Rex Ryan: I’m a lot better coach than I’m given credit for

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by CJLang, Jun 14, 2013.

  1. Acad23

    Acad23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    When did Rex say this stuff that's bolded?

    He may be a clown, but he's our clown. Far worse is when he admitted he lost the locker room.

    Rex is still trying to find the balance between being a "players coach" and being a strict disciplinarian. His attempts at using the media to accomplish either of those things have been clumsy.

    Years ago it was probably easier for a head coach in a lot of ways. Players were around longer, you could abuse them more, and the media wasn't up ur ass 24/7.

    Sometimes I think that Rex is Woody's inner child, willing to act and say things that he just can't.
  2. tomdeb

    tomdeb Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2004
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    You're being kind on his talent evaluation. RR is one of the worst talent evaluators the jets have ever had since the plumber's assistant Rich Kotite. ANYONE who has talked up Sanchez as much as RR and gotten his jersey number tattooed on his own body has no clue--I believe Rex STILL think "Mark gives us the best chance to win" and is only giving Geno reps because the jets invested a high #2 in him.
  3. Barcs

    Barcs Banned

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Um, as a head coach, he is SUPPOSED to hire an OC who takes care of everything on that side of the ball. Rex working with the D is EXTRA work he puts in. Every head coach utilizes his strengths when coaching a team. Offensive minded head coaches hire defensive coordinators to take care of everything on D.

    Lee is still a better coach than Cavanaugh, a guy who had ZERO experience as a QB coach before coming to the Jets to develop Sanchez (where he failed miserably). At least he has experience in his field of expertise. Schotty was similiar. He had ZERO experience as an OC before coming to the Jets. The problem was coaching, but not head coach. MM is also a solid addition as he has a good amount of experience as a coordinator. We're moving in the right direction. We picked up guys with experience, rather than up and comers that haven't done any thing yet and get their jobs strictly because of their last names (cough Schotty).
    #63 Barcs, Jun 15, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2013
  4. Barcs

    Barcs Banned

    Nov 15, 2011
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    Shouldn't you be posting on the Patriots forums by now?
  5. LAJet

    LAJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    I sincerely hope Rex has a successful season, good enough to shut some of the constant whining that goes on by some of jets fans.
    Like it or not he is the best we had since time memorial but still we shit all over some of his short comings.
    He is a poor talent evaluator - Ok I give. That's why we have a new front office. Let him fucking coach. BB and Parcels are not much better.
    He is a glorified DC - really now, every single freaking coach starts on either one side or the other, and most, including the ones that have become super successful have struggled and stumbled along the way.
    Can someone tell me how long it took the likes of BB an B Cower to get his team to the SB since they began coaching?
    He is a loud mouth and not media savvy, but learning as he goes. Dealing with the NY media and the Jet fans is a thankless mind blowing job.
    Had he stumbled into someone like Brady like NE did he would have destroyed the competition, offensive minded or not.
    I'm not willing to trade a coach with so much potential and talent because he is not media savvy. If and only if he fails to get us better and a consistent playoff contender should the discussion be considered. Rex is not the circus, some of the previous ownership and leadership moves from Favre to Tebow is. That was hardly Rex.
  6. Acad23

    Acad23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    C'mon. He may not have been a qb coach before he took the job with the Jets, but he had played the position for 12 years and worked in football steadily from '92-'08.

    Whether he was a good qb coach or not is debatable, but he has loads of experience.

    Anyway, if Sanchez's play improves measurably this year, Morningwheg will get all the credit...not David Lee.

    Which reminds me...didn't Lee bring the wildcat to the NFL?
  7. G_know4Pres

    G_know4Pres Banned

    Jun 3, 2013
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    Rex is never going to NE
  8. TNJet

    TNJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    Oh, how I hope so. Motherfucker kept Sanchez in as the starter wayyyy too long.
  9. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    It's as if those who bash RR for focusing more on D don't realize every HC specializes in one side of the ball and leans on Coordinators to install other phases after they, as a group, go over philosophy and what they will be implementing.
  10. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    those guys many times will also have confidence that they can do more with less. and allow free agents and drafts to be more focused on the OTHER side of hte ball. thats the kind of confidence i want from rex, not well im going to draft a defensive guy first every year and our d is going to be AWESOME... and hte offense will suck turds because all your draft picks and money are tied up in the defense.

    its a team, he is in charge of the whole thing. he focuses a bit too much on the defense.

    and stats, he loves reading off stats, junc must hate that.
  11. CaneJet

    CaneJet Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2002
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    I can't say I think Rex is a good coach, but my opinion of Mike Fluoride as a journalist is far lower.
  12. CaneJet

    CaneJet Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2002
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    I fear you are correct.
  13. HardHitta

    HardHitta Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2007
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    Rex is an excellent defensive mind. One of the best for sure. He's a leader of men and can get them pumped up on sundays, there's no denying that. He's still got to become more well rounded overall but no doubt he's a pretty good head coach and this season will mean a lot. People have left Rex for dead and I guess that's some what fair but I'm not one of them.
  14. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    I'm trying to think of a scenario where a HC specialized on one side of the ball and the other side of the ball on his team sucked dick for years and the HC stuck around. I'm drawing a blank, but maybe you can help me out?
  15. deathstar

    deathstar Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2010
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    Good coaches don't have to say this...
  16. KWJetsFan

    KWJetsFan Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2010
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    Can't think of one.

    I soured on Rex with his big mouth and empty promises.

    Rex completely lost me when he said the following about Sparano: “I’m like, "Oh, hell, yeah . . . that’s my guy."

    To anyone who thinks I'm fabricating that....
    He is truly clueless on the offensive side of the ball. That does not make for a good HC. He continues to prove it after 4 years.
  17. The Steelers with Bill Cowher had some really lousy years on both sides of the ball.He coached 13 years.

    Mike Ditka strictly ran the offense in Chicago & he was there for 8 years.That was the good,the bad & the ugly.

    There's nothing to say Rex couldn't be on a similar path. There's no way around the fact that defense seems to thrive even when the personnel doesn't.It's all about finding the right guy to run the offense & rebuilding that unit.
  18. GRNYT

    GRNYT Member

    Dec 26, 2011
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    oh my God...going from Bellichick to Rex is like going from Caviar to Spam
  19. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    Bill Cowhers teams won the division in 5 of his first 6 years, made the playoffs every one of those years, played in the AFCCG in 4 of those years and also made it to a superbowl only to lose to a dynasty.

    Let's not compare Rex to him just yet?

    Ditka had a top 10 defense by his second year as a coach, the #1 D in the league by his 3rd and possibly the best defense in the history of the NFL by the 4th. That is the complete opposite of what Rex has done with the other side of the ball.

    I like Rex a lot, but I find it troubling when he makes comments that seem to indicate that he's still in defensive coordinator mode where he doesn't seem to think the offense matters. It's mostly troubling because if he doesn't give the offense the attention it requires it will get him fired.
  20. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    doesn't matter whether good coaches have to say it, it only matters whether the statement is true.

    are you arguing that because he said it it means he is not a good coach? but he would be a good coach if he had not said it because whether saying it or not is what determines whether he is a good coach or not?

    point is your statement has zero meaning. stick to the NBA thread.

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