has to play offense as well now? That's a tall order. I am pretty sure Sanchez's picks led to about a third of the points given up, including pick 6's, fumbles and turnovers that resulted inside 20. [Or that is what my memory tells me.] How is defense responsible for these?

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