Obama: "Shameful Day for Washington." Shameful day indeed that a bunch of professional NRA boot-licking cowards didn't have enough gumption to support the Joe Manchin-Dem., W.Va and Pat Toomey-Rep., Pa. COMPROMISE bill and instead "stuck-to-their-guns." What really illustrates the cowardice in play here besides the NRA-backed (GOP) opposition to this bill is the fact that some Republicans (McCain) actually went against party ranks to support it while some 'rural' Democrats pussied out and voted against it. If the only good from this is that it starts to sound the death knell of 'extreme-wing' politics ruling the day (in this case the extreme right) and a return to "of the people" responsible, common sense representation, then that's small (temporary) consolation. I can't wait to see this thing hit the floor again asap. Supposedly a government OF the people, BY the people, FOR the people? 86% percent of "the people" supported this bi-partisan (compromise) bill. Loathsome Cowboys
Obama did a lot of finger-pointing given that the Democratic Senate Majority Leader voted against the bill.
It'll be back before 2014. Too many political points to be scored for it to die a natural death. The answer for now is going to be state-by-state regulation. The Newtown massacre sparked significant legislation in Connecticut. Other states that see value in background checks are going to have to act too. They will at some point.
This is an asinine comment. Go look up "motions to reconsider". Learn something in the process. Reid gains options by voting against some bills that he supports and for others that he opposes. He frequently votes the way that gives him the best tactical options as majority leader after the vote. If you watch C-SPAN's live vote tallies you will often see Reid switch his vote at the last minute, which is what he did on this one.
That should shock nobody... Harry Reid is a card carrying member of the NRA and recieves money from them for exactly this reason. http://www.harryreid.com/ee/index.p...n_manager_brandon_hall_on_nra_endorsement_in_ Reid also slipped when speaking in front of the Senate the other day when he called it "anti gun legislation"
Gun laws Montana = Joke Alaska = Joke Arkasas (Rep State and up for re-election = Joke Dakota = Joke Truth be told. If i lived in any of those back country states i too would want to be able to get a gun no questions asked. And have it very easy to carry around with me.
I obviously know about Senate procedure. Regardless, that's my exact point: Reid voting against this universally supported bill makes him just as much of a political hack as the GOPers Obama attacked. He should've grown some balls and kept his vote. Hopefully he gets defeated in a primary now. As Obama said, zero excuse to vote against something that 90% of Americans support. And if this is important enough of an issue as President Obama professed yesterday then all Democratic Senators would've stood up for what is right and voted as the majority of their constituents feel. I pity the idiots that listen to this political rhetoric and still don't realize that politicians give not one iota about your safety or well-being.
Gabby Giffords is standing up for what she believes in. Politicians who don't follow her lead are cowardly and, arguably, are taking action that condones the Giffords shooting.
Guns should be registered by serial number and bore to the owner. If your gun is used in a crime your liable. Ever gun purchase or transfer should have this just like a car. If you fail to register a sale and you're gun is used in a crime your fucked as you should be. The gun bill compromise was a tiny insignificant step. Without liability guns will continue to be sold legally and than transferred to criminals. Basic liability is the quickest way to get these gun nuts under control.
Great point, a lot of gun thefts lead to crimes and personal responsibility over that firearm needs to be inherently tied to ownership.
Most gun thefts are actually committed because people improperly store/secure their gun. (like their kid(s) steal it for cash). This would theoretically provide an incentive to report it stolen in order to avoid liability.
Reactionary BS. I am glad we are not having our freedoms stripped as easy as Obama waving his magic wand. Just wait until the drone patrols start because of the Boston tragedy. All the while 2014 and the Obamacare shit show that will rape the middle class gets swept under the rug.
I very much agree that some percentage of those who voted against it are cowards, but mixed in as well, unfortunately, is political calculation. Seeing how much trouble the immigration bill is having, this gun control defeat is at least in part another example of the GOP (or Guns Over People party) not wanting to give Obama and the Dems a legislative victory no matter what. The notion, also, that this went down despite a majority in favor, due to a filibuster, is another example of how the Congress is not working. Then there is the fact that all polls show a majority in favor of this COMPROMISE legislation - so why did it not pass? Money polluting the political system... Lobbyists having more power than the voters... fear of primary challengers outweighing the interests of the majority... The founding fathers would not be impressed, I don't think. I certainly am not. We have a Congress more suited to some banana republic or something. People should be mad about this. What a travesty.
Yeah, the freedom of some terrorist to walk in and buy a Bushmaster no questions asked. Not to mention felons and those with certified psychiatric problems. You must have been losing plenty of sleep worrying about those poor people. And their "freedom". Btw what is the NRA position on drones? Heh. And Obamacare will benefit the middle class.
Criminals don't pay attention to gun laws. They never have and never will. Go ask a cop how many gun crimes they see with registered guns. Gun control is fucking stupid.