SBNation:The Mark Sanchez era

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Jetfan76, Aug 8, 2013.

  1. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    I guess I misjudged you.

    And yes, QBs have gone on to better situations. Mainly non-Jets-related.

    I also agree that Sanchez has proven that he can get things done. In the postseason. I think what most people are frustrated with is that he has never proven to do it in the regular season.

    Not that regular season stats are all that important. But when you draft a guy early, that's what you expect.

    Instead, we got a guy that couldn't do shit in the regular season, but showed up in the games that mattered.

    That gave me hope. I'm sure it did the same for you.

    But he has never been a regular season killer and we haven't been outside the reg season since 2010.

    And there is no promise that Sanchez will be 2009 or 2010 postseason Sanchez.

    Can you understand that?

    I'd like him to prove me wrong. I don't see it.
  2. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    And for Junc, and the others, that say the list isn't valid because so and so is ranked ahead of so and so.

    Remember, the stat they are using is different for each player in that it's compared to the league play of every QB DURING the same time period the players played. the rating is a direct comparison of their performance against the league average during the time the player played. The number is not a comparison between the stats of players of different era's. It is simply a gauge of how far above or below the league average at the time the player was.

    Otto Graham, for example, was a man among boys when he played, but his numbers in today's game would be below average. But for the era he played in his numbers were FAR above the league norm.

    Put Sanchez's numbers against QB's who played in the 1960's and his stats look respectable. The problem is the game isn't played the same way it was back then the league was VERY much less pass friendly. Blockers couldn't use their hands to block pass rushers, there was no 5 yard contact rule, defenders could make contact all the way down the field and even tackle receivers as long as the ball wasn't in the air in their direction. (it's why there were no small receivers back in those days who were successful, they didn't last long).

    That said, when looking at the list and the numbers and the rankings you have to remember that the numbers is representative of how the player stacked up against his peers at the time. When you look at the list in the context which is provided (not out of context as Junc claims, junc only interprets it out of context.) the numbers are exactly reflective of what they are purported as being..assuming the numbers are accurate of course.
  3. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    This is important. It does seem that people think this is the passer rating or QBR you see on TV while watching a game, it isn't.

    EDIT: And this is for a player's career. So that's why Marino is behind Rivers now, but Rivers keeps on playing like he did the last couple years, then Rivers will fall drop if the overall play of NFL QBs remains constant or becomes better.
    #43 displacedfan, Aug 8, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2013
  4. Cman69

    Cman69 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Funny how the Sanchez Era has quietly been uncoupled from the Ryan Era. Both Eras should be combined.
  5. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Well if people really believe that Sanchez is a terrible as the worst QB in the league ever, then what Rex did to get this team to an over 500 record with Sanchez must be a miracle :)

    If Rex came in as an offensive specialist, they might be more tightly tied. But since Rex has "stepped back" offensively allowing his OCs (or at least what we are told he does) to coach that side of the ball while he oversees, he smartly or by luck distanced himself from the average to below average unit of the team the last 4 years and is more closely tied to the better unit over the last 4 years
  6. Cman69

    Cman69 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Sometimes, it really is better to be lucky than good. Although Rex tries to distance himself from anything other than the defense, the cold reality is he will be judged not only by what his defenses did or didn't do, but also by the results of the rest of the team.

    When the Rex Ryan/Mark Sanchez Era is over, and that day can't get here soon enough IMO, Rex will always be known as the HC who really was a DC and didn't have a handle on the entire field ops of the team he was supposed to be leading. Sitting in the big chair means you will be judged by the entire team's results, not just one unit. That's why I think the Sanchez/Ryan Era should not be treated separately as of today. Who knows what the future will bring.
  7. slimjasi

    slimjasi Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2007
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    LOL. The truth can hurt, folks. Besides wondering whether Sanchez apologists actually ever watch him play, I also often find myself wondering whether they ever watch ANY OTHER starting NFL quarterback play. Because, another way to quickly verify that Sanchez sucks is to compare his play to EVERYONE ELSE at the position. Watch him try and throw a crossing route and then watch, oh I don't know, 20 other guys around the league try and throw the same pass. Who is generally more accurate? Who would you rather have on your team?

    And then, once we get past the eye test (which Sanchez fails miserably), we have the statistics. And the reality is that, statistically speaking, with respect to the rest of the starting quarterbacks in the NFL, Sanchez fucking sucks.
  8. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    The Kordell Stewart Era should have been tied inexorably to the Bill Cowher Era.
  9. slimjasi

    slimjasi Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2007
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    hahaha. junc, ftw.
  10. The 1985er

    The 1985er Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Exactly but junc likes to deflect by arguing about playoff wins or if Peyton Manning is clutch.
  11. Jetfanmack

    Jetfanmack haz chilens?

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Most teams don't start a guy for the majority of 4 seasons unless they're pretty good. Sanchez hasn't been. Most quarterbacks would be significantly lower on this list with just four years experience.

    But Sanchez has not been good. He's had a few moments, but it's hard to have faith in him being any better than mediocre.
  12. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    The only reason this is even an argument is that Sanchez played well in the playoffs.

    That's not just "a few moments".

    It's also the only reason this is an argument.

    I loved those playoff games, but they may also be a curse.
  13. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    its fucking painful that this turd has been around long enough to even think about calling anything an era. more like an error.

    and big surprise there is junc on defense.
  14. slimjasi

    slimjasi Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2007
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    The inherent flaw in your argument is that very few guys have had anything close to Walter Payton at RB, Shannon Sharpe at TE, etc, etc. So, there were many guys who COULD have been at the bottom of the list due to not being surrounded by the best talent or not being put in the best situations to succeed . . . but only one guy is at the bottom, and it happens to be Sanchez.

    You can come up with any rationalization or excuse that you wish to explain why Mark is at the very bottom of that list, but it won't change the reality that virtually any excuse that you come up with could just as well have been used to defend some other mediocre or crappy QB . . . and yet, of all those shitty quarterbacks, Mark is the one ranked last.

    You have constantly stated that lists like this are meaningless because they are taken "out of context". I think the far more accurate statement would be that lists like this are an incomplete part of a larger picture. But nonetheless, they are still PART of that picture.

    Listen Junc, I certainly wouldn't call Mark Sanchez the worst quarterback who ever played based solely on a list like this (I don't think any serious person would). However, I don't think any fair-minded individual would argue with the reality that him being last on a list like this is a pretty good indicator that he hasn't performed well throughout the entirety of his career. He just hasn't been good . . . In fact, he's been pretty bad.
    #54 slimjasi, Aug 8, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2013
  15. TonyMaC

    TonyMaC Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2013
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    because he was soooo bad for us at the start right?

    the era went south, the fact that it was allowed to happen wasn't the problem.

    you make it seem like he's played unreasonably bad the whole time. he hasn't, not till recently anyway.
  16. johnnysd

    johnnysd Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2006
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    158 he didn't. Outside of the Bengals game he was pretty much terrible in the playoffs too. We just rode a running game and defense to victory. Sanchez playing well in the playoffs is a complete myth.
  17. johnnysd

    johnnysd Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2006
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    Except he DID NOT play well in the playoffs.
  18. Steve032

    Steve032 New Member

    Dec 7, 2007
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    At this point, I don't care what Sanchez has done in the past. He has this season to prove if he can do it or not. No excuses. If he's ever going to make it, he will rise to the occasion and step up his game. If not, he will be riding the bench by week 6.

    I'm tired of looking at stats and hearing the same arguments back and forth. We will find it what he can do in the next 3 months.
  19. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    yes, he was not good at the beginning. he was almost good in the middle and he was terrible in the end. or what should be the end.

    yes i think he played bad the whole time.
  20. mr nyjet

    mr nyjet Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    well stated. even with the new rules, he sucks more than about 29 starters in the entire league.

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