I really have trouble believing anything you post. Every single time, you reach. Tampa wanted him badly. He also wanted a ridiculous contract. He got one. With Zero guaranteed money. Why would that be? Why would the undisputed king of NFL defense, who held out on his rookie and sophomore contracts, then give in to a third contract that had a ZERO in the area of GUARANTEED money? I'm sure this is elementary to a heavyweight like yourself... I'm sure it's simple. Why?
Frankly she has a far more rosie look on what's going on with this team than she should. I just don't understand what they are doing. Our 2nd and 3rd picks just don't make much sense. First of all, the GM should of hired his own head coach. I like Ryan but we frankly we needed a complete overhaul of leadership GM, head coach, and QB.
No, my argument proved you wrong and you obviously can't handle it. You said they reached on Richardson, I gave evidence to the contrary. You bring up Floyd, how nice, but it does not effect that Richardson was widely seen as a mid first rounder, taken in the mid first. That's the definition of a value pick, not a reach. Floyd fell. He was the third DT off the board after some speculation he would go top ten. It happens every draft, but that still does not make Richardson a reach. As for the Revis situation, Idzik wanted a pick before the draft. He wanted help this year and had one serious bidder. I don't think anyone is actually dumb enough to think we had a ton of leverage in the situation. We either moved him when we did, or potentially lose him for a comp pick. It was obvious he was gone after this season.
Revis had to NEGOTIATE. It's what people do who actually want to make a deal. You are operating with the assumption that Revis demands were absolutely non-negotiable, something he never said. Obviously, in discussions with Tampa, the only way he would approach 16M per would be by making none of it guaranteed and putting his performance on the line to make his loot. And both parties were comfortable with that. But all this is besides the point that Tampa really wanted Revis badly. And when you are trading your franchise player who is one of the best players in the NFL and possibly all time, you should get significant value. And what if Tampa refuses to play ball? Then DON'T TRADE and try to find another partner during the season. Or who knows, maybe actually make a deal with Revis. at the end of the day we should have gotten more for Revis than what the Vikes got for Percy Harvin, who is not even top 10 at his position.
Come on man. You based your praise of Richardson on him being high on Mayock's board. Well Floyd was even higher and we did not select him which makes Richardson a reach, based on the standard that you put out there. My point on Richardson is simple: When the top 3 DTs are all available at 13, then you have some room to play. Trade down or draft a player like Jones who you know other teams covet. taking the 3rd rated DT at 13 is not maximizing the value of the spot. Richardson has freakish talent. I do think his body of work is small, and that a lot of his amazing plays were either from a 2 point stance or chasing someone downfield. But all that being said, he can be a good player. It's just that in a draft this critical, a GM has to squeeze out as much value as possible. We entered the draft with arguably the least talented roster in the league. So these moves are important, especially when this is the big "get" from the Revis trade.
"In fact, I think our football team, since I've been here as a head coach, has actually won more playoff games than the New England Patriots. I'm just throwing that out there. It feels like it gets lost." Message to Rex that I haven't heard anyone comment; It gets lost because they always win the division over you and get a first round bye. You're playing more playoff games than they are for that reason. You have to win playoff games just so you can face them or get to their level. It's comments like these that make me crazy, and I like Rex. The playoff win in NE a few years ago was our high water mark. None of us can believe what's happened since.
I didn't base it off of mayocks board, I used it as one example. Your putting words in my mouth by saying that. I said he was widly seen as a mid first rounder, and gave the one I knew off the top of my head. See, I actually follow the draft year round. I'm not calling someone a reach when clearly they were not. Rchardsns body of work is just as big as Floyd's. his numbers are similar, while playing on a less talent Missouri team. It all comes down to whom you like better and the Jets felt better about Richardson's over all ability. That much is obvious. This was a value pick. Floyd was not even the second DT off the board despite the "experts" having him rated high than both star and Sheldon. We may have been able to move down, but not get the player we wanted. If the Jets truly had him in the top four of their board, why give it up at 13? That makes no sense from a value perspective. The more awkward part of the pick was not the value but he fit. Once people realize that we played our sub package around 45% of the time an experienced 3T makes more sense. Also we can employ him in the 46 and a one gap 34 front while using his natural skills to max benefit.