Sanchez just sucks... just sucks. (all Sanchez complaints here)

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Sweet P, Oct 9, 2012.

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  1. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Those are all valid points...but in real time, it looked like the whole team just quit.
  2. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    2 ?

  3. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    Sorry I consider 8-8 a losing season, especially when you close out the season in the miserable way the Jets closed out the season. Sanchez doesn't crap the game against the fins and the Jets are 9-7 with a chance for the playoffs, Sanchez craps the bed one other less time and doesn't crap the Dolphins game, and the Jets ARE in the playoffs.

    But the Dolphins game is a perfect example of Sanchez almost single handedly losing a game for the Jets.
  4. deerow84

    deerow84 Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2012
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    While I will say that I fall a bit more on the side of things being Sanchez's fault than the defense you have to all recognize this is a team game. It's never going to be 100% one single player's fault.

    Unless the defense completely shut out the other team's offense they can't be taken out of the equation in a loss, even if they do you could still argue they should have left the offense with better field position or forced a few turnovers or even put some point up themselves.

    You can't solely blame the QB as well for the offense. Maybe the OL weren't doing their jobs, maybe the WRs were running their routes wrong or dropping catchable balls, maybe the RBs were only averaging 2 yards per carry and they end up in a lot of third and long situations forcing the QB to throw more.

    Again, this isn't to apologize for Sanchez as I agree that he sucks but, at the same time, it's not fair to claim a loss is 100% his fault. Could you say that he was a big reason? Sure. Could you argue with a different QB we would have won? Absolutely. But that's not the same thing. Unless the QB is running backwards 20 yards into the endzone every play and laying down to take a safety I don't think you can say it's 100% his fault...and even then I would question why the coach didn't pull him out after the first time haha
  5. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    I dont think poorly of Bradford. In fact I liked him coming out of college, distatse for Schotty notwithstanding, felt bad for him when Fisher hired BS.

    My point was, more or less...the Rams lost that game, on the same kinds of plays we have suffered through since Pennington was here.

    Schottenheimers play calling, route combinations, and penchant for outsmarting himself, are unparalleled in the offensive game.

    Its why the only time we fi ished out of the bottom 10 in offense when he was here, was when Favre was here, and allowed to dictate most of the terms...then we managed 16 overall, and 9 scoring

    Hes just not any good. Its not that im overly biased towards Sanchez, the point remains, hes had one losing season with no support whatsoever, no real OC, whatsoever, and has flashed enough talent, and success that as a fan...wishing the organization to actually profit from something, it would be good to see what can be done with an offense being coached at at least a moderate level of competence.

    Beating Brady, and Manning on the road in the playoffs..doesnt make him better than those guys,,,,biut it shows he doesnt spit the bit, which is something Manning does repeatedly in big spots. Theres something there. Id like to see what it is, in a favorable circumstance, rather than constant adversity.
  6. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    “He did a lot of great things and then those negative things at the end of the day, that’s what gets you beat,” Ryan said. “We’ve got to do a better job of eliminating those turnovers.

    This statement is Sanchez in a nutshell he does lots of great things then makes a stupid play. The crap about accuracy, release, reading defense are crap Sanchez's biggest problem as an NFL QB is knowing when to say when.
  7. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Team game. Why in the world should Schotty know Rex's defense cold but the defense wouldn't know Schotty's O? Schottys offense is much more easy to predict, "Should the team run the ball here, yes. Okay they're going to pass here guys" I think Bart Scott explained it as a grab bag? There is no identity but after a few drives you get the theme of what Schotty wants to do.

    Why did you type the rest and then say don't give me that canard? Were you just digging for a response then? If I should have stopped reading your post at Bradford had an average year, probably shouldn't have written more words below it. :wink:

    Yep this makes sense. All of it.
  8. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    oh I agree, as a rule, but when your defense gives up a total of 10 points and only 1 big drive and your QB gives up 3 turnovers that the defense doesn't allow a single firsts down off of any of them and they all turn in to 3 points each and you lose the game by 2 points, yeah you can pretty much lay that one on the QB about 100%. If it was one interceptions, okay stuff happens, if it was 2, not good but still not a 100% thing, but throw 3 interceptions, two of them deep in your own territory, and as an offense you do NOTHING, yeah you can lay that one on the QB.
  9. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    The answer is 1. Plagued with injuries, and an OC that is no longer in that business, for areason. 1.

    2 championship appearances, a .500 season. 1 losing season.

    You want to put that all on yourself a favor.

    Look at the week one roster of WR..then the Final roster...
    #9169 Hobbes3259, May 23, 2013
    Last edited: May 23, 2013
  10. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    at no point did I say he didn't deserve his share of the blame but to act like it was all on him is silly when our "great" D allowed a bad O(missing their best player by the way) to go on a ridiculous drive to take the lead.

    TOs are part of the game, the D allowed 19 pts and we lost. The game was meaningless anyway, the games that destroyed our season were the Philly game(where the D was humiliated) and the NYG game. Even after the Philly humiliation we had a chance but the seasons of the Jets and Giants changed on one play.

    those don't count b/c you say so? he's had ONE losing season in 4 years and we still won 6 games despite awful healthy talent to work eith.

    again, our D and run games were up and down in 2010. In 2009 the D and run game were legit top units, in 2010 they weren't close.
  11. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    dont forget about those garbage time fantasy stats that sancho put up on the td drive. i mean we cant count those can we? better go back and take them out of his stats for the year.
  12. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    they were garbage time #s, he usually isn't a good garbage time QB so he has more bad #s in garbage time than good so if you want to go back and adjust please do.
  13. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    I don't put everything on Sanchez's shoulders, but if your going to put and underperforming Sanchez as who "won" in the winning seasons then you have to say he's the reason they lost in others.

    Football is a team sport, there is no other game where this is more true, but in the two winning seasons they didnt need Sanchez to do anything except not totally crap the game. and with 33 interceptions + 19 fumbles vs 29 passing TD's and 6 rushing TD's you really can argue that Sanchez did just about everything he could do to crap the bed those first two seasons.

    Now here's the thing, Sanchez in the big picture is still the Sanchez of those first two seasons. He's had only 1 season where he's exceeded 17 touchdowns, he's had 1 season where he's throwen fewer than 18 interceptions. He's had one season where he's fumbled less than 10 times.

    Forget completion percentage, forget yards per attempt, forget total yards....just look at the above numbers over 4 seasons. he's ammassed 69 interceptions vs 68 TD's...He's put the ball on the ground an astonishing 43 times. In the most pass friendly time in NFL history he's been a turnover machine.

    Just in his first two seasons, you know the ones where he "led" the jets to the playoffs, he threw more picks than he had TD's, 6 running touchdowns 19 fumbles....

    Translation, with his other stats you see that what we saw last year is pretty much what we've seen his entire career,

    Now if you take his best interception year, combine it with his best turnover year, and combine that with his best fumble year, and combine that with is best overall stat year and you have a close to average NFL Qb season.

    but the real world doesn't allow you to combine multiple seasons and cherry pick what stats you want.

    The fact is that sanchez has been consistantly bad. 3 years of 18 plus interceptions, 3 years of 10+ fumbles.

    Yes it's a team sport, and if your going to argue that it's a team effort on teh losses, then you have to admit it's a full team effort in the wins.

    But if your QB's performance is almost exactly the same from year to year, with occasional outlying variances.

    Again if Sanchez doesn't crap the bed at the end of 2011 the Jets are a playoff team.
  14. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    you are the adjuster not me. have at it champ.
  15. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    Even the worst offenses score an occasional touchdow, case in point the Jets over the past 4 years, you know that Junc if your even 1/10th of the fan you claim you are.

    By your defenition if a defense doesn't pitch a shut out and the team loses it's the defenses fault.

    But as a rule of thumb the Jets defense did give up an occasional big drive.

    At no point have I ever said that in every game the defense didn't deserve some blame, but I refuse to put any blame on a defense that gives up 1 drive, and off of 3 Sanchez turnovers gives up almost as few yards as you can give up, and still due to the field position they were left in the opponents got 3 FG's. Sorry but usually your arguments put you way out on a limb, this time the limb is about 40 yards behind you.
  16. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    there are TD drives and there there are TD drives, the Cruz TD and long dolphin drives were crushing TDs.
  17. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Crushing for the fan or the team? Because if I remember correctly, the Jets had all of halftime to recover from the Giants TD and the offense sputtered and stalled out .

    Mark's third INT in the MIA game was the most crushing to me. On the Miami 10 yard line down 6. A TD ties the game up and he throws his 3rd pick. There was 3:10 left too so a sack isn't a big deal. Probable 4 down territory depending on what happens and with 3 timeouts. The second one wasn't too fun either, driving after the Miami TD, getting 24 quick yards then an INT at midfield

    The Miami game was no fun for Sanchez. Just bad overall play from him. It didn't match his early his 2011 play which was the crucial turnovers but partnered with a bunch of TDs so it didn't matter as the offense was scoring.
  18. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    No, the 3 interceptions that were converted to points was the crushing move in Miami, not the long dolphin scoring drive.

    But whatever Junc,

    But bare this in mind, You clutch QB in december has thrown 10 TD's and 20 interceptions, and in January, regular season, 2 TD's 3 interceptions. If you believe in clutch and coming through big when it matters you quickly see that he folds like a tent at the end of every season.

    His best month is September, you know to build up hope, is September.
  19. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    Only when you are obsessed with making an argument to defend a bad QB does this make any sense. A touchdown is still 6 points no matter what or how it's scored. I seriously doubt the Jets were ever "crushed" by Matt Moore and the Dolphins scoring a TD in the fucking 3rd quarter... give me a break.

    What's ironic is that it's actually more "crushing" when your offense gives away points by turning the ball over. I'd say there's been more way, way more incidents of that in Sanchez's 4 years here...
  20. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    1 INT in garbage time at NO
    1 pass for 19 yds at Oak
    2-3, 37 yds at NE
    1-4, 9 yds vs. Cincy

    we remove 1 INT
    4-8, 65 yds
    total #s: 196-364, 2444 yds, 12 TDs, 20 INTs, 63 rating
    adjusted: 192-356, 2379 yds, 12 TDs, 19 INTs, 63.9 rating

    1-3, 19yds at Buf
    6-11, 47, 2 INT

    we remove 2 INTs
    7-14, 66 yds
    total #s: 278-507, 3291, 17 TDs, 13 INTs, 75.3 rating
    adjusted: 271-493, 3225, 17 TDs, 11 INTs, 77.3 rating

    1-3, 10 yds vs. Jax
    2-9, 4 yds at Bal
    0-1, 0 yds vs. Mia
    6-13, 100 yds vs. NE
    0-2, 0 yds
    3-4, 30, TD at Philly
    3-5, 29, INT vs. NYG
    7-7, 80, TD at Mia

    we remove: 22-44, 253 yds, 2 TDs, INT
    total #s: 308-543, 3474, 26 TDs, 18 INTs, 78.2 rating
    adjusted: 286-499, 3221, 24 TDs, 17 INTs, 78.6 rating

    1-1, 25 yds vs. Buf
    2-7, 14 yds at Pit
    3-7, 10 vs. SF
    1-1, 11 yds vs. Indy
    17-28, 135, TD vs. Mia
    2-3, 5 yds at Sea
    5-7, 78, TD vs. NE
    2-3, 26 at BUf

    we remove: 34-57, 304 yds, 2 TDs
    total #s: 246-453, 2883, 13 TDs, 18 INTs, 66.9 rating
    adjusted: 212-396, 2579, 11 TDs, 18 INTs, 64.1 rating

    Only one season did garbage time help his #s and that was his worst season in 2012.
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