This is fucking ridiculous! This motherfucker had a deadly weapon and used it trying to kill a 19 yo girl. How long can we tolerate this?! There are thousands of people killed daily and we do nothing. We must ban this type of weapons altogether. Just take them off the streets!
I had a kidney stone removed this week, still have a stent in my dick all the way up to my right kidney. Now every hour I'm awake pissing again, and it feels like I'm getting stabbed with a knife every time I take that piss. So yeah, I know the feeling.
Funny thing about the story you posted... the victim survived. Anything can be used as a weapon. Anything. But guns are designed to be weapons. That is their purpose. Whether for hunting or self-defense, guns are made to kill/injure. (This leaves aside gun ownership as deterrence and shooting for sport, which are rather tertiary. Sport shooting is a hell of a lot of fun, but rather removed from the purpose of a gun.) And for the record, I'm not saying guns should be banned. I'm not even saying the assault weapon ban (in its current form) is going to make much, if any, difference. I will say, however, that it's stupid to equate knives and guns, in the same way that it'd be stupid to equate knives and cruise missiles. "Cruise missiles don't kill people. People kill people."
There is a steak knife epidemic in this country. How many more of our children have to be slain before we ban these deadly weapons?
Many people do shoot for sport, so claiming the gun's only purpose is to kill/injure is simply false. That's like saying that knives were designed for killing and injuring and then putting some aside in parentheses that people also use them for eating and cutting food. Sport shooting isn't removed from the purpose of a gun lol. Weapons are weapons. It doesn't matter what they are "designed for". If you use a knife to kill, then you have made that knife a weapon, breaking the law and committing an immoral act. Just because a gun is more efficient, doesn't make it worse than any other weapon. Look what that dude did at the marathon with a home made bomb.
This thread is dumb as bricks. You can't kill a room of people in seconds with a knife. Only an idiot would equate a knife with say a Bushmaster rifle.
again, what knife can kill, maim, and injur over 200 people with the snap of your finger? Weapons may be weapons, but not all weapons are the same or should be treated the same.
Silly comparison given that item with or without standard complimentary items cannot equal gun violence. Should we not require extensive background checks to purchase pressure cookers that have been rigged up as explosives? Should we not require extensive background checks to purchase dynamite?
and all kitchen cutlery, Stainless steel cooking forks, claw hammers, awls, long screwdrivers, power drills, meat cleavers, sling shots, large scissors, cast iron pans, ceremonial swords, sledge hammers, fireplace pokers, etc....
A gun cannot do any violence without a complimentary bullet or a complimentary evil person. The pressure cooker bomb is relatively simple to pull off. The point is that an evil person is going to figure out a way to cause mass death/injury.
So we need bans on guns, steak knives, and pressure cookers! I saw a SVU where the perp smothered a woman with a pillow. Every one I know has pillows in their house. The country is armed with these potentially deadly weapons. Congress must act. Not only that, but last night my wife killed a spider with a balled up paper towel. Not only is this animal cruelty, but again this dangerous weapon is everywhere. I blame our society, video games, and the company that makes Brawny for the proliferation of mass murder of harmless insects.
What about homemade bombs? They can be much more efficient at killing than guns. Where are the cries for bomb ingredient control? Somebody really proficient at using knives might be able to kill a room full of people somewhat quickly. Over 200 people with the snap of a finger? I'd love to see a gun do that. LOL. Why are people so afraid to blame the actual shooter, rather than an inanimate object? Killers are killers. They are scumbags that will find whatever way they can muster up to do as much damage as possible. You can't blame a tool for the action its owners commit.