Geno not ready...

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by ArmandJ, May 16, 2013.

  1. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    Yes the colts were a frequent playoff team with one down year, was it a co-incidence that the one year that they were down was the year that Manning wasn't available to play and before Luck took the stage? Co-incidence? Not.

    You miss the point, both the Passing attack AND the total offense of both the Redskins and the Seahawks went up dramatically with the addition of a good QB while the Running game for both teams remained essentially the same between the two years.

    Translation, good QB play substantially raises the offense over poor QB play. Period. Sanchez has never had a 1500 yard rusher, but he has benefited in 3 of his seasons of with a top 5-10 running attack in the league.


    How does Wilson do if you replace players as suggested? Answer substantially better than Sanchez, Wilson is an accurate passer who hits recievers in stride and on time. Sanchez is almost always late and off target.
  2. The 1985er

    The 1985er Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Shonne Greene would have been more effective playing with a QB that the defense actually has to account for their deep pass.

    Greene still had 2 thousand yards seasons with a constant stacked box. Greene is better than he gets credit for. Is he Adrian Peterson? No. But he's been solid and sometimes he doesn't get the credit he deserves.

    I bet Luck/RGIII/Wilson would have turned Kerley and Gates into effective weapons. Instead of being an excuse for sorry play.
  3. Win4ever

    Win4ever New Member

    May 24, 2012
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    I agree that Geno should beat out Sanchez for the job, but I was making arguments as to why there are reasonable causes for fans to be cautious.

    Well it really depends on if it's a straight competition or not. As much as they say, competition wins, how would you judge a tie? Or a close matchup? Everyone remembers last year, Wilson beating out Flynn, but he beat Flynn by a very good margin, and it was still in doubt for the final preseason game. What if Sanchez performs well, and so do Geno? Who gets picked then? Do you go with upside with Geno? or do you go with experience with Sanchez and hope he's "repaired"? Obviously the chances of Sanchez being good are remote at this point, but I'm not sure this is going to be a straight 1 on 1 bout. I think Sanchez does have a bit of an advantage going into it right now.

    Saying all that, I expect Geno to outperform Sanchez by a fair margin and win the job outright, unless he gets hurt.
  4. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    Tom Brady wasn't considered great his first Super Bowl because he didn't have a body of work of success yet, but by the second one he was, and the third cemented him. the common denominator in those is Brady.

    and Troy Brown is your "great" WR that made Brady great? you make it too easy. I eagerly await Troy Brown's HOF acceptance speech.[/QUOTE]

    Again I never said receivers make QB's great but they have a bigger impact than Qb's have on receivers. Again, why is Troy Brown not a HOF with Brady throwing to him. Troy Brown actually had his second best statistical performance with Bledsoe throwing the ball. So as I said if anything Troy Brown had a huge impact on developing Brady.

    The argument is great QB's make those around them better. I have yet to see that proven Brady won Superbowls but he did not make his WR's better when Brady got great WRs is when he became the best QB in football.
  5. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    There si almost zero chance Geno can beat out Mark in true competition. The hurdles are just to big for Geno to overcome in one season. He has to learn to take the ball from under center(That right there is big enough). Then he has to learn how read an NFL defense then he has to learn the playbook and terminology and adjust to the speed of the defense Cb and pass rush.

    If he came from a west coast offense in college I would give him a chacne coming from the offense he did in WV the kid had no chance of beating out any vet.
  6. edray10

    edray10 Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2010
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    If there is anyway that they can start Geno, the Jets will. Idzik has taken actions to make sure he'll huge amount of money for free agents in 2014 ($50 mil), when he obviously intends to make a run. That's why the jets haven't been restructuring veteran contracts and haven't been getting any high priced free agents with longer term contracts. For 2014 he's going to want an NFL ready quarterback who can start, so he's going to need to make a decision on Geno prior to the 2014 season (otherwise he needs to find himself a quarterback for 2014). The only way he can realistically do so is if they start Geno and get him as many reps as possible this year.
  7. Win4ever

    Win4ever New Member

    May 24, 2012
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    Well I'm working on the idea that Geno inherently is more talented than Sanchez, so he would have that advantage. I think his game fits much better towards the WCO than with Sanchez's. Now, there aren't as many game tapes available, so all we really have to deal with are highlight films when it comes to Sanchez, but even though he ran the WCO in college, he had such a mismatch of talent, that a lot of his throws were to just roll out to the right and throw it to a wide open WR.

    While learning to play under center can be challenging, I think MM has a fair share of his play calls from the shotgun. I can't quite find the stat, but it was somewhere near half of the passes were from the shotgun. And Smith is much more accurate on short passes and intermediate routes (he's more accurate in general, but for predominant WCO passes here) enough that his skillset gives him an advantage. He's shown a very good ability to lead his WRs with the ball, allowing for much greater YAC than an inaccurate QB like Sanchez has. He also gives the offense another dimension, where teams would have to account for him running, or atleast the threat of run.

    While Sanchez is more experienced, he's learned Shotty and Sparano's system while being in the NFL, so it'd almost be like having to learn the system again for him, so his advantage there isn't that great.

    The advantages Mark has however, is familiarity with his WRs, and that can go a long way in close competitions. I think if it's a tie, Mark probably gets the nod. But I think Geno is talented enough and Sanchez is limited enough that Geno can legitimately beat him out. But at this point, it's all speculation and wild guesses. Hopefully, they are both good, would rather have a QB controversy stem from both guys being great than from trying to find out who's the lesser of two evils.
  8. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    no, the argument is that great QB's will succeed regardless of who they are throwing to or who the RB is.

    sure, they will have far more success with talented receivers and RB's, but no QB that is accurate and who can quickly read defenses and get the ball out is going to look like Mark Sanchez just because the talent around him is deficient.
  9. 34miami23

    34miami23 Active Member

    Jun 18, 2010
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    Compared to what was said earlier, I think Geno and Tannehill are somewhat similar in terms of skill.

    Both are about the same height and weight. Both have the ability to move and run but don't utilize it as much. Both tend to be streaky passers.

    I was very happy with what I saw from Ryan last year and still think that he would go ahead of Geno in this year's draft even though he was somewhat of a reach for Miami last year (I admit it) at #8 whereas the Jets got great value for Geno in the 2nd round.
  10. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    If a receiver constantly runs a wrong or comes out of his breaks early or late will have huge effect on the QB. Just look at Aikman and Young they were great Qbs with talent around them sucked without it.

    I disagree great Qbs will not succeed regardless who they are throwing to. the NFL is littered with Qbs that you would say what if they had better talent. That is the point nobody succeeds with Marks supporting cast last season.

    Take away Tn and AZ where I could have played better Mark was surviving and doing well with the talent around him. Not great but not as bad as people say.

    I just find it absurd that you think a QB can be great with shit talent around him. I might give mediocre talent if the o-line was good was not QB succeeds with shit talent. If that is the case why are teams with great QB always trying to get more talented on offense?

    Example you are a QB and make a great read on every play but your receiver wrongs the wrong pattern and it is picked or inc. This happens over and over how do you succeed?

    When Rodgers receivers were hurt he just dumped it to his backs all game and the packers struggled to win. He did not look great until his receivers were healthy.

    Manning has always had great receivers. Montana great team, Staubach - Dre Pearson Dorsett. Aikman-Irvin Emmit

    Is there one young QB that i splaying great without a supporting cast? Is there any QB today that has played great with the Jets level of offense of talent?

    Guess what if Brady or Manning or any other great QB would struggle with this offense what the hell makes you think a fourth year Sanchez had a chance?

    If you think Geno is more talented than Mark(I did not say a better QB but just talent I am not sure that is true and if it is not much) he is a rookie and we should get him weapons and a year to learn.
  11. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    that isn't what I said and I find it unreasonable that you would even interpret what I have said to mean such.

    I said a QB with the talent to be great will never be absolutely awful just because they do not have great WR's or RB's. their talent will compensate for the lack of talent elsewhere.

    that doesn't mean they will play like a HOF'er, or that they can turn those marginal players into HOF'ers. Just that they will succeed to a significant extent to where their overall play is never seen as horrible.
  12. CandleGuy

    CandleGuy New Member

    Aug 11, 2010
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    Imagine if the Jets had not drafted Geno we'd be staring at a guaranteed entire year with Sanchez.

    JETFIGHTERS Active Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    "Opps there it is" !!!
  14. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    You already are.

    In fa ct this team will win more than 9.

    And you Genoballwashers, will get to watch him ride pine for three years.
  15. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Really. Tell me about Steve Youngs first four years.

    He was so good...tampon bay let him go.
  16. Frenbar

    Frenbar Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2010
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    The same people who say it's a good idea to sit Geno are the ones saying that Sanchez really has potential, he just, "didn't have the weapons". The fact is that the Jet's have nowhere to go but up with Smith. If he is a complete disaster this year, even remotely as bad as Sanchez, then the Jets know they have to draft a QB next year.
  17. TonyMaC

    TonyMaC Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2013
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    genoballwashers, how mature...

    we'll see Geno play starting clipboard for one season at most, and he'll get a start sometime this season regardless of who starts game 1 (Sanchezes chances of doing so seem higher now that DG is officially not an option)

    Geno has a higher ceiling than Mark, the question is not IF he's starting in the next year or so but WHEN.

    Mark is more likely due for the trading block than anything else. I'll root for him if he starts as long as he's a Jet but i don't really see a scenario where Smith doesn't take the reigns by next year and Mark's here for the remainder of his contract.

    They may not have picked him in the first round, but I don't think they took him to be backup for Mark the next 3 years. They're looking at a potential replacement.

    Its just a matter of doing it right... that plan includes Mark for now.
  18. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    I'll take that bet on 9 games ;)

    As far as ballwashers, i might point out that the biggest ballwashers are those saying Sanchez is a good QB at this point in his career. He's not. He reads defensess poorly, he's slow to see the field, doesn't follow his progressions, has the 3rd longest pocket time among QB's in the NFL, over the past 2 seasons he's #1 in turnovers and in the last 4 seasons he's in the top 4 or 5 in terms of turnovers and fumbles. Meanwhile in every category measurable he's a bottom 1/4 QB. If your a bottom 1/4 QB you damn well better take care of the ball, Mark doesn't and never has.

    Granted the Jets have done him few favors, but Mark did him self no favors by coming in to the draft after only one season as a starter in college. He had almost no experience coming in to the NFL.

    But this is the NFL, you either perform or your gone, Mark hasn't and is owed nothing but a buttload of ill advised $$.

    Will Geno be better? maybe, maybe not. It would be hard for him to be worse however.
  19. JetsFanDoc

    JetsFanDoc Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2008
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    He'll be ready at some point, and when he is he's in. No reason to let the beginning of the season dictating him starting, if he doesn't seem prepared yet protect his confidence and give him some time with the clipboard.
  20. deerow84

    deerow84 Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2012
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    I'd be fine with that. Guaranteed top five pick if not first or second overall, can get the best qb at that spot. Possibly a better pick than Geno.

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