Fire Idzik

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by allan1, Apr 26, 2013.

  1. ctjetsguy

    ctjetsguy Active Member

    Feb 2, 2011
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    Yup. This thread makes a lot of sense, because everyone knows to build a franchise, abandoning regimes quickly and switching coaches often is the perfect way to do so. Just look at the Steelers, they go through coaches and front office staff like....wait....

    Oh, and I'm a Rex supporter if that wasn't clear. Guy has flaws, clearly, but I do think he can be a great coach someday. You don't can the coach who has equaled the AFC Championship game appearances your franchise has made all time in his first four years because of an incompetent GM and some coaching/personality flaws. Rex is learning, and he will get better. I am certain of it.
  2. Barcs

    Barcs Banned

    Nov 15, 2011
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    :rofl: That totally must be it!
  3. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    A fire our GM thread before we even complete the draft or EVEN see the players chosen play one snap in the NFL let alone one snap in a NFL practice.
  4. GreenGreek

    GreenGreek Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2002
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    Idzik has a multi-year plan. It's obvious that he's not concerned with using the draft to fill immediate holes. He's focusing on cost-efficiency. Within 2 years, we'll likely see the books wiped of most big contracts, with the likely exceptions of Brick & Mangold. He's drafting BPA to build a cost efficient core that he can later use a boatload of cap space to augment. Revis, Cromartie, Sanchez, Holmes & possibly Harris will all be off the books replaced by the likes of Milliner, Smith, etc.
  5. BakerMaker

    BakerMaker Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2006
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    ROFL Fire Idzik. Nobody will take the team seriously moving forward or will we ever build anyone if we get rid of people so soon. Idzik did god's work given the hell hole he inherited from Tanny.

    Let the man do his damn job and clean up the mess he inherited. The idiots who peg us as a circus will soon change their tune in due time. Take the lumps and let the talking puppets speak, we will build something positive moving forward.
  6. Baumeister

    Baumeister Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2008
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    The Jets could win 20 straight Super Bowls and some Jet fans would still be pissed about something. Give the guy a chance he hasn't even the time to take a nice crap at the facility and people want him gone. It is the Jets people we should be all use to this by now. They do things that make you go WTF! But one of these days...... Idzik seems to have done a good job in Seattle lets see what he can do for the team. By the way it seems that no other person wanted to touch the Jets GM job with a ten foot pole. Let the guy do his job and enjoy the ride good or bad.
  7. Satire?

    Satire? Guest

    not really defending this thread, but i don't understand the point of banning someone for expressing a radical opinion.
  8. Jeti

    Jeti Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2012
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    because things like this are distractions, this is a well respected Jets forum and having a thread about firing our new GM after 1 round in his 1st draft and maximum trolling and baiting
  9. Satire?

    Satire? Guest

    ah, well respected forum. i forgot i'm talking to some elite clientele.
  10. Dreadmadseen

    Dreadmadseen Active Member

    Oct 13, 2009
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    Some one told me "if your throw a rock at a pack of dogs, the one the yelps is the one that got hit!"
  11. nycztonee

    nycztonee Active Member

    Mar 10, 2003
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    It's just that your argument for Milliner not being an improvement over wilson was based on his inability to catch the football.

    Keep in mind, the biggest knock on Wilson was not because he couldn't catch. It's his lack of cover skills year after year.

    Milliner's strength is man to man coverage, tackling and speed. His traits in all 3 of those aspects is inherently an improvement over Wilson.
  12. NYJets17

    NYJets17 Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2012
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    I dont understand Jet Fans sometimes.

    I have no problems with our picks and I'm excited to see our GM building for a future instead of a win-now situation.

    Maybe thats what you want to be again? new 80 year old players past their prime every year, then we can have another butt fumble season.

    Nahh I'm good, do your thing Idzik
  13. BroadwayAaron

    BroadwayAaron Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2008
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    It's threads and people like this that give Jet fans the reputation they have. Unfortunately it's the idiots like this and people that agree with him that are calling up radio stations and showing up at the draft making Jet fans look like total morons. This is a SOJF thread if I've ever seen one.
  14. Bill Belichdouche

    Bill Belichdouche Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2009
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    This thread will be bookmarked for future reference
  15. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    I have to agree 100%. Its embarrassing. In the old days, I loved the Jet fans that gathered at the draft, I knew half of them. They were season ticket holders and die hards. The people now are young kids who want to get on TV and make that stupid face. I bet 3/4 of them never heard of our 13th pick. They were embarrassing, maybe this poster was there. Anyway, the last 10 days has been good to Jet world. Thanks Mr. Idzik, maybe we finally have a GM that sticks to a plan and is not reckless.
  16. tanknyc

    tanknyc Active Member

    Dec 27, 2006
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    We dont even have a capable back up QB on our team so worst comes to worst we selected a good back up QB for the future in the second round. A cap friendly decision. And we went OL and Running back with the 4th rounder. I think he will play with fire now that teams passed over him. Next year we still can pick up a QB and we will be golden. I love this draft so far we are addressing needs... BTW we signed Peterman OL so we already revamped the OL with Colon Peterman and Winters. We will be a better team this year with 3 picks left
    #136 tanknyc, Apr 27, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2013
  17. vedmedv

    vedmedv Member

    Sep 7, 2008
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    I love Idzik so far.
    We had an asshole GM who traded picks, signed overpriced free agents, gave stupid-ass contract extensions to guys that didn't want to take a hit and let Rex run his mouth like a rabid ape.

    Let's ask tannenbaum to come back and give Garrard a 5-year deal, guaranteed and make david harris the highest paid linebacker in the league for another 10 years, resign tebow etc etc

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