what are the gidelines of starting a new? People keep asking me about my avater, I said I will post the full CLEAN set here but would that further complicate things?
Google ads may not be placed on pages with adult or mature content. This includes, but is not limited to, pages with images or videos containing: Strategically covered nudity Sheer or see-through clothing Lewd or provocative poses Close-ups of breasts, buttocks, or crotches
Does Google have people who browse each and every website on AdSense or do they have some bot that does some sort of magic to figure out what the pictures on the forum contain? If it's the former, that must be a boring job. I mean let's be honest, for every one site on AdSense that may have porn or borderline porn, there are probably like 1000 that don't have anything close.
Wait... are you talking about the mega-freakshow-creepy thread that Big Blocker spent 50 hours a week obsessing over?
they most likely do a reverse image search of site that use AdSense. If an image looks to be foul, the program will call it foul. That's my guess.
I put a lot of work into that thread, which imo was quite suitable for work. I would have appreciated a warning if there were some specific pics that were a problem, but of course I did not get any warning. I think I should have. My thread had over 110,000 clicks, meaning people came to this site, and I would have appreciated the heads up. In the middle of the off season, this is a nice kick in the balls. Thanks for nothing.
Sorry to see this BB, I know you put a lot of time and patience into you thread and it was greatly appreciated here...:sad:
that's too bad, that was a great history lesson thread, not to mention some powerful ladies of the past.
Amazing how far glamour has come. Those ladies had classic looks and style. Some actresses today keep that tradition but only a precious few. For the most part, those women knew that sexy doesn't mean trampy.
Very true. It was a really great thread and I have to be honest I thought it was nothing but classy and really can't remember anything risqué .
Here's an update to the story. The deleted thread was reported to Google by a certain someone who was banned from this website for good...