Well Hernandez is also questioned in another murder or two if I am not mistaken before this latest incident happened.
Just saw that forced Presser of BB from this morning. NFLN is lauding him for speaking out, even though most of his presser was basically reading from cue cards, and later he stated straight out "I've been advised to address the situation once, and it's time for the NEP to move on." This was Beli's announcement that this would be the only time he was ever going to talk about this, and he also made it clear that it was under duress. Not really sure why he's being complimented for a forced press conference. He was giving a prepared statement that Robert Kraft forced him to address. The legend of the Patriot Way lives on in the minds of dumb asshole media executives. Whatevs.
"How I know it's the offseason" #1 (in a series of 4,502) NFL analysts give their "take" of Bill Belichick's delivery of the Hernandez situation. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap10...esses-aaron-hernandez-situation-the-right-way
http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-s...dia-first-time-since-hernandez-180032732.html Unbelievable. Zero accountability. Free pass from questions.
I'm once again struck by the enduring legacy Myra Kraft has left on the Patriots, the league and all of us who love the game of football.
I'm happy to know that the Patriots are going to "continue to be pillars of the community". People really buy this bullshit? It's comical.
In all honesty, I kind of got the same impression, even as a Pats fan. I was surprised to see the media's reaction to this. The only thing I can figure here is that everyone expected a lot less from him. Maybe the prevailing thought was that he'd cite the investigation and legal process and not say a word - no mention of the victim or his family, etc-etc. Could just be that he exceeded what were very low expectations going into it. The fact that he used the phrase "hurt" seemed to impress people. But credit the team's PR people on that, because I'm sure he didn't write a single word of that prepared statement. I think he did what he had to do - no more, no less. Accountability for what? Not trying to be an a-hole here. What is Belichick accountable for other than making a bad decision on a guy who turned out to be 1000 times worse of a human being than anyone ever knew? Do you think the team was aware that Hernandez was a murderer? Or even suspected it? I guess if you do... OK. But as much as you may despise them, Kraft, Belichick, and the organization as a whole is not so evil as to condone shooting people five times. Get real man, it's only football. There are no true villains here. Truth. At least in my case.
:rofl2: ESPN is pretending to believe it. Does anyone else really believe that Bellichick or the Pats management had no idea of Hernandez' activities off the field? None of the other players or coaches ever heard any rumors about Hernandez? None of the Boston news media ever heard any rumors about Hernandez? Like you said: Do they really expect us to buy this pile of bullshit? :rofl:
It seems everyone knew over there including the fans that this guy was into drugs and hung out with bad people. No one was 'duped'. He was a great player on the field so the off the field conduct was swept under the rug until it could not be swept anymore.
So you guys are saying that Kraft willingly employed a murderer? And that Belichick also knew how dark things really had gotten, but still looked the other way? Again, guys... this is football. I'm not saying Hernandez was a choir boy but he also did nothing to indicate that he was capable of taking lives.
I will give you the benefit of the doubt in that I am a Yankees fan and I don't think Alex Rodriguez is representation of my 27x World Series Champion Yankees. However, when it comes to "class of the NFL" or "pillars of the community" the Patriots are no better than my New York Jets.
I'm saying that the Patriots as well as every other team in the NFL don't make a serious effort keep tabs on their players. They don't want to know what the players are doing away from the practice field or during the off season. That way, when a scandal hits the headlines, they can say that they are "shocked and disappointed". If they made a real effort to find out what the players are doing in the off season, they might have to take disciplinary action against a star player. They don't want to know. Also, the League's vaunted investigative agency is a charade. The way that the League and the Sports Media talk, you would think that the League's investigators are compararable to Scotland Yard or the FBI. Yet everytime a scandal makes the news, they claim they knew thonthing about it. It's all a farce designed to make the public think that the team owners really give a damn.
I've never bought into that whole thing... all NFL teams, really all professional teams for that matter, are run to make money and win games. I'm sure some of the charitable work and fundraising is done for good reasons.
I agree with just about all of this... I don't think the Patriots are different from any other NFL team. They all want to win games and sell tickets and make money. I honestly don't think they knew how deep Hernandez was into this gang stuff though. If they did, and they gave him $40M just a year ago, they're idiots. And say what you want about Kraft and/or Belichick, but they're not idiots.