Sanchez just sucks... just sucks. (all Sanchez complaints here)

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Sweet P, Oct 9, 2012.

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  1. jdon

    jdon Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2006
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    I think Idzik makes the call on the QB. But if he does not I can see him telling Rex that if he decides to start Sanchez he better win 9 or 10 games or he is gone. If he were to start Geno and win 6 or so I think Idzik would give him another year. Because some mistakes are acceptable from a rookie. But rookie mistakes are not acceptable for a 4 year veteran, and he continues to make them.
  2. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I have said it all offseason, he may be done here. mentally he may not be able to recover but w/ so much money invested in him we have to give him a shot to turn it around here.

    Phil Simms did it with the same team and so did Brees. people forget they drafted Philip Rivers in 2004 and if not for a holdout Brees wouldn't have had the chance in 2004 to have a great year and lead SD to the div title. Bradshaw did it w/ the same team as well.

    Flacco was being given up on in DECEMBER of LAST YEAR. How quickly people forget.

    Giant fans were fed up w/ Eli at the end of 2007 before the SB run.

    They didn't give up on Rodgers but they wanted Favre to stay there forever and no one thought Rodgers would ever become a top QB.

    It wasn't about injuries w/ Brees, it was about poor play. They drafted a top 5 QB in 2004 and if not for a holdout Brees would have been pushed out then. Brees got the job, played great and has been a top QB since. The injury at the end of '05 made the decision to move on to Rivers easier but if Brees had performed early they never would have needed to draft Rivers.

    I think most are ignoring circumstances and acting like Mark had the 2010 team around him.

    Year 2 starter in BALTIMORE. You do know he was drafted and RELEASED by the Pittsburgh Steelers, right?

    Giant fans wanted Eli out in 2007, he threw 20 INTs the year they won their first SB and fans were fed up. How soon we forget. Two 4 game runs have saved his career.

    You guys wouldn't have given Brady a chance.

    You weren't around here but fans didn't think Chad could play b/c he didn't start by the beginning of year 3, if Rodgers was sitting on our bench for years the fans would have come to the same conclusions.

    Plunkett won TWO Super Bowls.

    Flacco was being bashed at the end of 2012! It's amazing how many people forget things so quickly. Eli was being run out of town before the '07 run then he turned into "elite Eli!", Flacco was being run out of town before the playoffs this year and now he's elite!

    Sanchez has been ABOVE average among his peers, the problem is fantasy fans don't see it.

    Favre was TRADED after his first year and

    warner couldn't make it in the NFL and he played in the Arena league, your post is so hysterical in that you don't know half the nonsense you post.
  3. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    Picking out the handful of guys in NFL history that turned their careers around after rough starts is nothing but fanboy bullshit. Grasping for straws for their hero...

    We could make a much larger list (probably days and days worth) of QBs that sucked like Sanchez, and then went on to continue to suck.

    Those players mentioned by his fan club, we're extraordinary exceptions. If Sanchez by some miracle turns out to be an exception, great, but all things considered, chances are heavily weighed that he won't be. The smart decision would be to get rid of him too early, rather than too late (which it already might be)..

    If the Jets organization is making decisions based on extremely rare chances like the examples listed, then as fans we aren't ever going to see a title because that's no way to run things, pie in the sky bullshit. Fortunately, by drafting Geno it's obvious they aren't like that.
  4. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Your Geno argument would be valid, if they drafted him when his avaiabilty was a certainty. Not when blind luck dropped him to 39.

    But, they didnt. In fact...the FO neglected to bring in a serious challenger to Sanchez, then passed on Geno, not once...but twice.

    They clearly feel better about him than a guy whose avvy, couldnt carry Sanchez jock.
  5. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    Yea you are right, they just drafted Geno for shits and giggles... good call.
  6. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    hobbes you never answered my question in the which player would you take thread.

    did you actually imply that you would take sanchez over andrew luck? because that is how you wrote it. i want to verify it though before i laugh.
  7. Ben Had

    Ben Had Active Member

    Nov 19, 2011
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    I agree...these are 2 of the very best posters on TGG. One of the reasons I enjoys coming to this site.
  8. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    I don't think Flacco was given up on, people just thought what they saw with Flacco is what you get. A QB who could protect the ball, throw the deep ball, and help the team but not consistently be the best player on the offense. I still don't think 4 games means he can do that but given up is very harsh.

    Of course Giants fans were fed up, difference between that and giving up.

    No, but you said given up so you are backtracking on that point. Rodgers was no given up on like you originally said.

    Drafting Rivers doesn't mean it was the end. It could have been a similar strategy to Rodgers in GB. We don't know because Brees played great once Rivers was drafted and did so the following year until he was hurt.

    I don't think people are ignoring circumstances. We all understand he doesn't have 2010 team around him last year and he won't have that team around him next year. So he'll have to learn not be mentally shook because of it.

    What years do you think Sanchez was above average among peers which I guess means other QBs?

    I have 2010 and maybe 2011. I have 2009 and 2012 as a definite not above average among his peers and put him in below average at playing the QB position. Overall that rounds out to average at best among peers. He's been an average, streaky QB when on can really help your team but when off can really hurt your team. He lets bad things roll together and lets good things roll together. When we get a great game from him, we usually win, but these past couple years we rarely have gotten a great game from him.
  9. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    I do think it's fair to be worried that last year has hurt mechanically and in his head and he might not be able to come back from it. While we did fans want to throw out last year, Sanchez went through it and I think it impacted him negatively.

    I also think using stats isn't a fair way to judge him last year, but his decision making is what really bothered me. He just seemed not to be aware of game clock/situation and when to do what with the ball.
  10. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I said OUR fans would give up on them, of course from afar we are more patient but if these came up the same way w/ the Jets we would have given up on these players. There's no backtracking. Fans are impatient, NY area fans are even worse when it comes to that.

    2009 he was a rookie, had rookie ups and downs but played very well in playoffs

    2010 he was top 10ish

    2011 middle of the pack

    2012 bottom of the pack
  11. 101GangGreen101

    101GangGreen101 2018 Thread of the Year Award Winner

    Aug 21, 2008
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    He's had this issue throughout his 4 year career especially his rookie year. Never knows when to throw it away and he tries to make something out of nothing. Quite possibly it could be the fact that with a bunch of no named WRs and TEs, he felt the pressure to try and do MORE, but sometimes as a QB, you can't do more with inferior talent.

    Very "Favre-esqe" to be honest. Brett never threw the football away.
  12. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    You said you guys, which I guess includes me and the other posters in this thread. The QBs never looked as bad as Sanchez though, Eli is probably the only one of the modern QBs on that list, otherwise Jets fans would have been OK with Rodgers, Flacco, Brees, and Brady. Again Eli is the only one close on that list because of turnovers.

    Yeah exactly, he hasn't been above average among his peers. He has been overall average depending on how you rate 2011.

    I feel like he was better at decision making and in game decisions earlier in his career. I don't think he was this bad.

    If he has a gunslinger attitude in him, it really only showed positively in 2011. We never saw that attitude in 2010 unless you buy the dropped INT stat
  13. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    It's toward the majority not everyone.

    Chad never looked bad, he never had a chance much like Rodgers and Jet fans wanted him out before he ever got that chance. There's no doubt if the situation in GB happened here we'd have wanted Rodgers out too.
  14. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Favre had similar issues his first two years but he was a better QB overall even in those years. He completed 64 and 61% of his passes in the years where he was getting his feet on the ground. Then he started throwing 30+ TD passes a year and did that 5 years running.

    If you looked at 2011 in isolation and didn't look too hard at December you might think that Sanchez had some of that type of potential. The problem is that no other season in Sanchez career suggests that he is going to be much of anything at this point. 2010 was a well-deserved late 20's ranking among the QB's and 2009 and 2012 were just disasters.
  15. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    2009 was not a disaster, he had a few bad games that skewed his #s but he had a good rookie year.

    2010 he was not a late 20s QB. We don't evaluate based solely on stats, he made a million big plays and brought us back numerous times but his rating was low. I'll take a lower rating and a guy making plays to win over a stat guy making plays in garbage time any day.
  16. 101GangGreen101

    101GangGreen101 2018 Thread of the Year Award Winner

    Aug 21, 2008
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    His first two years and everything up until the Tebow game in 2011, I felt his decision-making was improved. This past year and after the Tebow game in 2011 - things went really sour. Maybe it was the hits he suffered in that course of time or the internal clock in his head saying "get rid of the ball in x seconds no matter what".

    Regardless, you can see a lot of the same rookie mistakes like throwing into triple coverage hoping to make a play. That's having a gun-slinging mentality IMO, making something out of nothing. Favre was amazing at it, he could make throws in the tightest of windows, throws that are usually INTs, but not for Brett. Mark just doesn't have the arm strength and zip to make those plays. Combine that with the pressure he receives on a weekly basis and I think that's the Sanchez we saw last season. He could get away with that at USC but not in the NFL.

    You would think he would change his style of play, but it's prob the only style of play he truly knows. I liked the 2010 version of Sanchez. A player that makes plays when needed the most, that was what I thought we would get out of Sanchez throughout his career.

    I thought Mark played exceptionally well in 2010 given his role on the team. I agree with junc in the fact that he was in the 10-15 rankings despite the low statistics.

    Honestly, I don't think the guy can take a big hit again because each time he does, he always plays like shit. That's why I don't think he will amount to much anymore, once he gets hit by a Von Miller or some Steelers player he folds like a lawn chair. Happened against the Steelers in the 2012 season after driving down the field in the first possession for a TD.
  17. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    I disagree on 2009. I don't think he had a good rookie year. I think being on the Jets definitely was a good spot for him, but he didn't play well as a QB. The Jets team didn't need him to play well game in and game out so that was a good match, but as a QB he didn't play well.

    2010 I agree he played well. I think your top 10 is a little bit of a stretch, I think he was more in the 11-15 range than the 5-10 range, but he was good and much better than 2009. The key of course was protecting the ball. He limited his INTs and only lost 1 out of 9 fumbles. He was much more impactful in a positive way for the offense than in 2009.
  18. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    i think you are way off base with rodgers junc, the jets fanbase would have never wanted to see him sit for so long. there are those who would have been tired of favre and would have clamored for rodgers. thats the attitude i think jets fans have more than to get rid of a guy before he proves himself good or bad.

    they were clamoring for browning nagle, clamoring for chad, clamoring for even the likes of kellen clemens at one point. ratliff people were begging for.

    not to group jets fans into one group but jets fans typically want the new guy not want the new guy to go away. so i am not really sure i can agree with you that jets fans would have given up on rodgers before he got a chance.

    then again there are what 11000 people signed up on this board, i am sure there are plenty who will stand on either side of any conversation.
  19. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    HEY! Brett Ratliff to David Clowney looked like a bright future :)
  20. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    Keep judging the QB on a team statistic. It really helps your argument there.
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