yeah, but I live here so I can fish year round :wink: Got the skunk off the yak....... caught 3 flounder. Lost one nice redfish though hmy: Tossed topwaters early at lower tide to no avail.. all fish hit a paddle tail grub/ 1/4oz jighead combo...... Found some cool areas that real boats won't be able to get to, this thing is fun....... ran into some pro-yak fishermen (he had a tricked out rig to the max, said he was sponsored by emotion kayaks & yak gear) caught a 24" redfish in about a foot of water.....
Goring after Blues in the morning. The big boys are back so it looks like a true slugfest tomorrow. Hopefully, those SW winds and 2-4ft seas hold up one more day. I'll be using 30# PowerPro and 30# floro leaders on Ava47's and Crocs. Happy Father's Day in advance and... Tight Lines!
oh, ok...... I was going to say that you don't need to spend the $$$ on Flourocarbon for Bluefish who will chomp anything like a piranha, especially in stirred up surf water but being on a boat with a bunch of other peeps it may help the presentation of your jigs over others. good luck and hopefully you'll have some for the smoker
Learned a hard lesson yesterday. I will NEVER, EVER, go on another head boat on any holiday of any kind. The boat was assholes to elbows one end to the other. Seems like every Dad in the State of NJ was on this boat. We switched to Fluke because the bluefish reports were sketchy at best. Bad decision on our part. Wifey and I spent most of the trip untangling lines and to top it off, we had the wind going against the current so our lines, when they weren't tangled, were always under the boat. We caught a few but short fish ruled the day. The pool was over $800 so you can imagine how many people were on this boat. Thinking next weekend, I'll get my boat out on the lake and do some sweetwater fishing. Tight Lines Everybody!
sorry to hear that, but yeah, that's why I pretty much avoid those things....... fun if you have a group of guys together to drink beers, but..... too much money to be frustrated and use oversize tackle all day. This weekend, fullmoon high tide in the morn. I think I may head out early in the yak to get back in some oyster bar filled skinny water to hunt for some reds........ This thing has me fired up on fishing again.
You guys ever see this site? it's new from the guys @ (pretty much the same site but the surfing content is replaced with fishing) I just got the email about it, and starting checking it out. It seems interesting so far (from what I've glanced at)
So my dates are set, I land in NJ at about 5 on the 1st of August and leave on the 10th. I'd prefer to go during the week as my weekends are kind of busy but I'm game to drive to Belmar although I think the Gambler looks like it would be a fun boat out of Point.
The weekday trip sounds like a winner. Be advised that the Gambler is a half day Fluke boat. 1hr to the grounds and 1hr back doesn't leave a lot of fishing time. I would suggest an all day boat perhaps for Seabass instead as there's a 4 fish limit on Fluke but a 25 fish limit on Seabass. There are several boats out of Brielle and Belmar that do all day trips. Hopefully by August, the fishing has finally come around and we'll have a ton of choices. So far this season, its been far from spectacular. Blues are hit or miss. The Fluke that are coming over the rail are more shorts than keepers and the Striper bite probably won't happen until the fall migration. Some Bluefish boats pull double duty as bottom fishing boats to make sure everyone has something in the cooler. By August, things should be better. I'll keep you posted as the time draws near. I have the time off to use as well. Tight Lines!
Just let me know what you find, I was thinking half as little man might get bored but I know you drive a distance so we can do a full day. If he gets tired he can go hang out in the snack bar or on a cot. If I bring some family members they'll entertain him. He'll be leaving his Nintendo DS at home on that trip. I'm so afraid of it getting lost or stolen.
I'm with Cman...... half day trips are usually a waste of time if you really are hoping to catch some fish (maybe aside from the chance of running into a thick school of Blues outside the inlet, but that probably wont happen for a month or 2) you'll spend more time traveling / searching than fishing....... weekday is a better option too. more space on the boat / less knuckleheads. It's the same situation here...... I didn't gt to take the yak out sunday....... gave surfing a go for the 1st time since knee surgery on saturday. Twisted my foot in a weird way, and fell on it. Back on my ass for a few more weeks....... :bangsheads: :shit:
Dayum.. Stinks, you got one bad stretch of luck going on here man. I dunno. Maybe sacrifice a squirrel or some other small rodent to the gods..
yeah, I'm on a roll.......I guess poisoning the rats that were tearing up my tomato plants wasn't enough. bad things always seem to happen in threes to me so...... well, at least it's not broken, just severly bruised. The swelling's gone, and the pretty purple colors are starting to as well. I'll be back at it in a week.... tide was super low this morning + hard SW winds and forecast T-storms = no fishing for me. may have to wait until next week (there will be too many knuckleheads out on the water on the 4th)
Do you want to go out on a boat? if so jilozzo, named a few...... if you want to surf fish, there are others
Took the yak out for the early morning new moon high tide yesterday and way back in some skinny water creeks...... back waters still look like coffee and tea from all the rain, but the fish were fired up. Unfortunately NOT interested in anything I was throwing to them. Saw a big stud of a redfish blasting the mud/grassline chasing these little shrimp flying into the air. seriously in a few inches of water. He was too focused on what he was after and wouldn't touch my jig/paddle tail grub or yozurri minnow. Live bait was the ticket for the day I guess :shit:
Caught 2 keeper fluke and my gf caught a Monster! Great day for fishing on the Angler off of Atlantic Highlands