Didn't matter if it was Nash and Kobe ... it's a great time to come out because the world is so tolerant and politically correct now days.
It could be more than opinion. I think I read somewhere that God destroyed cities because of homosexuality.
Damn, SI waste no time The gay mafia going to run this shit into the ground (gay mafia is a joke, calmdown). Hes black too. Expect to hear this story till the next NBA season as the gay community uses this to further attention whore and annoy everyone else hoping everyone will accept their lifestyle.
The problem with openly gay men in sports is that it can make other guys uncomfortable. Imagine a man in the women's locker room. It's a similar situation.
Was it in a book that was heavily edited by the Romans in order to be used to control the population of their vast empire?
It's funny... I'll bet that there is a far larger discussion about this stupidity than there ever was about gays in the military. Professional athletes are mostly millionaires whose lives aren't in danger if they are uncomfortable with their co-workers.
Doubt it. But he must now. I mean, he is an aging bench player with little in terms of a future career in the NBA, and now he is the first active pro in American professional sports to come out of the closet. Tons of national media interviews that will pay well, and maybe even a highly publicized lawsuit against the NBA for collusion/discrimination if he doesn't get signed next season. Not to mention tons of endorsements by gay-friendly media outlets. Yisman was right, he had zero to lose. And everything to gain. THAT is a kid in a candy store.
Eh, I mean not really. I'm a college athlete and I've had two people on my team who are out of the closet, one of which happens to be a very good friend of mine. Really, nobody has an issue with them using the same locker room. As long as he's not making advances (which I highly doubt he would) I can't see it being uncomfortable.
from what i heard, the media is making a big deal about no one thinking this is a big deal. hilarious.
I think that we both know both parts are accurate. Even if only one of us has the balls to admit the second part is.
did anyone ask him if he is a giver or a taker? these douchelords on espn read off some of what he had said in the article about how he didnt want to be the first one to do it and that he wished that someone else had done it... but they didnt so he felt he had to. i give the guy alot of credit. it will end up being a big step in english cigarettes being looked at as normal people.