Multiple Explosions at Boston Marathon

Discussion in 'BS Forum' started by devilonthetownhallroof, Apr 15, 2013.

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  1. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Well all the writing on the picture was concerned about his viewing, so you probably should have not used a picture marked up like that. Also you do realized that pcitures are split second takes right? Like someone easily could have been right therre, in and out, and you would never know. Also how do you know that's where the bomb exploded? I don't see any of the victims that were hurt near that area.

    That's the scary part of the internet. Yes they can aggregate breaking news really quickly, but they can't separate fact/rumor and the hivemind mentality takes over. A lot of people were convinced a kid named Sunil was the one behind the bombings and the Internet started leaving nasty comment about him on any rumored accounts that could be his. There was a mob mentality going out. According to reports today, part of the reason the FBI released the photos was because the internet hivemind was putting honest people in danger and spreading incorrect suspects.

    I couldn't imagine being an officer and having to sift through random photos to recreate a timeline like that. It's like playing where's waldo except all the pages in the book are at a different time and angle and different quality and you have to put them in order while tracing all your suspects (waldo) from the beginning to end of probably a 30 minutes to hour period. Painstaking process, but they felt confident on Thursday they found the suspects. And I guess it was confirmed when one of the suspects tried to charge the police with a pipe bomb friday morning
  2. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    What about the Saudi,who apparently has a family full of terrorists,that we are flying out of the country this week? He was looked at as a suspect. Then there was the arrest turned bomb scare at the court house on Wed.
  3. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    I shouldnt have used that pic. the point was that they were there with/without bags at the spot,and were fingered by whomever right away,but no one noticed a creepy looking 2 guys with bags in that area until thursday. The 2 did not appear in images until thurs,but were right in the spot where numerous other photos were posted. Thats not the only one,there are others with shots from the back,wider angles etc that do not show the 2 suspects.

    I'm also curious about the 19 yr old climbing out of the boat.
  4. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    You sound like Michael Savage now... I don't know about the Saudi. I always felt he was more than a person of interest but I'm guessing he isn't connected to anybody at Al Qaeda or in Gitmo. Apparently his last name is the 6th most common name in Saudi Arabia. Imagine if everybody with the last name Johnson was blamed for every crime commited by somebody named Johnson? Why would Obama all of a sudden start protecting Al Qaeda clowns when he's killed more high ranking Al Qaeda assholes in 5 years then his predecessor did in 8 including the head and that traitor Al Alwaki?

    As far as the arrest, there were no media outlets that knew what was going on. Just like in Newtown they took every internet rumor and ran with it as fact.
  5. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    The guy in the black jacket still has his backpack on the 2nd picture. You have to look but I can see the straps and it looks like if you look hard enough you can see the backpack behind him.

    As far as the the creepy guys we don't know how many other pictures they are in because the FBI released only the best ones.
  6. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    Ahhh...some good quotes from local Muslim leaders. The older brother has not been buried which generally is a no no in Muslim culture.

    A least one Boston cleric said he would refuse to perform funeral rites for a man accused of committing so much violence. The Quran, said Imam Talal Eid, says that anyone who has killed another human being is going to hell.

    Eid, who is imam at the Boston Islamic Institute, said he had never met the Tsarnaev brothers but questioned media accounts that Tamerlan Tsarnaev had become a devout Muslim.

    "A person who is devoted does not kill innocent people," Eid said.

    Yusufi Vali, executive director of the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center, the largest mosque in the Boston area, also rejected the Tsarnaev brothers.

    "I don't care who or what these criminals claim to be, but I can never recognize these criminals as part of my city or my faith community," he said.

    "All of us Bostonians want these criminals to be brought to justice immediately. I am infuriated at the criminals of these bombings for trying to rip our city apart. We will remain united and not let them change who we are as Bostonians."
  7. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    I can't find the link anymore, but of course it could be false, but supposedly the older brother got into an argument with an Iman at the mosque about quoting MLK because MLK wasn't Muslim.

    Found it:
  8. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    This whole thing is like walking into a room and it stinking to high hell. Someone gets called into find the smell,they check the drains,corners,everything....nothing. Then,theres this fat guy in the corner eating tacos,and they say,oh yeah,we've been feeding him tacos for years. Completely forgot about him,lets go check on him. Yup ,it's him. Seems that the the tacos have been making him fart the whole time. And whats this? Now we see he's been eating beans too. And Fajitas.Put him on a diet immediately!

    Now the people who called in the search party say,it's ok,we understand. It must have just slipped your mind. It's Mexicos fault for inventing tacos.
  9. Cappy

    Cappy Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2007
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    I really have no idea what to make of that analogy.
  10. Satire?

    Satire? Guest

    i'm just glad he didn't take up a whole page with it.
  11. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    in other words,i am concerned and curious about the fact that the FBI knew clearly about these guys. The story givin is the one we all get to live with so other than conversations sake,me trying to prove a point is pointless. If i am wrong,great. But if i am not it's a pretty scary situation on many levels.
  12. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    They knew about one guy and they interviewed him. Maybe they figured he was a joke and posed no threat. Maybe that's where his brother came in. He knew the brother wasn't on their radar so he brainwashed the kid into joining his cause.
  13. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    they didnt think he was a joke at all. Their contact was not brief at all,they have also contacted his mother according to her.
  14. hiker

    hiker Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2005
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    I wish sigs had unlimited characters, that is just fucking brilliant. Wow! And I don't mean that in a bad way...I think?
  15. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    it was pretty bad,but i was making tacos and fajitas
  16. devilonthetownhallroof

    devilonthetownhallroof 2007 TGG Fantasy Baseball League Champion

    May 26, 2004
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    Obviously fake legs. Did you see any of this so called "evidence" that he had legs prior to the marathon? This just SCREAMS "inside job".

    No, it took til Thursday for him to recover from surgery, get in touch with the FBI, have them review what he told them, cross reference the thousands of images they had, and then decide they needed the help of the public.

    Which is exactly why it was so hard to pinpoint who did it. There were thousands of people with bags there.
  17. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    I'm not sure why it "taking so long" helps the idea of a coverup/conspiracy anyways. If they nabbed the guys right away wouldn't it be worse? Then it would be "Omg how did they catch them so fast! They must have known beforehand!"
  18. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Only because of prior knowledge ofwho this guy was and how they now stick out in photos like a sore thumb
  19. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Again just because he was at the event doesn't automatically make him the bomber. They had to piece together his movements with all the photos and videos and find something that showed him with a backpack, placing the backpack in the location of the bomb, and then walking away without a backpack. Even then, you had to make sure he was leaving before the bomb went off, because after it went off sooooo many people dropped their bags and booked it away. Also, the facial recognition tech didnt' pick him up, so yeah that means they had to manually find him in each picture and follow him while following hundreds of "suspicious" people. You can't mark him a suspect without some reason to do it.

    See what happened when the internet like reddit and 4chan tried to solve it? None of them picked them up, instead they had people rushing to the FBI to say people on the internet were harrassing them and they weren't the bomber.
  20. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    There were like 5 guys within 30 feet of where the first bomb went off who were carrying black backpacks. I'll bet that if you did a study on male teens and older carrying backpacks that like 80% of them would be carrying black backpacks.

    The thing about the crowd-sourcing that bothered me right off the bat when I looked at the pages was how many people could have have fit the profile of a backpack dropping bomber. We were all going to see what our prejudices led us to see in that search and that's how the wrong guys got fingered right away in the effort.

    Then you had the OMG missing kid with a strange name who looks a bit like one of the second suspects, that's got to be him! The search would have gotten progressively more offtrack with every passing hour if the professionals hadn't finally released the info they thought most probable.

    Searching for terrorists in a crowd is not like "Where's Waldo?" even if the vast majority of private efforts looked like that was the case.
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