Kristian Dyer: Tebow ‘couldn’t get a fair shot’ with Jets

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Backup QB, May 1, 2013.

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  1. catsigater

    catsigater New Member

    Nov 18, 2011
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    It was never my theory.
  2. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    You seem very angry.

    It's just an article, and just one player's opinion.
  3. Lehtonen

    Lehtonen New Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    Yes, very angry indeed. It angers me when people act like victims when they aren't, or that they're some fucking hero for saying they're part of a group (especially a large one).

    I don't even give a shit about the article or the player.
  4. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    If the coaches determine that Sanchez is the best QB on the roster like they did last year what do you hope for?
  5. catsigater

    catsigater New Member

    Nov 18, 2011
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    Sanchez' free ride is over.
  6. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Right now it's highly likely that he is the best QB on the roster. Based on that criteria I suspect he will win the job and start. My hope is he will be cut Gerrard will start and Geno gets some snaps and takes over after the bye.

    The idea that Mark got a free ride last year is nonsense. As bad as he was he was head and shoulders better than any QB on the roster. He is likely head and shoulders above anyone on the roster right now simply because Geno is a rookie and Gerrard has been out for 2 years.

    A free ride suggests we actually had someone better than Sanchez on the roster. That hasn't been the case since we drafted him.
  7. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    You could argue the FO gave Sanchez a free ride by not getting competition around him. But the coaches/coordinators were given little to work with.
  8. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    The FO believed Sanchez was going to develop into a top NFL franchise QB the coaches worked him out and signed off on that. That's why the OC was fired and the Tanny got fired.

    Bringing in competition for a starting NFL caliber QB is almost impossible. Competition at the QB position is the product of not having a QB. The idea that competition at the QB position is a good thing is one of the dumbest ideas propagated by teams that don't have a quality QB. Teams that have one or are developing one aren't having a QB completion.
  9. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    AMEN Brother
  10. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    Why does this story continue to have legs? Who cares at this point?

    Here are the facts.

    Tebow is no longer a Jet. He's gone.

    Sanchez, as of now, is still a Jet and will compete for the starting job unless he is cut before camp.

    We all know Sanchez was terrible last season.

    Tebow didn't get screwed or anything close. If Tebow were an NFL caliber QB, he would be fielding offers right now from one or more of the 31 other NFL teams. From what I understand, his phone will not be ringing anytime soon. That tells us all everything we need to know. No NFL team thinks Tebow is worthy of a training camp roster spot or a chance to even compete for a spot on an NFL roster. Even Popp, the Montreal GM from the CFL, the team that owns his CFL rights, questioned Tebow's ability to play QB and his passing ability and said the maybe someday he could compete for a back up QB job in the CFL.

    How could a QB that nobody wants been screwed by the Jets last year? He didn't deserve to start and should never have been brought here. Unless he changes positions, it seems as if his professional football career is over. That is not a screwing. Denver showed last year that an NFL team needs to totally revamp its offense to put Tebow at QB. The Jets were not going to do that in week 15. Plus we heard over and over how bad Tebow looked in practice.

    Tebow is nothing more than a media creation because ESPN and others seem to think he makes a good story. But nobody other than the Tebow maniacs want anything to do with him.

    What this is a continued failure of Tebow fans to face reality. The winning streak in Denver was a fluke. Elway could not wait to get rid of him. He couldn't unseat Sanchez even though Sanchez was having as bad a year as any QB in the NFL. He is a free agent and no NFL, CFL or any other teams appears to want him as a QB. He is a major distraction wherever he is because of the media attention he gets and the pressure from the media and Tebow's huge fan base for the team he is on to play him. Add all that up and you get all hype and no substance. It appears over for Tebow as a QB. Deal with it.

    The Jets have turned the page. It's time for his fans to do the same when it comes to his tenure as a Jet. Good bye and good riddance.
  11. Unhappyjetsfan

    Unhappyjetsfan Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2013
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    Of course that's "getting screwed". It's the definition of "getting screwed". There's about 100 QB roster spots in the NFL; there isn't anybody who thinks Tebow isn't good enough to be one of these 100. That's not even debatable. Regardless of what you think about his talent, he's won playoff games. At the very least, he's one of the 100 best QBs in the league.

    But he can't get on a roster. And the reason is that he is too popular. Every team feels they can not afford to have him on a roster because if he shows even the smallest bit of success (in preseason, at the end of a game, if the starter gets shook up for a series, etc), his popularity will force their hand to give him playing time. He can't get on a team because he's too well liked, not because he's not talented enough. That's sad. And it's definitely a screwing.

    At least Elway replaced him with the best QB in the last 25 years. Rex blocked him with the worst starting QB in the league and two no-names; and still refused to play him ... all the while, apparently lying to him (behind closed doors) and definitely lying publicly about it.

    I'm an athiest, have no allegiance to Univ. of Florida football, think Tebow is an average (maybe slightly below average) backup QB in the NFL, and actually like Rex ... but I'm not going to stick my head in the sand and pretend this guy didn't get screwed. He did and he continues to do so. I feel bad for him.
  12. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    Holy shit, talk about delusional. Maybe you should stick to the special tebot forum.
  13. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Bringing in good competition is almost possible. Bringing in competition in general is easy.

    The Jets had the offseason fine last year, bringing in Stanton who could spell Sanchez easily if Sanchez had ugly games which he had a lot of. Then we know the rest of the offseason went.
  14. NJBeliever

    NJBeliever Active Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    See, you're so full of hate you don't even understand the point of my post. Where did I say was a martyr? Where did I say I was a victim? I only stated that I even though I am a Christian, I was AGAINST trading for Tebow. But just because I am not afraid to proclaim my faith, you have to react with hatred because that in your heart and your own issue.

    Your post was a sad attempt to distort what I said, which is blaming SANCHEZ. He is the problem. And even when his own teammates say it, you just want to circle the wagons to attack my religion because of your own personal issues.

    Tebow had no cult of followers. They weren't at Florham Park (have you ever seen them there?). They weren't at the games. So I don't know what you're talking about. Did fans in the stands call for him to be put in games? yes. But that's what happens in the NFL when your starting QB is the worst player in the league at his position. Which is my point. The blame for the drama rests on Sanchez more than any other player on the team.
  15. LAJet

    LAJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    Poeple that bitch about the amount of publicity that Geno is getting for a 2nd round draft, and then harp on about Tebow all day long need to reconsider.
    Tebow was given a chance, Denver did not want him, the Jets could not figure out a way to put him on the field, apparently now the rest of the teams dont see him as a good fit as back up.
    Its time to move on. Geno is in...Tebow is out. We wish them both the very best
  16. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    This post makes absolutely no sense. Tebow is not on a roster because he is too popular and if he plays well the team he plays for will be forced to play him more? So no team wants him because they don't want to be forced to play a player who is playing better than the current QB? That is idiotic.

    NFL teams want to win - plain and simple. If he were good enough he would be signed and if he were good enough he would play. Elway signed Manning because he knew he could not win with Tebow. The Jets did not play Tebow because they knew they could not win with Tebow. Both teams knew he is not and never will be a long term answer at QB.

    The only thing I remotely agree with is your implication that Tebow's maniacal fans make life miserable for the front office, coaches, and the other QBs on his team because of their delusional beliefs in his "magical" abilities and the incessant pressure they put on the team to play Timmy boy. And I agree that the media frenzy that surrounds Tebow, as undeserving and mystifying as it is makes him undesirable for any team and far outweighs any limited on the field benefit he provides.

    But come on. Even CFL GMs are saying he is not good enough.

    Count yourself among the delusional.
  17. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    Sanchez plays for one NFL team. You can't blame him for the 31 other NFL wanting nothing to do with Tebow the QB. When Tebow sees the light and agrees to play TE or some other position, he might play in the NFL again. Until then, he's done because he stinks and because his fanatical followers are a tremendous distraction.
  18. catsigater

    catsigater New Member

    Nov 18, 2011
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    So why was he benched?
  19. Dreadmadseen

    Dreadmadseen Active Member

    Oct 13, 2009
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    Tebow??? Let us not speak of this again!!
  20. NJBeliever

    NJBeliever Active Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    1. I don't really care about Tebow's future prospects. As I said, I did not want him on the team to begin with and I am not a fan of the "other 31 teams." I'm a Jets fan. So that is where my concern is.

    2. As I keep saying, the point of my post and the article from the original post is that SANCHEZ is the biggest problem on this team. I don't know how this is not abundantly obvious. What is this, the 10th or 11th time in the past season and a half that guys on the team have ripped him to the press?? He clearly is a divisive figure on the team much more than Tebow could ever have been.

    3. I assume you only follow the Jets on TV?? (correct me if I'm wrong). There were no "legions of fanatical tebow fans" at training camp. There was no "Tebow section" at the stadium. You are just buying the media/Manish Metha version of the Jets season. I keep asking where these mythical "millions of Tebow fans" were all year and no one can tell me. Where were they? Because they certainly weren't following the Jets at any close distance to you know, where they actually play. People calling for Tebow were just naturally responding to the abysmal, NFL-worst QB play of our beloved starting QB. That happens on every team in the league. Tebow was seriously a non-factor all season. Whereas Sanchez was at the steering wheel of the train wreck of a season. And somehow he keeps evading the blame, even when his own teammates pin it on him.
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