Sanchez just sucks... just sucks. (all Sanchez complaints here)

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Sweet P, Oct 9, 2012.

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  1. tank75

    tank75 Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2010
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    outside of those throws he had one incompletion

    and you can go through every throw if you want and talk about how it could have been better, but that is the definition of nitpicking. he makes completions but you wish they were bigger plays, even though he had like a 10 ypa average and a td in 3 series.

    the int came early and instead of fold he came out swinging. its sad that we cant even give the guy credit for fighting hard and playing the best of the 3 qbs we saw yesterday, when he clearly played the best of the 3 qbs we had yesterday. the pick 6 happened, but given that was one of his problems coming into the year you have to give him time to work through them in a game situation, especially if you are counting on him to be your number one qb. mornhinweg is the first guy that i really trust to tell sanchez why the int happened, but we all also clearly saw sanchez moving the ball downfield in an offense that is actually up to par with the rest of the nfl.
  2. jerseyjay14

    jerseyjay14 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    who is nitpicking?

    he said it was flawless. i and others pointed out it wasnt flawless

    no one said it was horrible, terrible, or anything like that.

    you really need to understand the context before you post stuff like that
  3. jerseyjay14

    jerseyjay14 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    what does any of that have to do with claiming his play wasnt flawless?

    - I didint come out and say he didnt play flawless
    - LTJF didint come out and say he didint play flawless

    someone else came out, and said outside of 2 throws he played flawless. which is simply inaccurate. which was pointed out and illustrated. no one asked him to play flawless. no one said he had to play flawless. no one said he sucked outside of those 2 throws. you really need to read the threads before going off on these irrelvant tangents if you are going to be quoting people
  4. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    No it isn't. That's called analyzing football. Let's say you are analyzing tape from a regular season game that your team lost by 7 points and the QB has a 100 rating but threw 4-5 balls that could have been big gainers/TDs behind and high on the receivers. Is it nitpicking to suggest that the QB's accuracy issues helped lose the game?

    Results-minded analysis is a poor way to look at things. Grade him consistently on what he did well and what he did okay at, no matter his QB rating or whether the team won or lost. That is not nitpicking.
  5. DieHrdGreen

    DieHrdGreen Banned

    Aug 10, 2013
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    Sanchez should be benched just for wearing that girly headband, he looks like a hairy woman..Time for a change, start McElroy before Sanchez puts us in a deep hole this season.
  6. xmscott

    xmscott Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2007
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    5/5 76 yard TD drive?

    I'll take that all day every day. Even with larry mo and curly at WR and RB. Powell is not a number one. And either is Hill at WR, yet.
  7. JoeWillie130

    JoeWillie130 Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2003
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    Did you catch his interview during the game. He said something to the effect that you can't let the other team scoring a quick touchdown bother you and that he's been through worse. How about it should bother you Sanchez! The only way you will be in this league after this year is if you stop giving up the ball so much. The guy is clueless and just doesnt get it. To me I don't care if geno is ready or not I don't want to ever see Sanchez under center for the jets in a regular season game again.
  8. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    Problem with Sanchez at this stage is that, first, his ball placement is too erratic - way too erratic to be counted upon. If the WR has to make adjustments in the end zone, it wouldn't be that bad - as there isn't much yard to be gained. It's the end of the drive. In the middle of the field? You must consistently deliver the ball to the designated spot; that is, ahead of the receiver, above the shoulder pad level. That way, the receiver does not have to lose his velocity while catching the ball, and he can gain a lot of yardage after the catch.

    Secondly - this is critical - he panics when things break down. He has shown that for some time, but this is a REAL bad sign of a busted QB.

    See if Peyton or Brady throws the ball up for grabs in broken plays. You won't find them doing that. Nacho? It is his modus operandi.

    For example:


    If Nacho was there in place of Manning, it's a sure pick situation.
  9. DieHrdGreen

    DieHrdGreen Banned

    Aug 10, 2013
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    09 had an excellent OL, and very good running game, that allowed Sanchez to not have to do too much and the Defense a lot of breathing room.
  10. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    What do you mean COULD have cost us the game? I'd say it's a 12 point swing our way (-6 for them and a +6 for us if we score a touchdown). It may have been preseason but I'm betting that it DID cost us the game. Preseason or want to win.
  11. jerseyjay14

    jerseyjay14 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    we had the ball with 4 minutes left down 9 points. without that pick 6 we would have just needed a FG, and we started the drive on the 43.
  12. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    Not even that.

    Go back to the first quarter. After Sanchez TD, the score would have been 7-3 Jets, not 10-7 Lions. It changes the entire complexion of the game.
  13. TNJet

    TNJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    Good post, but do you know who really is more clueless than him?

    The posters who defend him and think he can be salvaged.

    This is where the epic delusion lies.
  14. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Pretty hard to argue with this post.

    The shockling thing about that pick was, I sat there saying to myself, "Back to this AGAIN after all of it last year? Wouldn't you think the guy would be extra cautious... more guarded... more aware than EVER that this is not to be tolerated under any circumstances? I mean, seriously?" And yet he does it AGAIN.

    And then later when interviewed, he was the same sickening, disgusting, Californication-cool, laid-back, nonchalant jackass that took the podium after all the unnecessary losses last year... "Oh well. You move on. You put it behind you and you don't think about it, you just go make plays."

    Well, yeah, you do that to finish out the game. But then it's NOT behind you dude if you haven't learned to control yourself and not do it anymore. You're destined to do it again, over and over and over again. I've had it with this clown.
  15. feldspar

    feldspar Member

    Jun 1, 2012
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    That's all I meant was that it's a preseason game. The main goal is not to win, really. Evaluating personnel is more what it's about, and that includes Sanchez this time, and that's why it's relevant. Of course, there are certain posters around here that think that playoff games are the only "real" ones...but you gotta get there first.

    Seriously though, the people that would like to ignore the pick 6 and the other near interception are not using their heads. He nearly turned the ball over 2 out of 3 drives. You can't overlook that and say "It's only 2 plays," not with Sanchez's history here. It's more of the same old shit. I don't care if you complete every single perfectly thrown pass; if you are going to turn the ball over anyway, those things don't matter...especially if you hand the opponent points.
  16. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    The pick 6 was one of two things, either a panicked throw because Sanchez had people bearing down on him and wanted to get the ball out of his hands at all costs or a blind spot that covered a third of the field that Sanchez threw into despite not having a good look at where the ball was going.

    In either case it's a critical mistake from a player whose play has now become a succession of errors under pressure.

    My gut feeling is that Sanchez saw Anzah and did not want to get hit so he gave the ball up. He's done this a bunch of times since the end of 2011 and it's gotten to the point that he no longer passes the sniff test as an NFL QB as a result. It is a very tough job and QB's take nasty hits all the time when they are doing it right. Sanchez appears to be no longer willing to take those hits and what we get instead when he is under pressure is hurried throws with a low percentage chance to be completed and a high percentage chance to be picked off.

    The contract situation is absolutely killing the Jets here. Sanchez is a cut by now without the heavy cap hit and the Jets are losing credibility with the fans every time they run him out on the field and he screws up again.
  17. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    I guess I agree with you guys. If you ignore the flaws, Sanchez had a flawless performance. It's easy to see.
  18. buddapaw

    buddapaw Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2003
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    Don't mind him bro, every throw must be perfect, even with Holey Howard at the RT spot. I see no one talking about how he totally lost and didn't even slow down his man on the int. Mark my words, HOWARD WILL BE AN ISSUE FOR THE SEASON.
  19. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    In all fairness to El Guapo, he DID make some nice throws... kind of surprised me reall... the accuracy. So he did reeem himself somewhat.

    BUT, we can't have this other careless stuff. You just can't. Like you say, you can make 10 good throws and go in for 6 or settle for 3, but if you do that stuff (especially in their territory, which it seems is usually the case and which is more than likely to result in 6 for the other team), yoou hand the game to a team that maybe you outplayed even, but served up the win to them on a silver platter.

    Not to be ignored is the demoralizing effect on the rest of the team, who busted their ass getting points on the board only to see The Annointed One carelessly piss them away and then some.
  20. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Nailed. At some point in his short career with us, Sanchez went from being able to make the plays he needed to make and not concentrate on the hits. The past two years have really taken a toll on him because it's now the opposite... worrying about the hits coming and, well... let's make the play if we can. Or more precisely, "I'll still try to make the play while trying to avoid the hit." The option is to get rid of it if there's nothing there but for some reason he still resorts to trying this other really low percentage stuff. And you'd think, with being at the wrong end of teh field, you's say to yourself, "Well, okay, this is not the time... this is not an option to be fucking around here," but he does it anyway.

    He was staring down the receiver as usual and then saw the pressure and decided "fuck it," and paid the same old price he's been paying for two years now.
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