And hire who in his place? Doubt you would ever be able to get Cowher or Chucky..for everybody who says Rex should have been fired I would love to know who they they they could get instead.
He really tried to get him to bite on the Mar Sanchez questions. Can help but think however that Mark Sanchez will not be on this team come pre-season, either they just don't want him and the general negativity that follows him, or they know Geno Smith and/or David Garrard will out play him.
I follow Francesa on this website. I refuse to listen to him, I get so god damm mad because he's such a Jet hater. And now Mr. T and Revis are his favorite guys. OOOYYY. Idzik is joe cool man, Mike can't rattle this dude. I hope our GM saw for himself why nobody from the Jets should go on his show, no one. F him
Same here. I listen to the radio on my way to work and my way to home. I listen to WFAN in the mornings along with Mike&Mike depending on which channel is on the commercials. But in the afternoons I only listen to ESPN even when they are on commercials. I hate this Fat Slob and refuse to listen to him.
Francesa comes across like he thinks he will outwit Idzik and get a scoop of some sort. In a battle of wits between Francesa and Idzik, Idzik is fighting an unarmed opponent.
im the same... i love joe & evan, but as soon as there show ends im turning over to ESPN radio. not only is francessa annoying, and rambles about nonsense and has an ego, but he never talks about local teams he doesnt like, unless its occasionalyl to bash them you NEVER hear anything about the mets, nets, jets, devils, islanders.
I'm listening to it now, and I like what I hear from Idzik, but I can't get past this fat boy breathing while Idzik is talking.
He is frustrated. He cannot comprehend why the GM of the Jets would not side with him against the coach. The war is on. The mal occchio was not enough Now it is vendetta. Never go against an Italian when death is on the line.
Normally I'm in "Beat the guy, but don't wish him injury" camp, but Tank is the exception. I'd love if this jackass had a heart attack on the show. I would get a copy and play it every time I'm pissed at the media, which is quite often. To me Mike Francesa is Adolph hitler of the sports.
Mike is an embarrassment to sports, he got nothing from Idzik and it felt like he had to throw a dig to Idzik.
from what i understand this useless know nothing just signed a new deal. does anyone know how long it is for? he said that it would be his last and i cant fucking wait for it to end. i really thought he would be done in the next year or two because he is just impossible to listen to. how many times did he say waitasekind waitasekind waitasekind... fucking tool
Francesa I heard the interview. Idzik held his own. Mike was really mad he didn't have time to prepare. He was looking for a headline that he could use down the road when and if Sanchez is moved. Idzik gave him none. Tannenbaum used to kiss his ring and it frustrates him that he got fired and Rex didn't. He also saw Sanchez at the Knick game and told him to hang in there. Now he is his friend and he was mad the Jets went for Geno Smith. It really is all about him and his very high opinion of himself. Too bad he used to be a good listen.
I did not have a problem with the interview or him asking hard questions. My problem with Mike is that he does not do it to teams he likes.