If that clown remains quiet the next few days then it all but proves that all his recent noise is just that.....noise. Come to think of it he would fit right into American politics...
Yeah, but if you were involved in a conspiracy to do whatever and keep it from the people wouldn't letting these guys go until late Thursday night and then letting them control events for at least an hour after everything broke be a little bit risky? It's not like social media couldn't have turned into a megaphone for whatever wild confession you think the conspirators would have cared about to be broadcast. If this was a conspiracy of some sort the patsies would have been found dead looking like they'd offed themselves with a nice little videotape nearby that tied up all the loose ends. Instead it has been a wild chaotic series of events in which the authorities have continually looked like they are on the edge and barely keeping things under control. The lock down itself reflects poorly on them in the absence of the things they either cannot or won't speak about at this point. In other words, if the conspiracy was designed to make the authorities look ineffectual and bumbling it has worked. Rah for them if that's what they were planning.
my opinion would be this is a plan B or C pinning after the others didn't work out. Sorry,but the whoe thing stinks bad. Also,no one is bringing up that wahts going on right now in Boston is completely unconstitutional
Unconstitutional? Good lord. It's not a mandate. It's not an order. It's a recommendation. You are free to do as you wish. The police/FBI are asking people not to leave their homes. For their SAFETY. Most people are complying. Because it makes sense. Unconstitutional. Unreal.
it sure does. the government has to shut these two up, because they didn't commit this bombing...they are the Newtown shooters! if they are taken alive they will destroy the government's credibility over two tragedies.
I think the gov't and in this case, Mass has done a great job so far dealing with this. This is the nightmare scenario of the unaffiliated attacker. The "Lone Wolf" scenario I think its referred to. The citizens of Greater Boston should be grateful to their first responders and in particular, their leadership from the Governor on down to the Mayor. They have alot to be proud of. I hope the kid turns himself in. He'll most likely than not be killed if he doesn't especially if he's packing a explosive like his big brother. Even if he does turn himself in, he's gone w/o any possibility of parole and at his age, death might be a better option than 70+ years in an American Federal Prison. If he chooses death, then I pray he goes out alone and takes no one with him.
It's not an easy choice, lock down vs let loose. During 9-11 there was no lockdown. Perhaps Feds played scenarios and eventually decided locking down is a better strategy. They better get the sucker soon though else panic will start with prolonged lockdown. As the offing himself.... I'm somewhat familiar with their thinking pattern. After learning those were Chechens I wasn't suprized they didn't take responsibility. And I'm sure the sucker will not commit suicide unless there is absolutely no other choice.
I heard an interview with one of the ER docs that tried to save the older one and when asked how many bullet wounds there were, the response was too many to count. I would imagine the kid was shredded right before he detonated the explosive he was carrying. Now if the younger Brother wants to go out that way, then fine. Just don't do it on a crowded bus or a Walmart or whatever. His big Bro went out in a firefight. I hope Lil bro has the stones to do the same if he's hellbent on dying.
That's exactly how it starts -- use troops and threat of persecution to make ordinary people do what they normally would not, for their own safety. "A nation that is willing to sacrifice its freedom for small piece of temporary security, does not deserve neither security nor freedom"
Searches without warrants are not unconstitutional in hot pursuit and the authorities are still treating this like a hot pursuit situation. If the authorities begin taking down grow houses and such as a result of this, then the constitutional issues will begin to emerge.