As to why Joe didn't lead the team to more playoffs? Thats pretty simple, fewer teams made the playoffs from year to year and quite simply other teams were better. The Chiefs in 69 had one of the best defenses in football, generally considered one of the top 15 or so defenses of all time and was coupled with a potent offense, but not spectacular offense. by 70 Namath's knees were shot and injuries had gotten hold of him. Prior to 1968 only 2 teams from eachleague made the playoffs, the Jets did well enough that under current playoff configuration they would have made 1 and probably 2 more playoff appearances prior to 1968. But things were what things were.
Valid points, in this topic Sanchez isn't an all time bust, especially when compared to players like Lief and company. There have been some spectacular busts at QB and Marks play isn't that bad, but honestly if you look at his body of work you realize that at best he's Dilfer, put him on the right team with an elite defense and a solid running game and you can win, but not as often as you will with an top 10 QB running the show. But your right, Sanchez doesn't belong in the biggest bust category, but he's always going to be on the frienge of the discussion as he was a top 5 pick, through no faultof his own. but it is what it is, he was a top 5 pick and will always be judged on that metric. You would have to regard him as one of the most disappointing top 5 picks, and in terms of top 10 picks at QB he would be in the discussion for the top 15 QB busts of all time, possibly the top 10, but definitely not the top 5.
No one gets more insults hurled at them than myself, I give back a fraction of what I get and if the worst thing someone calls you is an average fan that should be ok. how is it distorting facts when he played so well late in games vs. NE, at Mia, vs. Minny, at Den, at Cle, at Det, vs. Hou, at Pitt, etc...? the distortion would be the cumulative #s where a bad game or 2 can totally skew the overall #s. At no point have I ever called Mark Sanchez great or said he would be but he's MUCH better than most of you guys give him credit for. There's no way we have the postseason success we had w/ a bad QB. Fewer teams made it but you had fewer teams in the league. In 1968 they had a 1 in 5 chance and the 2nd best team was a .500 team so it wasn't that difficult. In 2010 we had a DYNASTY team in our division meaning we had no shot to win the division and a 2 in 12 chance to earn a WC or 1 in 6 chance so that excuse doesn't fly. He led us to 2 postseasons in his career, in both years the 2nd place team was a .500 team. I don't doubt that the Chiefs had a great D, they had a great team but so did NE in 2010 and we whipped them on the ROAD.
Because it's isolating a very select portion of plays in very select games, again, you look at his stats in the 4th quarter, late in games with the game within 7 points and the last 2 minutes of a half and the number in no way support your examples. Unless you mean he rocked because he had one good drive all game...but that would mean he absolutely sucked balls the rest of the time in the samples. the numbers do not support the limited perspective samples of selecting isolated drives taken out of context with the rest of the performance. And it must be pointed out, that if Sanchez was sucking balls that bad the rest of the time outside of those limited examples then it's only because of the defense that the team was even in the game. I can find drives that make any QB look good in almost any circumstance.
The Chiefs had a Great Defense, the Patriots had a great offense and a marginal defense. Chiefs defense was one of the top 15 of all time, Patriots defense was barely top 10 in 2010. Chiefs had a fantastic DL and a fantastic secondary, Patriots? they had Brady. Chiefs from top to bottom were clearly the better team in 69. But that's all moot, fact is Namath led the league in many positive offensive categories, except for TD's of course, Sanchez has only led the league in negative categories. And even if the only thing you count is playoff wins here's a clue, noone remebers who lost the championship games, they only remember who won the superbowl, and sometimes who lost the superbowl. and in the end if your only counting post season wins, the only win that matters is the Superbowl. There are a lot of QB's who have won a lot of playoff games but never saw the Superbowl...and most of those were much better QB's than Sanchez will ever be.
And Junc, I'll leave you this last comment on this thread. you refer to manning as an all time choke artist, yet he's won a superbowl. Sanchez has NEVER won a championship game, so I guess that makes him the ultimate choke because he's never won the BIG game. Well to be honest he never made it to the Big game, he always "choked" before reaching the Big game. And since you only care about winning in the post season, and since you discredit every other QB who hasn't pushed his team forward then you have to say that Sanchez has choked as well, that's life, have fun. Good night.
Easy there 68'.... This is all in good fun. I don't think any of the Mods will take kindly to anymore name calling...
We won 11 games(the 11th was like an exhibition game) and in about 8-9 of them he played well in the 4th qtr. How is that isolated? Your #s tell us nothing w/o context. go game by game and show us where he as awful in crucial situations? We played KC at HOME, right? we scored 6 pts. We went to NE and we scored 28. Yes KCs D was much better but NE's team was every bit as good and we found a way to win. We won in 1968 w/ defense too not w/ offense. Namath led in pass TDs ONCE in a year he led us to 7 wins. he led in yards a couple of times but also led in ATTEMPTS. The only stat that really matters is wins and he only led us to 2 postseasons and in BOTH of those years the 2nd place team was a .500 team. Sanchez is not a great QB but he's helped us get to 2 postseasons in 4 years and had won double the postseason games Joe has. I am sure if he got a bye he didn't earn to the title game and played it at home that he would have a SB by now too. We won the SB b/c our DEFENSE held the high flying Colts to just 7 pts and turned them over FIVE times. We didn't win b/c our O put up a whopping 16 pts(by the way, the least amount of pts Mark led us to in postseason was 17 pts). he has wona SB in a postseason where he was terrible outside of one great half against NE where he barely beat Brady and the Pats at home despite Brady having Reche Caldwell and Jabar Gaffney as his main weapons then beat a Rex grossman led Bears team in the SB. Sanchez is 4-2 in postseason including 1-1 against Manning teams both on the road and has 4 road playoff wins. manning is 9-11 in postseason, lost FIVE home games, has been one and done EIGHT times(Sanchez has never even been 2 and done) and has 2 road playoff wins. Peyton is obviously the better QB overall but he's a playoff choker and Sanchez has been better in postseason than Peyton has been w/ less talent.