One of the best sports film youll ever see I guarantee it. I know there are plenty of sports junkies here, this is not a sappy film at all and this does justice to the game and Jackie, not over the top at all. Oh and you can bet Harrison Ford is getting nominated come oscar time. You can book that too! Check the film out!
I learned some new racist terms from that movie. Awesome! Seriously though, the movie was great. Especially with how bad it made Philly look.
Yeah, it was pretty great. I always seem to think baseball movies are the best sports movies. Great acting, great look with the stadiums and uniforms, pretty eye opening stuff. Makes me long for baseball in Brooklyn too.
Happy you mentioned Harrison Ford. Was telling a few friends tonight that I have finally a new found respect for the guy...a guy who seems to always act the same way in every movie. NOT THIS ONE. If not for the facial features, you would never know its him. He is amazing in this film. The movie itself was fantastic. Great great job. They did everything right and hit every emotional button really well. Must see.
Sorry, probably should of scrolled down. Well here is my two cents. Not very good, Too "Disney" for me. Yes I know it's a Warner Bro's film, but you catch my drift. It was corny as hell and frankly the subject deserved better/a more serious look. Only redeeming factor for me was the pitching scenes, you actually felt you were in the box seeing the break of the pitch.
I liked the movie, certainly wasn't my favorite. It was interesting because most sports movies are focused on the actual game or event not so much a whole career so which parts of Robinsons career they chose to highlight was intresting
I saw it on Sunday. Pretty good, although I didn't like how they call it a bio and included several things that definitely didn't happen. Durocher didn't have an affair with a celebrity and they showed Jackie getting hit in the head with a fastball and then being perfectly ok afterwards. So it's mostly accurate but they took some liberties with the facts. Here's something I found regarding that:
They did, I know. I'm saying they made a big deal out of him being treated when he was spiked, and nothing when he was hit in the head. He showed no ill effects, just some stitches. If someone were hit in the head with a fastball, without a batting helmet...
Ralph Branca said on one of my podcasts that Ben Chapman never hurled the n word at Robinson. He did call him boy and taunted him about shoe shines. Reading up on Chapman he was an equal opportunity offender with racial slurs. He was noted to get under DiMaggio and Greenberg's skin.
they had the character say that in the movie he said we call greenberg a kike and dimaggio a wop (saying he wasn't treating jackie any differently)