Interesting civil liberties question presents itself with all this. How long can you lock down a city of a million people?
Ok things just took a weird turn. Clearly this was about jihad (not Chechenya). But now the father comes out and basically implies that war will break out (unlikely, but still) if White Hat is killed
yeah true, even if people don't like to admit it the nationality/ethnicity of the perpetrators was always going to be a point of interest.
The governor of Mass is a douchebag asshole. He shuts down the state when it snows and makes it illegal to leave your house. The guy is a reactionary idiot in general so this is right up his alley.
Ok, i'm just posting a theory I have: The "car jacking" was planned, the owner was a friend, and they "car-jacked" him to keep him from looking like he was involved. He was let go, unharmed, the pair had been willing to kill or attempt to kill everyone else that got in their way, yet when they forcibly steal a car, THAT is the person they let live? Again, this is just my theory, NO supporting evidence.
What else were they going to do? They committed the atrocity in their own backyard. They laid out clues that would be impossible for the authorities to miss (cap on backwards, face very visible, walking in formation together on security cams.) This was an act of great contempt towards America. They had no plans to get away because they didn't intend to. They *probably* intended to set off more bombs and kill more people after the first wave had settled some. Things didn't work out the way they expected. They got identified too quickly and probably panicked, now looking for a way out or at least to go out in a blaze of glory. They *probably* shot the MIT officer because they thought he had recognized them. The shooting was in proximity to their home as well as MIT so it is very possible that MIT was just an accidental location in their crime spree. The partial ID led them to the confrontation with the MIT officer and after that they were in getaway mode and things broke loose from there with the robbery, carjacking and escape to Watertown. It's amazing that they have not found him yet. Makes you wonder if he got away very quickly after his accomplice was killed and left the authorities locking down the wrong area.
I should rephrase, it's not the mechanic story that makes no sense it's the carjacking and mechanic story. Only one can be true.
But both will sell really well. As would another interesting twist that had nothing to do with anything.
Boston is really weird right now. I'm not sure what I should be doing or where can I go and stuff. Like I'm pretty sure I can go outside and stuff but they are strongly recommending not to do it
that is what the father is saying too. these guys shot back at police last night, nothing was staged.
Has anyone else seen the dead brothers autopsy pic yet? Its gruesome I'll post a link don't wanna embed it Here it is click at your own peril
Oh, please!!! If this happened in NJ (Republican Governor), God forbid, media would be already screaming how Christie let this happen & what role his ineptness played in allowing this tragedy come to pass. In fact, I wonder when the cook jobs who claimed Bush destroyed the twin towers are coming out of the woodwork. I mean, there's gotta be a connection to the White House, right ... :breakdance: