Swing for doubles

Discussion in 'Draft' started by gsulli5861, Apr 21, 2013.

  1. gsulli5861

    gsulli5861 New Member

    May 11, 2005
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    Swing for doubles is Ozzie Newsome's philosophy and in my opinion that should be the Jet's approach to this draft. If there are opportunities to trade down do so. If you need to stay at 9 or 13 take the double, there are no home runs in this draft. Warmack, Cooper, Eifert, and Austin will eventually help you win games. Next year, hit a home run.
  2. Big Derty

    Big Derty Active Member

    Dec 1, 2003
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    This is the only move, I really hope they grab a second this year or next. You dont get the chance to stockpile often while still having first round picks. I hope we dont stay put twice.
  3. NYJETS4life24

    NYJETS4life24 Active Member

    Aug 22, 2012
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    Yes we definitely need to find a trade Tk stockpile more picks.
  4. rockyusmc2003

    rockyusmc2003 Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2005
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    This is an ideal scenario. Biggest problem this year, I believe a few other teams in front of the Jets are also looking to move back. There were reports today that the Browns and another top 7 team were looking to be on the move (can't remember the other team in the report).

    As long as the Jets stand their ground and DON'T try to move up, they should be swinging for doubles. My take on Idzik is that he will look to build with solid prospects, and not go after projects and workout warriors (guys like Ansah for example).

    There are many holes to fill, and that's the only way the Jets can operate at this juncture. If I'm wrong, it's going to be a crappy Thursday-Sunday for me!
  5. Ozymandias

    Ozymandias Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2010
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    agreed. we are in a good spot at 9 overall. Minnesota or STL will look to trade up with us for Austin. I wouldn't be surprised if ATL was in the hunt also. yes they have White and Jones, but they are known to make a splash.
  6. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    Well said. Would love two of the 4 players you named above.
  7. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    The point of swing for doubles is that if you keep getting players that have a solid base as well as some upside those guys are going to produce stars from the crowd for you on a regular basis. In addition you'll have a deep roster because almost all of your players have some talent that is applicable.

    It is noteworthy though that the Steelers have almost the opposite policy. They take a lot of high upside players with the understanding that they are drafting for two years out and that the guys they take will often not hit the field in a major role for a year or two.

    For their OLB's they almost always take DE's and convert them to OLB because they want bigger guys on the outside and they think it is better to take a big guy with some athleticism and teach him how to cover than to take a smaller guy and make him add 15-20 lbs after he hits the pros.

    For their ILB's they almost always take OLB's and convert them inside because they want quickness and pass-rushing ability across the front.

    2010 - Jason Worilds, 262 lb DE now playing OLB
    2007 - Lawrence Timmons, 234 lb OLB now playing ILB
    2007 - LaMarr Woodley, 265 lb DE now playing OLB
    2002 - signed James Farrier, 242 OLB, switched to ILB

    The Steelers defense is built around edge quickness and they get big results in the pass rush because *everybody* has done that at some point or another either in college or the NFL.

    The Steelers, BTW, use a lot of draft picks and they cut half or more almost every year. That's because they're looking for very specific things and asking people to change roles to meet those needs and if there's a failure they recognize it immediately and let the guy go. No wasted effort.

    If the Steelers take Jarvis Jones he's probably going ILB for them. For anybody else in the NFL he'd be an OLB or DE.
    #7 Br4d, Apr 21, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2013
  8. louissockalexis

    louissockalexis New Member

    Apr 19, 2013
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    They do need to swing for doubles once they get past the #9 pick. They need depth and good players. I am willing to bet that they will trade the #13 to SF for multiple picks. They need to draft some guys who can just be decent starters so the team has quality and depth. Too often they are relying on free agents - really FA's should just be used to plug a few remaining holes and provide experienced, veteran players.
  9. Duck

    Duck Member

    May 31, 2012
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    trade down
  10. stinkyB

    stinkyB 2009 Best Avatar Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Agree 100%. I mentioned something like this in the Mingo thread. This team now needs safe bluechip prospects, not High Risk/Reward type guys..... those are for a year or 2 down the road

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