Agreed, but Stringer should have been the main bad guy throughout the show...Marlo had way too much focus in the show
I liked Marlo Stanfield. "You want it to be one way" ... "You want it to be one way" ... "You want it to be one way" ... "...but it's the other way."
The fourth season where they followed Marlo was the best in the series. And I'm not sure it would have been nearly as good if they just continued with Stringer.
Well season 5 should have had a greater focus on The Greek and his right hand man at least. Marlo to me just became more and more glorified, he looked like a character just waiting to get his head shot up. i am more upset that Marlo was not killed then Omar getting killed by a punk hopper.
HBO has seasons 1-3 on demand so I am just watching it now....on episode 3 of season 2.... It's weird seeing Chalky White kissing dudes
As soon as you get through the first 4-5 episodes...Its all smooth sailing from there. Second season is a bit different then the first, but season 3 and 4...Damn shit is great
The wire was definitely a good series, but I think it's a bit over rated for what it was. A lot of people put it in top 5 shows of all time, but I simply can't agree.
It was one of the best TV shows ever IMO until I caught onto Breaking Bad. Can't think of two shows I enjoyed more.
Finished 3 seasons. "It's just business" Going to start season 4 which is regarded as the best season Also, I don't watch much dramas so I can't rank this as good as people who have seen Mad Men, Sopranos, Breaking Bad, etc etc. I do see why people consider the Wire amazing though. It just feels so real
This is KEY for anyone wanting to watch this series. One of the best things about this incredible series is the character development. The first few episodes are slow moving, but they are key in giving you important background info and developing the characters. The Wire, IMO, has some of the best characters in all of television. Even the smaller supporting characters in the show are better developed than the main characters in most dramas. This is a must watch for anyone that likes good television. i can't believe the lack of love for Chris and Snoop!
I almost missed out on this great series because of season 2. I considered it un-watchable and skipped it completely. Someone encouraged me to pick up from season 3 - which I'm glad I did.