Cop shoots Dog Video...

Discussion in 'BS Forum' started by Royal Tee, Jul 5, 2013.


Simple question. What is your take?

  1. Cops were Wrong

    10 vote(s)
  2. Guy with dog was Wrong

    11 vote(s)
  3. They are BOTH to blame

    8 vote(s)
  1. Royal Tee

    Royal Tee Girls juss wanna have fun

    Dec 31, 2002
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  2. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    That really pisses me off at the owner. He's even shouting things about his dog at the cops.
  3. Barcs

    Barcs Banned

    Nov 15, 2011
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    This is why I continuously say FUCK THE COPS. They are trained in hand to hand combat and have non lethal weapons. Shooting a fucking dog is a disgrace and shows the dude is a complete fucking pussy. I'm convinced that all high school bullies move on to become cops. Grow a set of balls, man.
  4. The Predator

    The Predator Active Member

    Dec 12, 2004
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    I'm pretty sure you couldn't be any more retarded. Please find me a police academy, or any police-related course that trains hand-to-hand combat with 100+lb agressive dogs.

    You are completely correct. It is a disgrace, those officer(s) should have allowed that poor aggressively-trained dog to rip their throats out. A simple sprits of O/C or a little whack from their expandable baton would have remedied the situation properly. I am 100% with you on that one, damn you're smart!

    And thank you for that great comparison of high school jocks to police officers! In my experience, which I assure you, Is much more relavent than yours, It is the exact opposite. The "HS jocks" are the morons that can't get accepted into college and are forced into either military (nothing wrong with that) or labro-intensive lines of work. As for the "High school bullies" becoming cops thing? God forbid a normal, middle-grade, working class, every-day kid becomes a cop. Jesus Christ you are fucking pathetically simple-minded.
  5. Barcs

    Barcs Banned

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Sorry, but it is what it is. If you call that aggressive behavior, then I don't know what to say. The owner was even telling them not to shoot him and to let him get his dog away. All the cops had to do was let the owner handle the dog, and then detain him. Completely unprofessional and a disgrace to the police force. They walked up to the guy and hand cuffed him immediately on the street with no provocation, the guy was fully cooperating. The dog barking at them from the car should have been fair warning that it was the right thing to do. What did they expect is going to happen? It's not like the man they cuffed was dangerous and they outnumbered the dog 4 to 1. Plus the dog was not even that big. Yeah the owner was acting like a jackass and people were laughing him messing around, but that was overkill. You really need to personally insult me because I'm outraged at this?? Why wouldn't anybody be? Cops have no balls. They shoot first and ask questions later. If this scenario didn't constantly happen I wouldn't speak out so harshly, but until it changes and the power abuse stops, I fully support NWA policy with cops. You can't trust them, ever. Fuck them.
    #25 Barcs, Jul 14, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2013
  6. Cappy

    Cappy Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2007
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    A good read about the militarization of America's police forces (excerpt from a book): Check it out
  7. The Predator

    The Predator Active Member

    Dec 12, 2004
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    I do consider the dog lunging towards them several times aggressive. The owner telling the cops not to shoot the dog does not remove the danger from the situation. Who is to say that if they allow the owner to handle the dog that it will end well? Believe me, a seemingly compliant, cooperative, or helpful person can turn in to one of the most dangerous threats in the split second an officer glances away. The owner was also not exactly cooperative, they were in a stand-off situation and he was intentionally disrupting their operation and making it difficult to communicate. As for the dogs size, maybe it wasn't 100lbs, but then again I've seen guys arms and legs get pretty torn up from animals half that size.
    I have no intentions of insulting you; it's just that your outlook is so completely skewed and you have far too much faith in the shit heads of our society. I love people that bash police for protecting themselves from being attacked by a dog, but when the day comes that you or someone you know needs your ass saved I'm sure you won't hesitate to call 9-1-1.
  8. Barcs

    Barcs Banned

    Nov 15, 2011
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    The dog didn't exactly lunge at them. The dog was confused and didn't know what was going on. The guy who took that second video was a complete dick telling the cops to just shoot the dog. The dog didn't jump towards the cops, he was just being a good dog and was confused as to why his owner was being taken away against his will. The owner was already cuffed and searched, what danger could he have possibly put the cops in by letting him restrain his dog??? 4 cops vs 1 guy in cuffs, gee I wonder who's going to win that one. I didn't hear any warnings from the cops on the scene for the guy to leave. They just walked out to him and cuffed him no questions asked. He might have done some stupid shit, but that's no reason to justify shooting his pet when the situation could have EASILY been remedied another way. Cops just can't think on that level. They react. Tell me now, what would have happened if one of those bullets ricocheted and hit an innocent bystander? There were people all over the place, yet they open fire on a dog in the street? WTF! It's a stupid thing to do, plus they didn't even go for the kill, they let the dog suffer and twitch on the street before finally dying. It makes me wish the dog tore one of those guys throats out.

    It's a simple case of police being stupid and not thinking things through, and this constantly happens. It's not like people who graduate at the top of their class become cops or anything. I'd prefer police officers that know how to critically think things through before taking action, especially when the action results in a death. I don't like robotic cops that shoot first, without even attempting to do the right thing. They didn't even try. Shooting the dog is just the easy way out and the pathetic pussy cops took that route, as usual. The sadder part is that they probably will not even be disciplined which will encourage more cops to abuse power in the future. It's a disgusting system we have where cops are above the law and can break it willy nilly whenever they feel like it and they are rarely held accountable. We only see this stuff when people are lucky enough to catch it on video, just imagine how many of these incidents happen that never see the light of day?

    Maybe my outlook is skewed, but that's because I grew up in Northern Jersey where police abuse constantly happens and whenever you call the cops for help, they do not help, they harass the person who called them. Hell, they harass people just for driving down the same road twice, or pulling over to use the cell phone. Trust me, I've seen it first hand too many times, and in court you can't do shit because it's your word vs the cops and the cops are automatically favored despite lying their asses off. I wouldn't ever call the police for help unless it was a life and death situation. If I call 911, I can tell you for sure that the cops wouldn't be the ones saving my life. It would be the hospital staff.

    There was another video out a couple years back where cops invaded this guy's house and the dogs started acting up. They were gated in a separate room, but the cops decided to shoot both dogs immediately without even giving them a chance to resolve the situation. That's the problem with cops and if anything THAT is ruining society, not somebody like me expressing his opinion on the internet. Cops have a free pass to do whatever the fuck they want morality be damned and that makes me sick to my stomach. The hypocrisy I see from cops almost on a DAILY BASIS makes me sick. Driving 90 mph without emergency lights on and almost never using their blinkers, then they pull people over for doing the same shit.
    #28 Barcs, Jul 15, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2013
  9. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    I tried to read it, and it seemed like a good read, but on my phone the text was out of control large and I couldn't deal with it. Maybe when I get home.

    Can you provide a synopsis?
  10. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    I can't respond to the fifty paragraphs you have posted about this.

    I am a dog lover, and I think many breeds are discriminated against by police.

    But what I saw in those videos was entirely the fault of the dog's owner.


    The guy pulls up to the scene with his music blasting, takes his dog out of the car and struts with his camera phone yelling at police about no black cops and about his guard dog.

    When the police start walking toward him about the distraction he is creating in a tense situation, he sticks his agitated dog in a car with open windows, walks over to the cops and turns around with his hands around his back, still speaking loudly.

    That fucking asshole provoked his own dog from start to end.

    I think the cops acted with far too much force, but the dog's owner was the only true reason it escalated like it did.

    That fucking asshole could have saved his own dog. I think he used that dog to escalate the issue. You are a dog lover. You know how they respond to your actions and emotions.

    The victim here is the dog. The antagonist is the asshole that put him in harm's way, without thinking about the dog's welfare. And the cops ended up being the weapon the owner used to harm his animal.
  11. Barcs

    Barcs Banned

    Nov 15, 2011
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    The guy looked like he was trying to get footage of what was going on. I'm not saying he wasn't acting like an idiot, but I doubt the cops even heard any of what he was saying. But when the cops started walking over, he put the dog in the car, probably because he didn't want the dog to be in the way. He looked like he was rushing and didn't close the windows. He absolutely did not provoke his dog at the end, however. When he turned around, he wasn't saying anything. When the dog jumped out of the car, he was yelling for somebody to get the dog, and saying that he's not fighting, and just wanted them to give him a chance. He even tried to kick the dog away because he knew the primitive mentality that many cops have and that they wouldn't even dare risk a paper cut. The dog didn't look vicious or even threatening. Many dogs jump up to say hello to people. It's not like the owner told him to sick em.

    Anyways, I'm outraged at the over reaction of the police. I don't give a fuck what the guy did, it didn't justify the police's reaction, not even in the least. I could see if the dog jumped toward their face growling, but that's not even close to what happened. I would say if the dog actually did that or bit them then it's justified, but the dog was just being a dog.
  12. The Predator

    The Predator Active Member

    Dec 12, 2004
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    Couldn't have said it any better, Abyz. It is a damn shame that the dog was shot, I have 3 of them myself. But for anyone to say that the defendant didn't bring this upon his own pet is foolish.

    As for Barcs. Of course there are bad cops, just like there are bad people in any profession that have no business being where they are. It always has been that way and it always will be that way. And as nice as it is to say that everyone should be able to take a step back from every situation and critically think through the situation, every situation is different. Split-second decisions are an unfortunate every day occurrence in that line of work.

    I don't understand how they could have let the owner attempt to control the animal once he was already in handcuffs. It's a simple matter of officer safety, the individual is in custody - you don't let him continue going about his business or giving him a chance to act violently towards you. I also don't think you understand much about shooting in that hitting a moving target in a high stress situation is extremely difficult, so going for a "kill shot" is pretty unrealistic. You shoot to eliminate the immediate threat, which they did. The dog took several rounds, then began flopping around: the threat was eliminated.

    For the love of all that is holy, don't bring videos into this. Yes, there are videos of cops acting unprofessionally or even illegally. There are also more videos than I can count that involve an officer talking to a perfectly calm and unprovoked person, only to have them pull out a gun and shoot, or physically attack an officer. Video goes both ways.
  13. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Look at all footage. He is doing his best to antagonize officers that don't even know he is there.

    He tells something about his "guard dog" and motions toward his dog.

    No way will I believe that the cops are passive toward that animal, but stop wasting my time about the innocence of that asshole. He was as much to blame for the death of his pet as the police were.

    Keep arguing with me. You won't win.

    If I have to, I will break the entire situation down frame by frame.

    You are the only one that needs a true understanding of this.

    I will if I have to, but you will end up holding a grudge against me, and I am tired of that shit.
    #33 abyzmul, Jul 15, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2013
  14. Barcs

    Barcs Banned

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Please explain to me how a man in hand cuffs with no weapons on him is a danger to 4 trained police officers. Good luck explaining that one. The guy wasn't being violent or anything close to it. He was dumb and trying to get crime scene footage while being a jackass. That doesn't make him a threat to police safety. The cops were pissed at him, so they took out on the dog. It's unprofessional.

    Jesus H Christ dude. I'm not arguing for the innocence of the owner. I'm arguing against the over reaction that killed the animal. All I'm saying is he's not a violent criminal and letting him handle his own dog would have been the smart choice. You'll probably respond again with more red herrings about how the owner was a piece of shit. That's not my point in the least, and I should have dismissed that red herring instead of entertaining it the first time. The cops took the easy way out. It's that simple. It happens all the time. To deny this is akin to denying the earth revolving around the sun.
    #34 Barcs, Jul 16, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2013
  15. The Predator

    The Predator Active Member

    Dec 12, 2004
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    I guess I misunderstood this. But in all fairness, you made it pretty confusing. I took it to mean that you wanted the cops to uncuff him so that he could "restrain" his dog. The reason I got confused is because I don't really see how someone can restrain a dog if they are in hand cuffs. Sooo, if you can explain to me how he would go about doing that, that'd be great.

    And again, as far as him acting non-violently: people change. Someone can be acting perfectly calm and polite then flip a switch and attack in an instant. As you've correctly assumed, yes I am a police officer. And I can personally tell you from more than one incident that someone being passive or non-aggressive doesn't mean anything. Those cops were acting exactly as they should have. Caution, suspicion, and being ready for anything to happen at any instant are what their training and experience had taught them. And that training and experience paid off by allowing them all to go home and see their families unharmed at the end of the day.
  16. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    Dude. Once they have the guy under arrest he's staying in cuffs. Too bad about the doggie, but come on. You ask for trouble long enough, you're probably going to get it. And maybe in ways you don't particularly like.
  17. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Red herrings? Shut up with that. I have already stated that I think the cops acted with too much force.

    But it never would have gotten to that point if the dumbfuck owner of that dog hadn't caused the arrest in the first place.

    Like Dierking said above, they aren't going to uncuff an arrest to restrain a dog that the owner had the chance to restrain before the arrest in the car he pulled in with open windows blasting music, and left with the windows open blasting music so he could antagonize the cops with during a bust.

    Red herring my ass.

    If you really want to make a point, maybe you could state that the cops put the actual situation they were responding to in danger by firing shots on the street that could have caused that previous situation to escalate.
  18. Barcs

    Barcs Banned

    Nov 15, 2011
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    I tend to ramble sometimes, so I'm sorry for being confusing and I apologize for bashing cops. Bad cops don't represent the majority, so that's my fault for letting my beliefs and emotions get the best of me. Dogs respond to voice commands and if the dog sees that his owner isn't being held and forced against his will by the cops he won't attack them. If they let the guy simply walk a few feet away and call his dog to the car he could have remedied the situation without any additional danger posed to anybody. If the officers were familiar with how protective dogs can act, it's really not that complicated. They just have to make themselves appear non aggressive to the owner. I'm not saying they should release the guy completely, but it's not like letting him temporarily get hold of the dog to close him in the car is going to put anyone in danger. If the owner intended the dog to attack the police, he wouldn't have put him in the car in the first place when they walked toward him.

    Perhaps the issue is more related to the training police receive. I understand that once they cuff a guy they will never uncuff him, and have to follow that exact procedure. I believe that individual situations should be treated like individual situations rather than generalizing them all into the same responses and circumstances. I just feel they could have done more to avoid an unnecessary death. You can guess about the owner possibly being dangerous with cuffed hands and no weapons, but really what's the worst that could happen, he makes a run for it and gets tackled and restrained? I could see if they hadn't cuffed or searched him yet, but they did so the danger was extremely low from the owner.
  19. SanityRemoved

    SanityRemoved New Member

    May 25, 2009
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    Barcs, have you ever seen the suits that they use while training police dogs? The suits are huge, hot and cumbersome. Lots of guys end up with very sore arms from where the dogs have bit and the pressure is still great enough to make your arm hurt. No cop would go through any type of training involving a real dog for defensive tactics in response to a dog attack. The injury settlements alone would put a department or local government out of business. Not to mention the injuries to humans.

    The owner was at fault. Cops have to make some on the spot decisions and one that many people don't see while filming is that the cops don't know if the person filming is harmless or may be part of what is going down. No cop wants to see a camera, turn his back and then get shot by the person who was holding the camera. It isn't about freedoms it's about surviving the shift and going home to family and friends alive.
  20. KWJetsFan

    KWJetsFan Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2010
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    And as a cop, I say FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU!!

    You have no idea what we go through on a daily basis and never will.

    I was in a situation where a close friend in my Ops unit had to shoot a dog. I'm quite certain if you met him, you would not call him a pussy. He's an owner of three dogs and felt horrendous. Despite all the training you receive, often the totality of the circumstances dictate you make quick decisions. Stop watching TV shows or the news which shows the 1% of 1% of cops making bad decisions. Try to think of every other cop in every other city doing the right thing a huge majority of the time. Those things don't make the papers.

    Also, I was once bitten by a handcuffed man. As a result, I had to take something we refer to as "The AIDS cocktail" for a month to make sure I was clear of infectious disease. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. My wife and I were terrified for 30 plus days that I caught something from the "non-dangerous handcuffed man" who was fighting 4 of us. Myself and my unit chose not to bludgeon him because he was already handcuffed. That would have been easy and I surely would not have been bitten. It also would have been wrong. He ended up with barely a scratch. Me, not so much. Glad to hear you tell me a handcuffed individual isn't dangerous. I guess I was a pussy too, right?


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