horribe 2 picks in the first....

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by jerseyjay14, Apr 25, 2013.

  1. foreboding

    foreboding Member

    Oct 31, 2011
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    I thought you guys would grab Eifert for sure. Milliner is ok, but injured, you still had the number 9 defense and secondary was not the problem. I thought you would go Eifert and Warmack to markedly improve the offense. Then take a QB in round 2. As a Bills fan I think we screwed you guys with the trade so you could not get Austin, but who knows if the Jets would have taken him??!
  2. foreboding

    foreboding Member

    Oct 31, 2011
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    No arguing Milliners talent. He is damn good. He has had alot of injuries already as a kid though.
  3. ajetsfan4ever

    ajetsfan4ever Active Member

    Jan 21, 2006
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    I agree, finally somebody who knows what they're talking about.

    Hell, do people even know how many times we ran a 2-4-5 last season? do they even know what a 2-4-5 is?????????
  4. ajetsfan4ever

    ajetsfan4ever Active Member

    Jan 21, 2006
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    Richardson also played a lot last season while standing up, do people even know this?
  5. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    ok i am a bit calmer than i was yesterday.... i was so looking forward to this draft and what could happen or what idzik would do and i was THOROUGHLY let down when it went down.

    however i still dont care for a cb who played the short side of the field only on one of the best defenses in the land. watching him he does not seem like a top 5 pick like many are saying. i didnt like how he opens his hips and changes direction. he cant catch the ball which they pointed out and kind of made fun of last night but that really doesnt mean shit as he is a cb he just needs to make sure the OTHER guy doesnt catch the ball.

    he will be serviceable i just dont see him as a game changer and didnt we all just talk about how you dont build a team around cbs? about how they are not the foundation guys about how you need qbs and rush guys?

    richardson i saw play a number of times last year too.. he is VERY quick. he bursts through the line when guys are trying to get angles and makes plays in teh backfield. and thats great.... BUT his quickness is not going to get him through a tackle blocking down on him on this level on any kind of consistent basis. AND running a 3-4 you want big old linemen who take up defenders and get a push. i dont see him getting push, i see him getting his shoulders through the line and being quicker than college o linemen.

    its also a position that is not only not a need but that we now have an overabundance of guys. you cant draft an overabundance of any position. dl is important, having 3 dts is not a good idea. sure they could move coples outside or start playing more 4 man lines BUT i dont see the need for that.

    what i think the jets should have done is draft warmack at the 9, he is a road grader who will be a solid g for many many years to come and plays a far more important role than cb and then they should have taken jarvis jones at the 13 he has the potential to be a game changer at a game changing position. he will put pressure on the qb and that is what you are looking to get with the 9 or 13 a true impact player.

    someone said it last night, the jets were hoping for austin to be there (im not a huge fan of him either) and then when he wasnt they probably drafted the bpa on their board even though him and warmack have got to be REALLY REALLY close... im going to assume they were thinking that warmack might be there at 13 then everyone jumped in and grabbed warmack and idzik was left sitting there with his dick in his hand and tried like hell to get out of his spot and just went ahead and picked his bpa again.

    i understand bpa... but come on. they had the giants gm on and he talked about value and a mix of bpa and need. i mean shit im all for bpa but you dont draft a lt when you have anthony munoz sr in his fourth year.

    so thus far i am disappointed. and disappointed in a way i really didnt expect to be.

    im really just kind of frustrated that jones went a few picks later to pittsburgh and will end up being a fucking stud. that was the guy i really wanted to see the jets get.
  6. NJBeliever

    NJBeliever Active Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    Very well said. Call me crazy as usual, but I was 90% convinced that we were going to take Chance and Jones and call it a day. It would have been so simple, so doable and such an immediate impact. But of course no.

    When missourri played Georgia who made plays all over the field?? JONES, who forced a fumble and picked off franklin in the 4th quarter alone to completely seal the game. And Richardson faded after running his mouth the week before saying GA played "old man football." Oh well.
  7. ouchy

    ouchy Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2007
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    All I have to say is that if we still have Sanchez and Rex we are not really rebuilding. You rebuild with a new coach not a coach that has proven to be terrible at talent evaluation. I dont see any signs the new GM is that insightful either. The BPA philosophy only takes you so far. If we dont get LBs even these picks are not going to improve our defense that much.
    #167 ouchy, Apr 26, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2013
  8. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    Was our Richardson really the kid that made that comment? Mother F---er! just what we need another talker
  9. hornblower

    hornblower Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2010
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    I thought the picks were fine. You do not take 2nd round players in the first round. Grab a guard and a tight end in the next 2 rounds and I am a happy fan. There are plenty of good players at each of those positions available.
    As far as Rex goes, he only coaches one side of the ball anyway so it doesn't really matter if he is the HC or not.
  10. jerseyjay14

    jerseyjay14 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    it just inexcusable to make the selections we did. I mean, we arent deep anywhere, but our 2 deepest positions are CB and DL. and we have money/years already invested in those positions as well as high draft selections.

    meanwhile we have:

    - A bottom 2 starting QB(sanchez) in a league that is all about passing

    - A bottom 4 set of starting WRs to go with arguably the leagues worst QB

    - Absolutely nothing at gaurd, were we lost 2 starters from a group that already had no depth

    - Lost our starting tight end, leaving us with a bottom 5 starting TE

    - A bottom 5 RB tandem

    - a bottom 5 linebacking core with currently no starters are OLB

    - no pass rusher to be found

    - no starting safties on the roster

    horrible. only saving grace woudl be taking a QB in round 2 or moiving up in round 2 to get one.
  11. Jets4eva9011

    Jets4eva9011 Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2011
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  12. 21stAmendment

    21stAmendment Member

    Mar 8, 2012
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    Nothing worse than posters pretending they know who's a good pick and who's not.
  13. ToonWalker

    ToonWalker New Member

    Mar 18, 2006
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    1)Idzik said need would not cause them to pass on BPA. He is trying to stockpile top talent.

    2)The draft is not over. There are other guards, TE's, and WRs in this draft.

    3)I realize you are not a super-bright person, but you're probably trying your best and I appreciate your efforts.
  14. jerseyjay14

    jerseyjay14 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    you make it sound liek we didint want to reach for the 1 position of need we have... 90% of the positions are position of need! it wouldnt be close to a reach to have filled any of them. richardson was not the BPA or close to it.

    when you have the worst offensive in football and two top 15 picks, and dont use one on offense that is just insane. especially when you didint get a game changer on defense like an elite pass rusher
  15. TNJet

    TNJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    No we should get Latttimore in the 3rd. It will hold with our theme of drafting players who are recovering from injuries requiring multiple surgeries.
  16. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    Its Just inexcusable how clueless some of the Jets fans are. A) Idzik nailed great talent W/BPA and value at positions of need w/his first two weeks. B) The draft is very far from over. C) Remaining issues to be addressed through FA now that he has the cap room (just cleared out another 5Mil today).

    Its literally hilarious how totally clueless the whiners are.
  17. KWJetsFan

    KWJetsFan Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2010
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    Like you, who thought the Revis trade was never going to happen because it was media driven hype to sell stories. You are a complete tool with no credibility.

    Stop calling others clueless. All you do is further embarrass your already pathetic self.

    Seriously. You are sad.
  18. ToonWalker

    ToonWalker New Member

    Mar 18, 2006
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    Ok, I'll try again.

    Idzik said he would not let need trump BPA. Evidently at 9 and 13 an offensive player was not BPA. At 9 and 13 the only TWO players you could possibly argue for are Warmack and Eifert.

    Now, Warmack and Eifert would have been helpful, of course.
    BUT it is very conceivable that the best CB in the draft was higher on the Jets board than a guard.
    It is conceivable that the best DT in the draft (according to the Jets) was higher on the Jets board than a TE.

    Now keep in mind, and this is important....
    the Jets generally use THEIR OWN FUCKING BOARD when determining best player available.
    They don't usually use the draft board of random people who know jackshit.

    Good news: the Jets have MORE picks in this draft.
  19. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    yes it would be a reach if you can get equivalent talent in the later rounds.

    it is simple.

    If you can pass on the other positions in round 1 and still get comparable talent in the later rounds but...

    If you pass on Richardson or Milliner and can't get comparable talent in the draft later...

    the only sensible decision is to take Milliner and Richardson now, because you can't get comparable talent later, and then draft those other positions later when comparable talent is still available.

    how is this confusing?

    I am not saying that the talent availability is this way -- nobody can, because none of these players have ever played a down in the NFL. but the philosophy behind it is reasonable and logical.

    and at the end of the day, it is easy to dispute Idzik's choices when you have nothing to lose if you are wrong. But if you had something valuable to lose with your hot air rants, I bet you wouldn't proclaim them with any such authority.
    #179 JetBlue, Apr 26, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2013
  20. BomberJet

    BomberJet Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2002
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    +1 on this :)thumbs up)

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