They may look like our jacks on the outside, but Definitely doesn't look like them on the inside..... looks good! I'm hungry now The meat of the Jack Crevalles is dark red like bricks...... not like tuna red. You catch them with plastic artificials? love me some mangoes too..... one of the few things I miss about south FL. We can't grow em up here (too cold)
Sometimes I "whip" with the artificials, but since its Oama season we snag a bunch of those for live bait and dunk (slide bait) them on the Ulua poles. Trying for the big boys. If you aren't familiar with Oama their small goatfish. Ulua is the goal
I got the Snapper Blues! Yessir, Wifey and I are headed out to load up on these little fellahs. All the reports are claiming max catches of snapper blues between 2-4lbs. The perfect size for eating as they're not old enough quite yet to be really oily. I'll be going out on the Big Jamaica out of Brielle, NJ. Its almost a year to the day since the last time I was on that boat for blues and we slaughtered them from 6-20lbs. Got worn out just hauling those monsters in one after another. The Big Jamaica is a really large head boat (125') so overcrowding shouldn't be a problem as most folks will go to Belmar instead. I'm counting on that. I should have pics to share. If not, wifey might throw me overboard! Tight Lines!!
Not a bad trip. Caught our limit of snapper Blues (30). The Big J wasn't as crowded as the Belmar boats which worked out great. Fish were smallish and really not worth taking pictures of but they certainly were tasty when pan fried. Came out with roughly 11lbs of filets. Like I said, they were smallish even for snappers. The big boys hopefully will come in around October or Early November. Just checked and my vacation request was granted for 8-6 so we are a go for Belmar Fluke. If the weather holds up, and it should, we could get action all day long as we'll probably have to wade thru the dinks to get to the keepers. Looking forward to the trip... Tight Lines!
I was thinking about this but how much do they charge you to filet the keepers? I don't wanna be dealing with cleaning anything on my vacation.... Hoping to catch at least 2 meals
On the Ocean Explorer, you give what you think is fair. A lot of boats now charge $1 per fish (Big Jamaica) and I think that's high after what you pay to get up front to fish. The Mates on the Explorer are a great bunch of guys who are very helpful and knowledgeable. From what I've been reading, there's even a good chance we'll get into some SeaBass while we're out there.
Awesome, catching a bass or 2 would be great. I'm actually typing this from somewhere over Utah.....WiFi on planes is great even if it costs 8 bucks.
Ya gotta love it! Tech is great isn't it.... :grin: Listen, latest weather gives us a chance of showers on tuesday, 8-6 so come prepared. High around 81 so that's good. If you're still bringing lil' man, you might also consider his video game. I doubt anybody on the boat will clip the kid for it as most are older than the two of us.
Just checked NOAA again and here it is for Tuesday: You can't ask for better weather than what they're calling for. :grin:
Just saw the report, I was pretty happy as the weather the last 3 days here has been shite. I'll have to double check but I believe a 6:30 AM departure from Belmar. Should be fun. Hope the fluke/bass are biting that day.
Its 0630 for the Big Mohawk. Its 0730 for the Ocean Explorer. Both are good boats for fluke. I'm ready to go!
Ocean Explorer it is, that is the one half pint is free on. Phew, at least 7:30 is a little later than I thought. I won't be leaving my mom's at 5:45 now. Now 6:45, a little better that way.
Tomorrow is the big day, I'll be in my USC shorts, a LVMPD Canine Unit Shirt and a Newcastle hat....oh and I'll have half pint in tow. Probably still half asleep.
I'll be in my white Jets Polo, 2 rods, cooler w/beer and sammich, tackle box, and backpack. I should be at the boat between 0630 and 0700. I try to sit rear right facing the front as the transponder on the Ocean Explorer is amidships. Bring lunch as there won't be anything other than a working microwave on the boat. I'm going with the 12" subway.
2' seas with a decent breeze means a good drift and great fishing (I hope). We're gonna have a great day and a lot of fun. :grin: Just in case, I'm bringing a poncho.
The water was way too calm, like being on a lake, C caught 2 keepers, me and the boy throwbacks. I've got a few picks once I can figure out how to upload them from my tablet