Sanchez just sucks... just sucks. (all Sanchez complaints here)

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Sweet P, Oct 9, 2012.

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  1. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    One might be saying the same thing about Sanchez in a few weeks.
  2. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    Geno has huge obstacles to overcome to beat out Sanchez. Geno comes from a gimmick offense he will need to learn to play from under center. Terminology alone in the WCO offense is daunting to rookies. He has to learn a playbook and actually call plays from the huddle. Plus the speed of the game. He may end up being good but he needs time.
    #9042 cval, May 21, 2013
    Last edited: May 21, 2013
  3. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    The only thing that favors Sanchez is some experience. The organization is behing Geno, the fans are behind a new, refreshing change to the QB position, the team is question Sanchez's ability (according to a former player, LT, but Im sure you'll blow that off as some media bullshit, right?), Rex should definitely favor Geno because if he sticks with Sanchez and the results are the same, he's done here.

    Basically, the way I see it, there's only two ways Sanchez starts- a) Sanchez plays absolutely great, and there's no way you can not give him the job or b) Geno needs more time, and Sanchez is just thrown in there as a place holder until Geno is ready. Id say there's a very low chance at option "a" happening.

    If Geno plays as well as Sanchez, they will start Geno. Football is a business, and if you think that the fans are going to be buying tickets to watch Sanchez play, you are kidding yourself.
  4. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    Please tell me about this gimmick offense bullshit? Because its just that, bullshit. He was asked to make presnap reads, go through progressions, and read a defense. He played in 3 different systems in college, and progressed and succeeded in all 3. He was recruited for a prostyle offense. He had to prepare for everything week in and week out, because they couldnt look at tape on how defenses would approach them, because they were so unique. He proved he could make every throw.

    You make it seem like Sanchez doesnt have to learn a brand new playbook also. He has to do the same thing Geno does. Sanchez is coming off a season where he regressed as a pure passer (footwork, mechanics, leadership, ect), so not only does he have to learn the playbook, but he has to progress in those areas as well. Sanchez has even bigger obstacles to overcome IMO. He's lost the fanbase, and arguably is on the edge of losing the locker room if his play does not improve significantly.
  5. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    You do realize your also talking about sanchez who had to have his plays cut down so they could fit on his wristband in a color coded really think he's ready for a more complex and intricate offensive system than Schotty ran?
  6. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    Sanchez has been an NFL QB Geno has not. It is not about just learning the playbook it is about learning to be a pro and learning play under center and and just being a rookie. If he played in a Pro style offense and had to make reads and throw from a 4,5,7 step drop He would have a chance. He did not not only does he have to adjust to the speed of the game the style of offense etc. He has a big learning curve not to mention some of his mechanics that need to be fixed. Sanchez was a top five pick playing in a prostyle offense and still struggled. Geno will need time.

    Geno is not a runner so he can't/won't use his legs to bail him out. It will take longer for him acclimate to an NFL offense. No way he beats out Sanchez.
  7. al_toon_88

    al_toon_88 Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2005
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    i hope Sanchez starts every game. 0-16 guaranteed. 2 Revis pick-sixes week 1, and the inevitable Sancho woe is me unbuckling chin-strap reaction.

    then again if Geno can't beat out #6, he and the Jets have major problems. team could be 0-16 even if the rookie starts week 1.

    either way: Bridgewater '14
  8. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    yes, w/ the talent w had last year where we won 6 we'd go 0-16 this year w/ Mark:lol:

    By the way, if we do get the #1 pick we'd be taking Clowney not Bridegwater.
  9. TonyMaC

    TonyMaC Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2013
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    He absolutely uses his legs to move, he's pretty good at making the most out of a bad situation in the pocket.

    hes not vick or anything but he's got the means

    what highlights have you seen of him anyway?
  10. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    Sanchez has been a poor NFL QB for more of his career than not. So thats not something to brag about. Its almost like Sanchez has to become a pro all over himself. He has to reinvent himself, not a small task in the slightest. He not only has to convince the fans that he's worthy, but he has to convince the organization, team and coaching staff.

    Saying Sanchez was a top 5 pick means nothing. That was a long time ago, and clearly things changed; he's not nearly the talent he was 4 years ago. Geno easily could have been a top 10 pick himself. He certainly was a top 12-15 player, but fell due to team needs.

    Geno may need time, but rookies have come into the NFL and succeeded recently. He is not a "runner" like RG3 or Cam, but he has some wheels on him, and he can use it to extend plays and pick up 1st downs similar to Rodgers, Alex Smith or even McNabb. He runs a 4.6 and thats pretty damn impressive for a QB. One major thing I think you or underestimating is his football intelligence. He is a very bright kid, and knows football and loves to learn. He spent more time after midnight in WVU facilities than the janitors did. He will put in the work, and I have little doubt he will be able to soak it all in. If MM brings him along slowly and model this year after what Seattle did with Russel Wilson, I think he can have success if players around him are healthy and can progress themselves (Hill).
  11. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    If they are talking about deciding prior to training camp, nothing Favors Smith.
    Some experience? With Smith
    They're working on his footwork, trying to get him used to being under center, let alone learning the offense, or learning to read NFL defenses.

    San hez more rhan some experience. Hes playoff tested, proven, and...has actually p,ayed under center a tad...

    Personally, i think Mehta made that up, what MM said does not translate to what is being parroted from Mehtas article,

    But an abbreviated time period to make a decision, in no way, favors Smith.

    And no. Even...if Geno came from a pro style offense, was under center, and had a jump on reading NFL defenses, if its
    even or close to even, no way do they put your QB of the future, behind an OL thats breaking in two new guards.

    Sanchez gets his knee blown out...for the Jets, no huge impact, they can move on.

    Same thing happens to Smith, you set the organization back a couple more years, and remain married to Sanchez.

    Smith is still a commmodity, something Sanchez will not be unless he plays well, its clear where the lowest risk for the organization lies.
    #9051 Hobbes3259, May 21, 2013
    Last edited: May 21, 2013
  12. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    Well, it seems like a lot of the things Smith has to learn from being a rookie, Sanchez has to improve on as well. Difference is, Smith is a clean slate, and Sanchez is a marred canvas.

    Huh? I thought you just said Sanchez was an unknown quantity? Thats odd. Which one is it?

    Yeah, I guess the Redskins did the wrong thing by putting their franchise QB in with a rookie RB and 2 new receivers in the offseason. Or that the Colts did the wrong thing starting their franchise QB with the leagues worst OL and rookies starting every skill position spot besides one WR. Or the Dolphins did the wrong thing starting their QB, with the leagues worst positional group and a horrid RT that made Wayne Hunter look decent. Or the Seahawks did the wrong thing in starting their QB even though he was a 3rd rounder thats 5'11 with an average positional group...

    See, the league has changed. QBs can come in and have instant success. Im not saying that Geno will or wont, but a rookie guard and a solid vet at the other guard should NOT stop you from starting what is most likely you best chance at immediate success. If Geno can mentally handle the playbook he should be the starting QB. Yes, that is a big if, but at the same time Sanchez has to learn the same playbook. Plus, if Nick Foles could handle the playbook last year when he started for a number of games as a 3rd round rookie, I have more than enough faith that Geno can do the same.

    And worst case scenario, Geno blows his knee out, we bomb the season, and get a chance at a prospect next year... Or we stick with Geno. If injuries are going to scare you away, you are taking up the wrong sport buddy.
  13. matt robinson 17

    matt robinson 17 Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    And the obligatory Sanchez post game press conference after every loss...I have to do better..Rex follows we're 0-14 Mark gives us the best chance to lose...
  14. Frenbar

    Frenbar Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2010
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    Sanchez is, and always has been, dog shit. As long as people are posting old posts, here is what I was saying about Sanchez last summer.

    Here is junc making the same tired excuses last year

    And here is my summation of Sanchez before his predictable, disastrous performance this year

    It would be truly wonderful if next year we wouldn't be having the same arguments about why sanchez was so terrible in 2013. It's long past time to cut him loose.
    #9054 Frenbar, May 21, 2013
    Last edited: May 21, 2013
  15. Acad23

    Acad23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    I'm working feverishly to perfect my Wrist Mount Clipboard™

    I still have a few bugs to work out. As previously mentioned, I'm having trouble taking snaps from under center while wearing the Wrist Mount Clipboard™ is a little big, and my fat brother in law Charlie, who's my "center" during testing, keeps complaining that he's getting chafed by it.

    I either gotta make this thing smaller or get a skinnier brother in law.
  16. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Sanchez has won Playoff games, put up 32 scores, amd actually iimproved, under a crap OC.

    Which brings us to the blank slate...two points you are unwilling to deal with.

    Hes a blank slate, because he never had a decent Oc.
    Schotty has finished in the high twentoes every year except one.

    2008. When Favre came in, and did what Favre wanted to do. Result 9th in scoring, 16 overall.

    2011, Moore brought in to coach up the Red Zone. Result. 32 scores, second in the NFL in Red Zone efficiency. Overall offense, mid to high twenties.

    So, from the schotty standpoint, 2008, and red zone efficiency are indictments, sanchez is a balank slate as far as having a competent OC.

    And really, now you are comparing Smith to the number two overall pick last year? Really?

    The NFL has changed...I will grant you that, but its something neither Scottenheimer, nor Sparano ever figured out.

    P.S. you had to bring up FannyHill? Ummm didnt they bring in Mike Sherman? And didnt he p,ay with a better cast than we fielded once injuries hit?

    Yes, Yes.

    Look, you hate Sanchez, and have man love for Geno, no issue...but it doesnt make for objectivity.
  17. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    If anyone has a man love for a player, its clearly you. Its sad if you can not see that. I dont hate Sanchez as a person, but I do hate poor QB play. I dont love Geno Smith either, but he presents hope for an end to poor QB play, so fundamentally, I will in turn favor him.

    Sanchez has regressed. And he's regressed to the point where he is clearly not the same player- hence the fact that he is not a clean slate. I could care less about the fact that he had two bad OC's, it still doesnt change the fact that he was a bottom 32 QB last year. The best case scenario for Sanchez is that he turns into Alex Smith. Personally, I think that is very unlikely that even that happens, but Ill entertain you here... Even with some of the best offense coaching in the league, and some of the best offensive talent, Smith only turned into an average QB. He didnt turn into a franchise QB. He got outplayed by a 2nd year player, and was traded to a team that will still be looking fot their franchise QB in the years to come. He is now a glorified stopgap. Now, if this is Sanchez's ceiling at this point (and lets not forget, Smith was the #1 pick), then is it worth it? If this is the absolute best you can see Sanchez being under optimal circumstances, is it worth it? Id say no. This isnt optimal circumstances by any means and MM isnt an elite OC.

    It seems like everyone outside of a few Sanchez lovers, he is consistently ranked amongst the worst QBs in the NFL. Now, does that tell you that you are one of the very very few who sees this "reality" that Sanchez is in fact a good QB and everyone else in the football world is wrong? Or that you are letting some personal feelings effect you judgement while everyone else is looking at it from a more objective standpoint?

    As Ive stated before in this thread, Schotty still coached the redzone offense. Moore was an offsite consultant that simply gave input to to Schotty through fax or phone calls. But yeah, clearly Moore was the only one coaching the RZ offense and Schotty had zero influence on it.

    Im not comparing Geno Smith to anyone, Im comparing his situation to other young QBs situation. I was comparing the fact that young QBs in this league have succeeded with poor supporting casts around them if developed properly. Im not comparing talent or maturity or anything, but clearly you can not see that. And if you didnt let your (once again) personal feelings get in the way, you could see that Tannehill wasnt half bad last year. But god forbid I bring up a division rivals QB, because talking about football is forbidden.

    You are so rooted in your feelings, that nothing at this point can change a thing. For someone that tries to talk football so much, you let things become way too personal. I mean what happens when Geno actually does start? Will your head explode from anger? Because something tells me that the team does not come first in your eyes...
  18. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    I love the repeated 26 touchdown argument all but 5 TD's came against defenses ranked in the bottom half of the league, and if I recall 18 of them came against teams ranked #22 or worse in pass scoring defense.
    I also love the fact that they are refering to 6 "Rushing" TD's...they averaged 2 yards in length, I haven't checked but at that distance most were probably dives behind Mangold and belong more to the OLine than Sanchez.
  19. AK-JETS4Life

    AK-JETS4Life Active Member

    Oct 20, 2011
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    I like what you said earlier about his 26TDs, but the comment about rushing TDs is absurd.

    That is like saying every running back at the goal line should not deserve a TD if he scores. A goal line stance is a team effort nevertheless.
  20. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    Depends on the the type of run, The QB "Sneak" where they fall forward after the snap is entirely dependent on the Oline pushing the defense, there's no dodging, no finding a hole, it's just take the snap and follow the center and guard forward. If the center and guard don't clear the spot the play ends right then and there.
    It is the "easiest" goal line run as it gives the Defense no time to react and bunch up at the point of attack...
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