there is just.. so much delusion here... 1. No, signing Garrard was not just for PR, thats a pointless endeavor who gives a shit what the media thinks? why waste time like that? if Sanchez is your guy than freaking commit to that. they went with Garrard because he knows the offense, would be able to play the role of stopgap while a rookie developed (not saying Smith was a given to them, but getting a rookie QB was probably in their draft itinerary) and would serve as a mentor for sanchez or anybody else on team because of his attitude. he seemed to be just fine physically when they signed but that gave out, he would have given Sanchez competition by being a man thats been there and knows what he's doing. 2. Smith can't push sanchez this year? what are you BLIND? or are you just NOT paying attention? even if you believe Sanchez will win and start day 1 (a reasonable possibility) you really don't think Smith is pushing him right now? or that he even has a chance at winning the job? 3. If I can reiterate a point, why the hell do the Jets fake a competition!!! why go through all this bullshit when time could have been spent giving Sanchez full 1st team reps and time to gel with the best receivers? If he's "The Guy" then treat him like one, fuck what you're fans and media think about the situation and do what you think will win football games. If you believe that a new Offensive Coordinator is what he needed most to succeed so much so that the decision to start him without regard to what others do has been made months in advance then run with it. tell everybody! theres hardly any difference in perception especially since the result will be the same! The ones that want him gone will be pissed off about him still having a chance at the job anyway, so who does this false narrative please? I fail to see ANY benefit to doing something like this and not having it matter, the Jets would have to be the biggest morons in the world to try something like this just to make their idiot fans feel better. 4. that financially prudent idea won't work. assuming Sanchez is actually worth the money enough to NOT be usurped by the cheaper, more physically gifted and most assuredly Pro ready backup he must really be elite or playing spectacularly well. I mean he's making about 4x as much as Smith in 2015, there must be damn good reason why Geno isn't the starting QB when its so financially feasible for him to be so. So...why would we give that up? If he's that good we'd be paying him the big bucks at the end of his contract to return and be our man behind center for the forceable future. if he ever became mediocre between now and the end of his contract he's cut and replaced with a cheeper player that by now should be able to handle the job... or do you really think it'll take that long for Smith to be ready? either way the jets will be paying one of these two a lot of dough. Either Sanchez will show that he's worth the money and to good a player to give up OR Smith is given and opportunity to show up and does OR Smith fails and we need to find a new Quarterback. just a lot of dumb in that post... wow.
Hobbes my friend...while a I see your poiints..we are both probably wrong or right...but the true answer is on the Sanchez will probably start..because Geno sprained his ankle and Sanchez actually played well after the pick. It took 5 months over overanalyzing this to have it all taken care of on the field. I confess guilt.
Well at least I got the part about the Sanchez INT to a d-linemen correct. The fact that I was able to predict that should tell us all we need to know about him.
what he said........too bad they are so stupid that open competition only means half the candidates. as open as a poker game with marked cards ( yes, pun intended! ).:grin:
Can't have a competition when the HC is shoeing favoritism to one of the competitors The reason it worked in Seattle is because Flynn and Russ came in the same year
So I guess the "Bold Prediction" didn't come true.... If only the damn o-line didn't commit so many penalties when Geno was under center. And if only our running backs like Running Backs. Geno would've had more opportunities to throw the ball.... Oh well. On to the next preseason debacle.
I believe he said "shoeing favoritism." Maybe some sort of secret foot code that normal people cannot see.
You seem certain of the squads both QBs played with. I'm sure you can name the players they had at their disposal.
For me it was the egregious goal line INT in the Seattle game last season. I stuck by him until that exact moment, but enough was enough. Completely unforgiveable .... Basically a commercial for his typical level of play, week in and week out. I'd seen all I needed to see at that point.
I know the receivers that played with the 1s included Kerley, Gates, Hill, Dougie and Spadola The Line was Brick-Peter-Thor-Colon-Howard Cumberland was the TE with Kellen also getting reps Powell and Griffin played RB
when I think of last season I see the Seattle int , hills drop in the patriot game, int into triple coverage at ten,and the Texans game. remember that one play when cro lined up at wr and blew the top off. wide open game winning touchdown thrown out of bounds. just can't get that outta my head. everyone bitches about gmacs weak arm bit sanchez deep ball accuracy sucks.