Coming into the draft, many people were saying that the NFL Draft Value Chart was no obsolete and that the draft pick values had changed. I was curious if this was the case, so I crunched the numbers on the 5 trades that happened tonight. I think that this shows that the draft value chart is still a pretty accurate representation of the value GMs & NFL teams apply to their picks. Outside of the Oakland/Miami trade, no total value varied that much. Thoughts?
The Oakland trade down was desperation. Rebuilding, wanted more picks, took the best offer they could get.
Damn straight... both our rivals screwed us.. first Miami goes up out of no where and grabs our #1 choice then Bill's let Rams jump 1 draft pick ahead.....just 1 and grab our only option at a play maker........FUCK THE AFC EAST.
They both literally literally fucked us Dion Jordan and Tavon Austin (sigh) another year of not getting any of my fav prospects. Im almost afraid to think of who i want tonight.
GMs absolutely continue to use this chart, but it is clearly due to scared, defensive, CYA thinking. Jimmy Johnson pulled these numbers out of his ass 25 years ago, but today's GMs can justify whatever they do by pointing to it and saying - "see, I got the proper value". You can criticize a Jerry Jones for taking control of the draft, or teams like the Browns and Raiders for putting family members in charge, but there is clearly an agency problem when a short-term contracted GM is pulling the trigger and placing greater value on keeping his job than improving the organization long term.
It reflected the lack of value of the 1st 20 picks or so and how historically bad the top half of the draft was in talent. The Bills had the only pick of value in the top 20 and got paid quite a bit for it. But other than that the picks in the top lacked value. Inside the top 20 it was very much a buyers market. Once outside the top 20 is where we started to reach the part of the draft with value and consequently we began see the picks obtain more value.