In hindsight, do you think Rex should have been fired?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by ArmandJ, Aug 15, 2013.


Do you think Rex should have been fired in January?

  1. Yes

    42 vote(s)
  2. No

    118 vote(s)
  1. mute

    mute Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2010
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    ill say this again. Rex is the best thing to happen to the JETS in a long time. I never once thought he'd be gone in January but since everyone is slowly hating the guy and somehow have high expectation for this team, when the Jets do nothing this season hes gone. Sadly.
  2. Fightin'JetTitan

    Fightin'JetTitan Active Member

    Jan 19, 2011
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    No different than the reason why Sanchez has been kept & afforded the opportunity to contend for starting qb due to that ridiculous contract he was "pampered" with. If I'm Woody, I ain't payin' mofo's madd money to just sit back & collect! At the least, "individuals" will be puttin' in hard work to show some kind of justification for the $$'s they are getting whether it's deserved or not.....
  3. Jets Esq.

    Jets Esq. Guest

    I think Rex is one of the best coaches in the NFL today. He's the best defensively, and although it's an offense-driven league that still counts for a lot. It means you don't need an elite offense to be a contender- you just need to be decent on offense and you're in business.

    It would be a terrible mistake to fire Rex - after all, who would you get to replace him? If it's not someone better, why bother?

    Also, you don't want to keep making radical changes all the time. I would be really disappointed if they let Rex go and I think it would be an enormous mistake that would make it much harder to win a Super Bowl in the next 5 years.
  4. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    I love how fans falsely assume that its idzik's decision. There ihas been no indication that the HC reports to the GM. In fact the indications are quite the opposite. Rex reports to WJ. Idzik accepted the job knowning full well that he has no authority to hire or fire coaches including the HC. Hilarious that Jets fans are clueless about the organizational structure that WJ has adopted. WJ has copied the Steelers structure in which the HC does not report to the GM.

    Wake up Jets fans.

    Firing Rex would have been a colossal mistake. Losing franchises fire the HC every few yrs. Winning franchises keep HCs and demonstrate loyalty to their HC and key personnel. Rex has been a very good HC and he will likely get better. I expect WJ to give him a 3 year extension this season.
    #104 AbdulSalam, Aug 16, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2013
  5. NJBeliever

    NJBeliever Active Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    I agree you don't want to make radical changes all the time. But this offseason was one of regime change. The team is getting overhauled. Might as well throw Rex out with the rest of the scrap heap. I don't think he's one of the best head coaches in the NFL. As for him being this great defensive mind, I guess we'll see this year. As I said, he works great with all-world talent levels and guys who can coach themselves or lead on the field. But with a young, growing team, that needs coaching and leadership, he's just not the guy.

    A blabbermouth, overemotional, knee-jerk coach (remember the proclamations of "we're going to run 45 times next week!" after losses in '11?), who can't assess talent and could care less about the offense, is not the guy for this squad.
  6. JetsFan

    JetsFan Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2002
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    Rex is a pale comparison of his former self. He went from a brash leader to a puppet who totes the party line and says what the GM wants. I watched his last few interviews and he seemd lost and like he can't make up his mind on anything. Almost like he in scared, which he should be, since the GM is looking for a reason he can use to fire him.

    It would have been better for the Jets and Rex if he had been fired.
  7. mute

    mute Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2010
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    you're not lying.
  8. LongIslandBlitz

    LongIslandBlitz Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2011
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    This is what I always thought to , it would be an epic fucking disaster to fire Rex after this year with the talent currently on the field,Rex deserves a 3 year extension
  9. VirAurum

    VirAurum New Member

    Aug 15, 2013
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    Firing a coach always comes down to "Who would they be replaced with".

    With the tight cap and obvious rebuilding year, I don't think we get an elite coaching candidate to take over.

    So I don't think we should have fired Rex.... if we fire him this offseason then we'll have a ton of cap room and roster mobility for the new coach to do what he wants.
  10. slimjasi

    slimjasi Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2007
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    I'm very conflicted on this and really have been since the end of last season.
  11. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    No. Schottenheimer should have been fired when Sanchez was drafted.
  12. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Why does no one think the OC was the mistake.
  13. BomberJet

    BomberJet Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2002
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    This is such a lame topic....why beat a dead horse when we know for a fact Rex is the head coach for the 2103 season? I don't get it... what's the point?

    Bring it up when we're 6-8 games into the regular season....sheeesh...
  14. REVISion

    REVISion Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Between the Sanchez one and this Rex really has some unfortunate tattoos.

    Fire his ass!
  15. JetsVilma28

    JetsVilma28 Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2005
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    For everyone that's saying "Rex is one of the best coaches in the league, defensively possibly the best" how can we justify an offensive strategy that relies on passing the ball heavily? Sanchez or whoever is manning the qb position should know how to hand the ball off and throw a bomb (much like Flacco in Baltimore's offense). That's it. HB screen is the most exotic play, that, and PA bomb down the sidelines or to someone dragging across
    the middle of the field. That. Is. Fucking. It.

    Stop trying to pretend that we are a team built to pass the football. WE ARE A TEAM BUILT TO PLAY HARD NOSE DEFENSE AND RUN AND PROTECT THE FOOTBALL (or at least we were until we tried to be the Pats, saints, green bay and Peyton manning.)
  16. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    ^We ran an Erhardt-Perkins variant last yr. That's power-football centered around play-action, and it didn't work very well did it?

    Hiring Marty Morninwig was a very good hire, running the WCO he has coordinated several top 10 offenses in the past with guys like McNabb, Garcia and Vick. Not exactly elite QBs. Add in the fact that Sanchez played in the WCO in college (where he had success) and the move made complete sense. If Sanchez flops, you have a Geno Smith waiting in the wings for an audition. I really like the decision to hire MM. I don't think our skill players are as bad as advertised.

    Also, I think Marty will run the football if he has to, if it's working we will run the rock. He isn't rigid, he is a guy that adapts and that's why he's been successful as an OC in the past.
    #116 Jake, Aug 17, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2013
  17. PaPZ187

    PaPZ187 Member

    May 10, 2010
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    The Jets are 34-30 in the regular season and 4-2 in the playoffs since Rex has been the head coach.

    Here are the top teams in the league's regular season records and also playoff records (in parentheses) in that same time span:

    Pats 48-16 (4-3)
    Ravens 43-21 (7-1)
    Steelers 41-23 (2-2)
    Broncos 33-31 (1-2)
    Giants 36-28 (4-0)
    Packers 47-17 (5-3)
    Saints 44-20 (4-2)
    49ers 38-25-1 (3-2)

    So despite Rex having Sanchez running the most important position in sports for his team compared to guys like....

    Brady - HOFer and top 5 all time

    Brees - record holder for most yards in a season and most consecutive games with a TD pass

    Rodgers - ridiculously talented, probably the best in the game today

    Eli - very good QB, has been very clutch when its all on the line

    Roethlisberger - 2 time SB champ, makes big time plays routinely, although has not played at an elite level last year or so

    Flacco - not top tier elite, but he did play at an elite level this past postseason..... doesn't hurt having 2 HOFers holding down the D along with another DPOY and Ngata on the line, plus top 5 RB in Rice

    Broncos and Niners have elite QBs now in Manning and Kapernik, but up until last season did not. Niners have drafted extremely well recently and Broncos have been solid.

    Go through each team and compare the playmakers they have had at other positions compared to the Jets the past 4 seasons and you'll notice it's not even close. The Jets have had NO pass rusher, NO playmaking safety (unless you wanna count Rhodes playing half assed in 09) and NO playmaking RB other than Leon for half a season in 09. The Jets had a top teir OLine in 09 and into 2010, and excellent CB play for majority of Rex's tenure......other than that we have had no clear advantage.....yet somehow have held our own in comparison to the rest of the league (and remember, I listed the top 8 teams of the past 4 seasons in comparison. There are 31 teams in the league total that the Jets are competing with).

    When you look at the talent level Rex has had to work with in comparison to the competition, its pretty impressive he has been able to hold his own. Yes, I was disappointed with the way 2011 ended and the 2012 season, but when you look at the talent level you couldnt realistically expected much more. Overall I think Rex has over achieved (mainly in his first two seasons as NYJs HC) which probably raised expectations to an unrealistic level when you take a look at what he had to work with.

    Sent from my Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk
  18. JetsVilma28

    JetsVilma28 Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2005
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    ^i don't even remember Leon in '09. We had A strong O-line led by mangold, pulling Faneca and work horses in Thomas Jones and we found out Greene could kill ppl in the 2nd level; the dagger was Braylon on a bomb (when he caught it) or keller and cotchery dragging across the middle on PA. So what do we do? We dump Jones and Faneca in the offseason and add Holmes and McNugget, Kyle Wilson in the first (when we already have Cro and Revis, why?).

    Jones and Greene success on offense
    Greene and Tomlinson success
    Greene and McNugz we stink

    We could have had Greene and Reggie Bush. Greene and Chris Johnson is going to be nice in Tenn.

    Rather build the o-line and run the ball than have Sanchez dropping back and make decisions of who is "open" throwing into triple coverage when he feels imminent pressure.
  19. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    I'll sign on to this. The Jets have had a lot of mediocre to bad coaches over the years. Rex clearly is not in that category.

    I have no idea how things are going to turn out right now but I feel better with John Idzik at GM and Rex Ryan as the coach than I have since the first couple of Parcells years.

    Hopefully we get some stabilization action going this year and then Rex is still coaching in 2014 and we get a chance to build a great franchise from there on out.

    Things may look a bit grim at the moment but from a talent perspective the Jets haven't been as good at owner, GM and head coach since the late 60's.
  20. PaPZ187

    PaPZ187 Member

    May 10, 2010
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    That was the season where Leon broke his leg.

    Going into that season I would say Leon was our biggest playmaker on offense and Kris Jenkins was our biggest playmaker on defense (Revis was a very good corner coming into 09, but really broke through and became Revis Island during that season)......and despite losing both half way through the season to injuries we still made a deep run into the playoffs.

    After that season Leon was traded to Seattle and we drafted McKnight as his replacement.

    Sent from my Galaxy S4 via Tapatalk

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