The Rockefellers and the Rothschilds.

Discussion in 'BS Forum' started by abyzmul, May 11, 2013.

  1. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    good video, well done. this is exactly the stuff my band writes about.

    Seriously, I don't have an hour to kill watching that. Any chance you could just explain yourself in simple declarative sentences? That relate to one another coherently so that the uninitiated can follow along.
  2. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    You say uninitiated, I call it conditioned to be willingly and blissfully distracted and unwilling to believe in what is actually happening in this country.

    Are you aware that subliminal manipulation is used commonly in advertising? Is been used for years. Many people are. Why are they not outraged by this? Why don't they use the most powerful information tool this world has ever seen - the Internet - to find out what action is being taken about it?

    Because they don't have an hour to kill finding out about something that may brand them a crackpot for believing or even attempting to understand, when they could be reading about celebrity break-ups, who won American Idol, or who their favorite sports team picked up in free agency.

    Humans are an innately social animal, and being an accepted element of the herd is an instinct. This society has made questioning the government as an overall entity taboo. In place of that, you are allowed to question one party or another, as long as you support one of the established parties as an alternative.

    I'll get to WWIII after a while, but I'd like to hear your opinion on subliminals.

    And no, I am not rambling, all of this ties together.
  3. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    I've been aware of subliminal advertising messages ever since I read the Clam Plate Orgy twenty plus years ago. My opinion now is the same as my opinion then. There is absolutely no evidence it has any affect on my purchasing patterns whatsoever.

    But I am not up on the latest, I admit. So, you brought this up, go put your foot in it already: What exactly are you talking about with the phrase "what is actually happening in this country"? What. Is. Actually. Happening. Inthiscountry?
  4. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Banks own and control America because of the ability to control population with economic panic. Specifically, the Federal Reserve. The debt our economy is about to be crippled by is being caused purposefully by the Fed.

    The only reason the Fed exists is because JP Morgan facilitated a panic in the 20s that collapsed competing banks and enabled only a small group of the most powerful to conceive the Federal Reserve Act, which was passed by Woodrow Wilson in return for financial bacpking. Wilson later admitted it was a mistake to empower those men.

    Bankers in Europe simultaneously funded both sides of WWI. Some of those same bankers, specifically the Rothschilds, own significant stock in Rockefeller enterprises. Things like that stink.

    That's one of the things going on in this country. I have to take a giant shit, and I am paranoid about bringing my new phone in threw with me for fear that it ends up in the toilet, so I will end this one here.

    Edit: my dates are crossed, Morgan caused that panic in the 1890s, and created a far more significant one in the following decade, it was not the 20s as I stated above.
    #24 abyzmul, Jul 16, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2013
  5. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Financial panics existed long before the fiat currency and the ability to easily manipulate interest rates, money supply, etc.

    In fact the gap between financial panics has increased greatly due to the ability of the Federal Reserve to tamp down speculation and reward prudent economic behavior by setting rates and issuing currency to do both of those things.

    That said, things have begun to break down recently. The anti-tax meme of the last generation coupled with the credit-card approach that government has taken in the absence of sufficient tax revenues has created a vast instability in the overall system.

    Fiat currency cannot survive for long in an environment in which the government is irresponsible in the manufacture of it. The only thing that makes our currency worth anything is that it is backed by the full faith and credit of the US government. If that full faith and credit is called into question for any reason then the currency will lose value.

    For the last 17 years the Federal Reserve has used interest rates and the money supply to feed a cyclical boom and bust cycle that has produce several recessions, one near cataclysmic bust and two extraordinary booms - the internet boom of the late 90's and the housing bubble of the mid 00's.

    The way the Fed did this was to lower interest rates to at or near zero and essentially give banks free money to try to make money with. Bankers given this money had great latitude to make risky loans, since they were already making 2.5%-3.5% or so on the overall transaction in the form of interest fees not paid to acquire the capital in the first place.

    The problem is that all that risky behavior turned into the near cataclysmic bust in 2008 and a massive recapture of assets from the public was required to finance the results of the zero interest rate debacle. That was the bailout and the associated measures taken to recapitalize the banks, save a few large industries that looked like they were about to die and prop up the FDIC.

    With interest rates already at or near zero the only measure that the Fed had left to pump money into the economy was by printing a lot more of it and so we got quantitative easing, which essentially is the government issuing bonds which it then buys from itself using currency printed up to cover the cost of the buy.

    So basically the government is printing money right now to prop up the economy. It's doing this at a time when faith in the government is at or near all time lows. That's the break. Fiat currency is only as valuable as the government that backs it and yet the US government is printing more of it at a time when the value of the government is perceived to be low and declining.

    What we need to do is really simple. We need to raise taxes and cut spending to bring our accounts into alignment with reality. Just pumping more cash into the system isn't doing anything for us but maintaining a weakening status quo.

    When the next recession hits if we haven't figured this out we're going to be in real trouble because we won't have interest rate reductions or quantitative easing available from the depths of that trough and taxing people to get out of a recession is not likely to be effective.
    #25 Br4d, Jul 16, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2013
  6. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Ah, raise taxes and cut spending, where have I heard that before?

    Fiat money is a mirage of comfort, and will be rendered entirely useless once the dollar standard in international trade is largely abandoned. The only way the US can maintain the integrity of this useless paper is to either wage war on the countries moving toward a non-dollar policy, or to subvert the control structures of those governments.

    The Fed is printing money now to help pay simply the interest on the insanely large National debt figure, and also charging the government interest on every dollar printed. And they can't even pay the interest with that printed money.

    This is why they went with fiat instead of having the money backed by gold. Because when the debt and international distrust of the dollar collapses, those in power are not liable in the least to provide something of value to the people in return for their credit and paper. Fiat currency is backed by nothing but trust in a Federal Reserve that acts entirely without conscience.

    No matter what party is in power in this country, our government never cuts spending. They just stop spending in some areas and start spending in others. That is why the debt growth never significantly recedes when a Democrat sits the throne in the White Castle.

    There is nothing simple about what needs to happen to fix the problems with our current state of affairs. The fact that you have the gall to call it simple and then provide the standard Democrat response is pathetic.
    #26 abyzmul, Jul 16, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2013
  7. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    So Abyzmul, list your plan and what it would do.

    Don't just say cut spending. List the cuts and describe what they would do.

    The American people are very open to specific proposals to cut spending that they don't care much about.

    Now go find all that spending legislation, that the public doesn't care about, that has been enacted over the years.

    Good luck with that.
  8. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    The American people need to understand that cuts are necessary and that people are going to take hits. The current over reliance on government and government spending is mathematically unsustainable as I understand it.
  9. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    I'll give you one example of federal expenditures I have some significant experience with that should be cut to the bone: Housing and Urban Development.

    Never in the course of human endeavor has so much been spent to provide so little.
  10. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    It is not possible. You are making a useless argument that amounts to piling sandbags in the face of a tidal wave.

    The powers that be have made it that way. There is no "reasonable" alternative other than to align closely into a one world government, having the entire Union absorb the debt, and having those countries willingly involved in that government forgive the debts that America owes for a price. Maybe it is the oil that America has been hoarding for a rainy day.

    Going to true war with countries like China, Russia, and Iran make that hoard a very valuable commodity in such an event.

    You are playing checkers on a chess board. There is no fixing this country without consolidating into a One World system. It has been designed that way just to make you agree, as a citizen, to such a proposal.

    But don't get attached to the idea of being a citizen too closely, because you are going to be forced to earn citizenship altogether different than what you have been accustomed to.

    Save those pennies. They may be useful to convert to copper wire for an illegal splice once the power companies stop accepting your money.
  11. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    A friend of mine sent this to me today. It's a very well made movie detailing why there is no law stating that any American is obligated to pay Federal Income Tax, but the IRS demands it through fraud and intimidation, and how state and federal judges enforce it without any basis in law.

    I'll post the Cliffs Notes version when I have some time later for people that don't have an hour and a half to spare in their very important day to understand that they have given a significant portion of their life's wages to the government, and by extension the private back owners that run the Federal Reserve, for no lawful reason.
  12. JetsVilma28

    JetsVilma28 Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2005
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    "OK, guys, one more thing. Hey, this summer when you're being inendated with all this bi-centennial, fourth of July, bru-ha-ha just remember what you're celebrating. That's the fact that a bunch of slave-owning aristocratic white males did'nt want to pay their taxes."
  13. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    Sigh. You used to be a much more effective bullshit artist.
  14. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Bullshit was a fun thing while it lasted. There comes a time when you need to stop eating it like oatmeal.

    Does a law degree really give you so much of a sense of false security? Find me the law that dictates that Americans must pay Federal Income Tax. And not just a state law referring to a nonexistent law.
    #34 abyzmul, Jul 17, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2013
  15. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    The difference here is that the aristocrats pay the fewest taxes and the peasants pay the most. Our forefathers were rich land owners that comprised the upper echelon of what would be conceived as a tax bracket at the time.

    Those are the men that are safe in this country. All they have to do is use their influence to support the banks. Everything else is gravy.
  16. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    Jesus. This is like playing basketball with a four year old.

    Start with the 16th amendment. Then move on to 26 USC §§1, 6012 and 6151. And probably a dozen other explicit provisions in the Internal Revenue Code. Not to mention thousands of implicit provisions. Nor the dozens, if not hundreds, of judicial decisions interpreting them uniformly over the last several decades.

    I know, I know, the 16th Amendment was ratified illegally and the Internal Revenue Code is unconstitutional and all those judges are witting or unwitting dupes of the system, blah, blah, blah. I think we should just move on.
  17. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Income tax is not a direct tax.

    Suck my basketballs.

    I wasn't even going to bother with the fact that that amendment was ratified while most of Congress was on Christmas vacation, but thanks for bringing it up.

    Maybe it's not that you are uninitiated. Maybe it's that you are unwilling.

    Judicial decisions waged by men with compromised interests are about as convincing as an MLB ump ruling a home run is foul when it lands in the stands behind center field.

    blahblablah and all that.

    Your dismissive speech speaks of the unwillingness to understand or concede anything.

    Show me the law in writing - declarative and simple terms - or shut the fuck up.

    edit: leave out the simple part. Law is written by deceptive men that don't want their citizens to be able to understand it. I think we both know that is an undeniable truth.

    I just tossed you the ball, if you were wondering. My little 4 year old arms had to make it a bounce pass.
    #37 abyzmul, Jul 17, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2013
  18. Barcs

    Barcs Banned

    Nov 15, 2011
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    These guys are the poster boys for the "Bankers run the world" mantra. I've seen a bunch of conspiracy theory videos about them. I doubt half of it is true, but I've heard things about them funding both sides of war and also giving loans to 3rd world countries that they know can never pay back, which puts the country in their debt and then the bank takes over their resource management and jacks up the cost so to the people living there stuff like electricity and running water becomes an unaffordable luxury. Eh, when I hear these names I just get angry.
  19. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Don't doubt it if you don't understand it.

    Otherwise your opinion is borne of ignorance and conditioning.
  20. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    Show you the law? Citing to it like you asked isn't enough? Why do you keep moving the goalposts? Your friend sent you a link that you think establishes that "there is no law stating that any American is obligated to pay Federal Income Tax." I chuckled at the stupidity. You then asked me to find you the law that dictates we must pay a tax. So I did just that. Do you want me to quote the statutes verbatim? Go to and look it up and go blind.

    Of course, your edit makes it clear that it doesn't matter what the law is. All of it is illegitimate because its been produced, interpreted and enforced by deceptive men who have ulterior motives. So you get to decide what the law is all by yourself.

    You should be better than this. This is almost junc-worthy. And getting very close to The Great American territory. Nicely done.

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