Sunil's family and friends made this video on youtube, apparently this kid's face is all over town as missing and like i said ABC News had a national missing piece on him [youtube]t12tfTJ10bU[/youtube] Makes little sense
Arsenal Street map:,+Watertown,+Massachusetts+02472&t=m&z=16
mike mulugeta @mikemulugeta 13 Apr You have enemies, good because that means you stood up for something April 13th
NewsBreaker @NewsBreaker 1m BREAKING PHOTO: This is one of the suspects, carrying a backpack, photographed by eyewitness @akitz
Hopefully this ends cleanly with the suspects caught instead of another officer down or something worse.
man, I've followed this the second there was a report of shots fired at MIT. Probably 3 and half hours ago. This has been fucking nuts. the Scanner was crazy during the car chase.