The Eifert tweet makes perfect sense to me but I think the Austin comment from Manish is a little weird. If Jordan doesn't fall and we don't take Austin it's hard to really take anybody. Maybe the point is the plan is to trade back the 9 if Jordan is gone because Warmack or Cooper at 9 does not seem like a good decision.
I think if the player they want is available at #9 you pick if not trade the pick. I think if they pick with #9 they should trade #13. I think one or both picks should be traded.
Keep doubting Austin. He only ran a 4.34 40 time. The same people doubting him because of his size are the same people who have never seen him play. BUT to satisfy those concerned with his size.. Tavon Austin 5'8 175 pounds Wes Welker 5'9 185 pounds DeSean Jackson 5'10 175 pounds Percy Harvin 5'11 185 pounds The list goes on and on... It's a new NFL people.
Yeah... because Manish Anonymehta has the pulse of the Jets' organizaation. Still waiting for that video proof comparing Austin and Moss.
The Baltimore Ravens drafted the same number of OL first round as the Jets in the past decade and they beat the 49ers. The 49ers have drafted one more OL in the first round than the Jets. They got one step closer to winning to SB than the Jets did, but still failed. What's the magic number? I'd say that Colin is a much better prospect than Sanchez, and still failed. But he also had big-time playmakers on offense. There is no height requirement to be a playmaker. Boldin can jump. But he is also slow. He didn't will the team to a win. He made a few clutch plays that helped them win. Height at WR is not the answer to a Lombardi trophy, otherwise Megatron and Andre Johnson would be wearing rings by now. Yes, you need height at receiver. But you don't necessarily need huge receivers to win a Super Bowl, otherwise Peyton Manning wouldn't be wearing one.
I definitely don't trust it, but if he was actually fed the line by somebody inside then the quote has some tactical purpose that was drawn up in the war room. But yeah on the other hand Manish just makes most of his shit up anyway so could always just write it off as that.
Whether Austin is a monster midget or super sized big mac, most are failing to realize that it's not the Jets most immediate need . Sure you can draft a flashy player and cheer him on as he's scrambling around field avoiding tackles to get 15+ yards. But, if the other 11 players on the defensive side of the ball is unsuccessful in preventing points from accumulating, well then what good is it? You have to be sure that your team has got it covered in th trenches before you go ahead and make a 'sexy' choice by picking a WR in the first round, at 9 no less.. I don't have that warm fuzzy feeling feeling about the OL/DL the Jets have at this moment. I think Rex and Idzik are hopefully aware of this and do the right thing this evening.
That's my thought process, the rules are getting more and more favorable for a guy like Austin to be a stud and hurt the physical DB's that could shut him down. He's absolutely explosive and would bring something to the Jets that we have lacked for a long long time.
More smoke than Bob Marley's lunch time snack I AM SO EXCITED!!! We are on the verge of re-starting our great team and the early signs look good, thankfully. Go Jets :martin::beer: :jets:
I think its a strong possibility the Jets are throwing that second rumore out there so that a team doesnt jump in front of them (Buffalo) and take Tavon before we even have a shot.
Spot on Byz. If Tavon was 2 inches taller and 10 pounds heavier he would be the the best player in the draft. If two inches... 2 inches! are going to stop you from taking the most explosive player in college football, then you should quite talent evaluation.
A dynamic offensive playmaker has been the biggest unaddressed need since Rex Ryan became the coach of the Jets. The closest thing they had to a playmaker was Braylon Edwards and when they let him walk in favor of Holmes the whole team declined drastically. Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
Jason LaCanfora just reported that some teams are question Jets real intent on Austin at 9 and may think its a smoke screen. Also said that teams think the Jets go CB/DE in 1st... If that happened Id vomit.
Errrr... no not Edwards......more like Brad Smith.. which I hated to see him go as he was missed. And BTW, even when the Jets had Santana Moss, the mighty mite that he was, it wasn't as if they lost all hopes of winning the division. He left but he wasn't missed. Taking a slot WR in the 1st round, and I don't care what anyone says - a 5'8 WR is not going to be the main go to guy - is just a wasted pick... especially when you don't have a runnning back or TE to carry some of the load. I don 't understand all this recent euphoria on a midget slot WR..geesh