Hobbes, that works if you consider this a government conspiracy. It sounds to me much more of a media creation with overzealous prosecutors looking to make bank later on. But there again, I haven't spent 5 seconds watching any of this on tv and barely following it online since it happened.
You could argue that, I would think there is a 99.99% probability that it would be a failed argument. The whole incident from the time Zimmerman saw Martin until the gunshot was 7 minutes and 21 seconds, you would have to convince a jury that in that time Zimmerman pursued him and then re-pursued him as if these were different incidents, I just don't see it.
First off, if you don't understand the meaning of a word (Falco21/JetBlue), you should look it up in the dictionary. It'll help in the long run and expand your vocabulary. 1. to pursue or approach prey, quarry, etc., stealthily. 2. to walk with measured, stiff, or haughty strides: He was so angry he stalked away without saying goodbye. 3. to proceed in a steady, deliberate, or sinister manner: Famine stalked through the nation. 4. Obsolete . to walk or go stealthily along. verb (used with object) 5. to pursue (game, a person, etc.) stealthily. 6. to proceed through (an area) in search of prey or quarry: to stalk the woods for game. 7. to proceed or spread through in a steady or sinister manner: Disease stalked the land. Pretty sure the way I used the word "stalk" fits multiple definitions right there. NOTHING would have happened if he didn't follow Martin. Martin was walking home from the store. Wearing a hoodie is not a shady/illegal activity. Having skittles and iced tea in your pockets isn't a shady/illegal activity. Zimmerman had no actual evidence or proof to support a belief that Martin was up to no good. Following Martin until Martin confronted him precipitated the incident the in the end, lead to the death of a human being.
The main problem with your definition of the word stalk is that is a definition pulled out of Merriam Webster or some other such book. What Zimmerman did in no way met the legal criteria to be considered stalking according to Florida statute. What Zimmerman did before the 2 had the physical confrontation was not illegal.
You seem to lack the intelligence to distinguish a word from its definition and the way it is used. Zimmerman did not "stalk" Martin. He approached him to see what he was doing. In your theory, police are stalking people everyday. Martin looked to be up to no good, so Zimmerman approached him to see what he was doing. Martin then took off running. Just because Webster's dictionary labels "stalk" in a way that benefits your argument does not mean that it is the proper use of the word. Zimmerman was not stalking. He was "approaching" a suspicious man.
Zimmerman apparently had knowledge that numerous robberies and rapes had taken place on that night. Martin was walking through people's yards on his way home on a rainy night when you wouldn't expect someone to be outside. That's certainly not definitive evidence of anything, but you can't blame Zimmerman for finding that a bit concerning.
What part of Neighborhood watch was that? Where Zimmerman has to stalk a person and follow him even though he called an operator and she said no don't follow him anymore but he says people like this get away all the time. When he says people what kind of people does he refer to? It doesn't have to be a black and white thing for it to be a racially fuel event. The kid was not walking around the neighborhood peeking in cars or going in peoples yards or private property looking for stuff. He came from the store and was walking directly home. If anything if anybody was in Martins Situation you would think somebody is tailing me maybe a child molester or kidnapper or someones trying to rob me. So now they jump out on you and get into a confrontation with you this then becomes self defense for Martin. As far as the Stand Your Ground Law wouldn't it be stand your ground when you are the person being attacked? Not the Attacker.
Simply not true. If you listen to his police call, Zimmerman clearly says that Martin was suspiciously looking at people's homes walking from yard to yard. He also says that Martin had one hand near his waist line, which could have very well been a gun. He then takes off running when Zimmerman started following him. Zimmerman says "these assholes always get away" may mean that he feels Martin is a potential criminal who might get away. It could be taken racially, but that's all speculation. If Martin had not been doing anything then why did he take off running and then return to create a confrontation? If he was so innocent and scared like they said he was, then why didn't he take off home when he ran? Why come back?
It was a gated community. It is considered private property. Here you have a man wandering around "private" property looking suspicious.
I have yet to hear any suspicious activity on Martin's part. When I walk around, I look at the houses I walk passed. Is that suspicious?
the way you used it would fit those definitions. problem is those definitions don't fit was Zimmerman was doing, hence why you are either dishonestly claiming Zimmerman did something he did not or are the idiot you are continuously proving yourself to be by not understanding what Zimmerman did. Zimmerman followed him in the open, without stealth or any evidence that he meant any harm to Trayvon, which would be the only way to qualify it as approaching as prey or with any sinister intentions.
he wasn't stalked, so your attempt to dishonestly portray the situation has already proven you aren't interested in the truth of the situation and have either a bias or agenda. secondly, the police dispatcher telling Zimmerman he doesn't have to follow him is not a legal order that he was under any obligation to follow. it is simply a suggestion by a third party. your attempt to give it any significant weight is only further dishonesty, and simply the last grasp at someone who knows you are ignoring facts and are lying. the last part of your post is sheer nonsense. there is no indication that Trayvon was worried that he was a child molester or was going to rob him, so you are only continuing to make things up. and there is no evidence that shows that Zimmerman jumped out on Trayvon, so again your argument depends on fantasy. what we do know is that if Trayvon was scared and running away for safety, he could have easily made it home and to safety. yet he did not go home and instead circled back around to where Zimmerman was. it is hard to argue that he was afraid and trying to flee for safety when his actions don't logically follow the behavior of someone that was trying to do so.
I don't wanna say too much here on a football site, but I will say this. "THEY ALWAYS GET AWAY". That's the beginning and the end for me. Guilty of first degree murder. Not to bring race into this, but race was brought into this case as soon as Zimmerman stated "they always get away". He murdered an innocent child in cold blood due to a skin complexion. A child who just got done playing video games before buying skittles for a friend of his. Then; ended up murdered. At the end of the night if Trayvon were of white complexion A.) Zimmerman would have never stated "they always get away". B.) Approached the kid with a loaded gun and C.) A child wouldn't have been murdered while being taken away from his family/friends. All due to skin complexion which is what "THEY ALWAYS GET AWAY" refers to. It's one thing to state "they always get away" but it's a completely different story to follow/approach a kid with a loaded gun. This kid was pointed out due to race by a man, followed with a loaded gun... And then murdered by a bullet. It's murder.
So from the point of view of a killer whose other witness /testimony is dead so dead men can tell no stories. So this means Zimmerman could of made up any bull crap story he wanted to. The guy gets to go home and isnt arrested or asked question till some time later. I think he could come up with 10 stories with Alibi's to back it if you have time to do so. Any normal place would arrest you on the spot and finds out the facts first. I cant see a grown man who outweighed a kid by like 100 pounds getting beat up. Plus if your neighborhood watch you would think you would know the people of your gated community if your active in the association. A lady by the name of Marissa Alexander shot her husband with one warning shot because he was abusive towards her got sentenced to 20 years in the same stand your ground florida state. GO FIGURE
Question. If Martin had beaten Zimmerman to death would you all say he should go free? The same rule applies, and there is clearly a more reasonable fear for your life from a man armed with a gun than an unarmed kid.
Backwards. They always get away. Martin was GONE. Again, look at the map. Zimmerman turned back to get to his truck, and Martin, who was .......GONE....doubled back for a confrontation.