I was stunned to hear this, and as well terribly saddened. My son ( late teens when we watched) & I grew to love that show, Tony, and all the characters....
Wow that's unexpected. Poor guy. Definitely a talented actor and was the lead on one of the best shows in TV history. He's a legend in my eyes.
Really sad news. Gandolfini was one of those guys that I wanted spitting in the grim reaper's eye into his 80's. What a character and a big Jet fan.
Sucks he won't ever see the jets win a Super Bowl. Great actor, changed the landscape of Television history forever. RIP to a legend and a fellow Jets fan.
Sad news about a truly fine actor, and it's never a good feeling when someone younger than you are passes away. RIP.
Very sad news, great actor, by all accounts great guy and a great Jet fan. He was at games more often than not.
This shouldn't be in the Bullshit section, it should be in the NYJ section. He is a Jersey boy and Jets fan. I'm 40 and "almost" (miracle i didn't) had a heart attack at 38. Barely avoided it (had all the signs), 2 angio's and a 1 stint later, I'm good as new (family history of heart disease). If you have any history of heart disease and in late 30's/early 40's you should all go to cardiologists ASAP. You just never know with these things. My life hasn't changed one bit besides popping a few pills every day (i've always exercised, ate decent. I run too.) So i was shocked when it happened. I hate going to the doctor's like the next guy, but a few minutes or hour of being annoyed is better than dead.
Don't agree at all. This has nothing to do with the Jets. I loved the guy, but being a Jets fan doesn't make it Jets news.