How did the police completely lose track of the kid after the 1st chase? The timeline is fucked here.
this plus the fact they robbed a 7-11 miles from the Bombing site tells me they wanted this fight. I believe someone in the media report they ambushed the MIT officer.
North Korea has completely vanished from the scope through all of this. That's worth noting in terms of looking at geo-political motivations. Dear Leader could threaten another nuclear strike at this point and it wouldn't even draw a breaking news alert.
My understanding is his brother threw a bomb/smoke grenade at the police and then charged at them and got shot. Then as he was doing this, his brother, white hat the alive one, got into the car and drove over his own brother and through the barricade and got a 5-6 block lead on the police. Also, other thing, BOLO out for a 90s Honda Odessoy. Before this it was a BOLO for a 90s Honda sedan and before that a Honda CRV.
It was the middle of the night. It was likely a split-command situation with authority diffused as the situation evolved and then hopefully more centralized command in the later hours. Everybody involved in the pursuit had their life at risk, and not just theoretically, it appears as though three law enforcement officers were shot last night at least one killed. I'm not surprised that they lost track of him. They're probably in a good place to gather him back up though. His face is splashed all over the place and there are a large number of searchers active.
I can remember the initial rumblings of NK threats that didnt get covered. It wouldnt have sold ad time at the time, IMO.
On the internet, yes. On cable news, not the channel I am on. Stuff on the internet that the Aunt, Father, and two kids were planning on going back to Russia/that area next week. Again, on cable news, nothing mentioned of this
This is creepy. Before and now pictures of Boston
They basically have two chances to take this guy alive. He's too afraid to kill himself. A vanity play if they can get within talking distance without too much risk, "don't you want the world to know why you did this?"
Maybe someone has brought this up but wanted to make sure. From the media reports about talking to the father he said that he spoke to his kids following the bombing, but then later says if his son is killed he will know it is an "inside job." Is there something being lost in translation? Did he say they admitted to doing the bombing? If so how could it be an inside job? Just seems weird to me, I don't get it.
Jahar @J_tsar 11 Apr Most of you are conditioned by the media Jahar @J_tsar 15 Apr Ain't no love in the heart of the city, stay safe people